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Core Release

Sean Albert edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

Prepare Release

  1. Create a new branch from master with a name that follows the format of yyyy-mm-dd-release
  2. In most cases you'll be able to merge dev into this branch, sometimes you may be creating a release from cherry-picking commits from dev
  3. Create a new release report with ZenHub
  4. Open a PR to merge into master
Screen Shot 2022-07-26 at 8 26 29 PM 5. Review the commit history of dev since the last release and add each issue to the release. Add any PRs directly to the release only if their isn't a related issue 6. Add the report to the PRs description 7. Have the release PR reviewed


  1. Merge the release branch into master
  2. Checkout the master branch and make sure it's up-to-date
  3. Using lerna, version bump and publish the core packages to NPM

Post Release

  1. Since we want to dev's versions to be sequential from the new release, create a branch from dev with the naming convention yyyy-mm-dd-sync-master
  2. Sync master to this branch
  3. Open a PR with this branch to merge into core dev and merge