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File metadata and controls

399 lines (291 loc) · 22 KB

BFS: A distributed file system in Bloom

In this document we'll use what we've learned to build a piece of systems software using Bloom. The libraries that ship with Bud provide many of the building blocks we'll need to create a distributed, ``chunked'' file system in the style of the Google File System (GFS):

High-level architecture

BFS Architecture

BFS implements a chunked, distributed file system (mostly) in the Bloom language. BFS is architecturally based on BOOM-FS, which is itself based on the Google File System (GFS). As in GFS, a single master node manages file system metadata, while data blocks are replicated and stored on a large number of storage nodes. Writing or reading data involves a multi-step protocol in which clients interact with the master, retrieving metadata and possibly changing state, then interact with storage nodes to read or write chunks. Background jobs running on the master will contact storage nodes to orchestrate chunk migrations, during which storage nodes communicate with other storage nodes. As in BOOM-FS, the communication protocols and the data channel used for bulk data transfer between clients and datanodes and between datanodes is written outside Bloom (in Ruby).

Before we worry about any of the details of distribution, we need to implement the basic file system metadata operations: create, remove, mkdir and ls. There are many choices for how to implement these operations, and it makes sense to keep them separate from the (largely orthogonal) distributed file system logic. That way, it will be possible later to choose a different implementation of the metadata operations without impacting the rest of the system. Another benefit of modularizing the metadata logic is that it can be independently tested and debugged. We want to get the core of the file system working correctly before we even send a whisper over the network, let alone add any complex features.


module FSProtocol
  state do
    interface input, :fsls, [:reqid, :path]
    interface input, :fscreate, [] => [:reqid, :name, :path, :data]
    interface input, :fsmkdir, [] => [:reqid, :name, :path]
    interface input, :fsrm, [] => [:reqid, :name, :path]
    interface output, :fsret, [:reqid, :status, :data]

We create an input interface for each of the operations, and a single output interface for the return for any operation: given a request id, status is a boolean indicating whether the request succeeded, and data may contain return values (e.g., fsls should return an array containing the array contents).


We already have a library that provides an updateable flat namespace: the key-value store. We can easily implement the tree structure of a file system over a key-value store in the following way:

  1. keys are paths
  2. directories have arrays containing child entries (base names)
  3. files values are their contents

Note that (3) is a strawman: it will cease to apply when we implement chunked storage later. It is tempting, however, to support (3) so that the resulting program is a working standalone file system.

We begin our implementation of a KVS-backed metadata system in the following way:

module KVSFS
  include FSProtocol
  include BasicKVS
  include TimestepNonce

If we wanted to replicate the master node's metadata we could consider mixing in a replicated KVS implementation instead of BasicKVS -- but more on that later.

Directory Listing

The directory listing operation is implemented by a simple block of Bloom statements:

    kvget <= fsls { |l| [l.reqid, l.path] }
    fsret <= (kvget_response * fsls).pairs(:reqid => :reqid) { |r, i| [r.reqid, true, r.value] }
    fsret <= fsls  do |l|
      unless{ |r| r.reqid}.include? l.reqid
        [l.reqid, false, nil]

If we get a fsls request, probe the key-value store for the requested by projecting reqid, path from the fsls tuple into kvget. If the given path is a key, kvget_response will contain a tuple with the same reqid, and the join on the second line will succeed. In this case, we insert the value associated with that key into fsret. Otherwise, the third rule will fire, inserting a failure tuple into fsret.


The logic for file and directory creation and deletion follow a similar logic with regard to the parent directory:

    check_parent_exists <= fscreate { |c| [c.reqid,, c.path, :create,] }
    check_parent_exists <= fsmkdir { |m| [m.reqid,, m.path, :mkdir, nil] }
    check_parent_exists <= fsrm { |m| [m.reqid,, m.path, :rm, nil] }

    kvget <= check_parent_exists { |c| [c.reqid, c.path] }
    fsret <= check_parent_exists  do |c|
      unless{ |r| r.reqid}.include? c.reqid
        puts "not found #{c.path}" or [c.reqid, false, "parent path #{c.path} for #{} does not exist"]

Unlike a directory listing, however, these operations change the state of the file system. In general, any state change will involve carrying out two mutating operations to the key-value store atomically:

  1. update the value (child array) associated with the parent directory entry
  2. update the key-value pair associated with the object in question (a file or directory being created or destroyed).

The following Bloom code carries this out:

    temp :dir_exists <= (check_parent_exists * kvget_response * nonce).combos([check_parent_exists.reqid, kvget_response.reqid])
    fsret <= dir_exists do |c, r, n|
      if c.mtype == :rm
        unless{|can| can.orig_reqid}.include? c.reqid
          [c.reqid, false, "directory #{} not empty"]

    # update dir entry
    # note that it is unnecessary to ensure that a file is created before its corresponding
    # directory entry, as both inserts into :kvput below will co-occur in the same timestep.
    kvput <= dir_exists do |c, r, n|
      if c.mtype == :rm
        if{|can| can.orig_reqid}.include? c.reqid
          [ip_port, c.path, n.ident, r.value.clone.reject{|item| item ==}]
        [ip_port, c.path, n.ident, r.value.clone.push(]

    kvput <= dir_exists do |c, r, n|
      case c.mtype
        when :mkdir
          [ip_port, terminate_with_slash(c.path) +, c.reqid, []]
        when :create
          [ip_port, terminate_with_slash(c.path) +, c.reqid, "LEAF"]

Note that because both inserts into the kvput collection use the synchronous operator (<=), we know that they will occur together in the same fixpoint computation or not at all. Therefore we need not be concerned with explicitly sequencing the operations (e.g., ensuring that the directory entries is created after the file entry) to deal with concurrency: there can be no visible state of the database in which only one of the operations has succeeded.

If the request is a deletion, we need some additional logic to enforce the constraint that only an empty directory may be removed:

    check_is_empty <= (fsrm * nonce).pairs {|m, n| [n.ident, m.reqid, terminate_with_slash(m.path) +] }
    kvget <= check_is_empty {|c| [c.reqid,] }
    can_remove <= (kvget_response * check_is_empty).pairs([kvget_response.reqid, check_is_empty.reqid]) do |r, c|
      [c.reqid, c.orig_reqid,] if r.value.length == 0
    # delete entry -- if an 'rm' request,
    kvdel <= dir_exists do |c, r, n|
      if{|can| can.orig_reqid}.include? c.reqid
        [terminate_with_slash(c.path) +, c.reqid]

Recall that when we created KVSFS we mixed in TimestepNonce, one of the nonce libraries. While we were able to use the reqid field from the input operation as a unique identifier for one of our KVS operations, we need a fresh, unique request id for the second KVS operation in the atomic pair described above. By joining nonce, we get an identifier that is unique to this timestep.

Now that we have a module providing a basic file system, we can extend it to support chunked storage of file contents. The metadata master will contain, in addition to the KVS structure for directory information, a relation mapping a set of chunk identifiers to each file

    table :chunk, [:chunkid, :file, :siz]

and relations associating a chunk with a set of datanodes that host a replica of the chunk.

    table :chunk_cache, [:node, :chunkid, :time]

(JMH: ambiguous reference ahead "these latter") The latter (defined in HBMaster) is soft-state, kept up to data by heartbeat messages from datanodes (described in the next section).

To support chunked storage, we add a few metadata operations to those already defined by FSProtocol:

module ChunkedFSProtocol
  include FSProtocol

  state do
    interface :input, :fschunklist, [:reqid, :file]
    interface :input, :fschunklocations, [:reqid, :chunkid]
    interface :input, :fsaddchunk, [:reqid, :file]
    # note that no output interface is defined.
    # we use :fsret (defined in FSProtocol) for output.
  • fschunklist returns the set of chunks belonging to a given file.
  • fschunklocations returns the set of datanodes in possession of a given chunk.
  • fsaddchunk returns a new chunkid for appending to an existing file, guaranteed to be higher than any existing chunkids for that file, and a list of candidate datanodes that can store a replica of the new chunk.

We continue to use fsret for return values.


Lines 34-44 are a similar pattern to what we saw in the basic FS: whenever we get a fschunklist or fsaddchunk request, we must first ensure that the given file exists, and error out if not. If it does, and the operation was fschunklist, we join the metadata relation chunk and return the set of chunks owned by the given (existent) file:

    chunk_buffer <= (fschunklist * kvget_response * chunk).combos([fschunklist.reqid, kvget_response.reqid], [fschunklist.file, chunk.file]) { |l, r, c| [l.reqid, c.chunkid] }
    chunk_buffer2 <=[chunk_buffer.reqid], accum(chunk_buffer.chunkid))
    fsret <= chunk_buffer2 { |c| [c.reqid, true, c.chunklist] }

Add chunk

If it was a fsaddchunk request, we need to generate a unique id for a new chunk and return a list of target datanodes. We reuse TimestepNonce to do the former, and join a relation called available that is exported by HBMaster (described in the next section) for the latter:

    temp :minted_chunk <= (kvget_response * fsaddchunk * available * nonce).combos(kvget_response.reqid => fsaddchunk.reqid) {|r| r if last_heartbeat.length >= REP_FACTOR}
    chunk <= minted_chunk { |r, a, v, n| [n.ident, a.file, 0]}
    fsret <= minted_chunk { |r, a, v, n| [r.reqid, true, [n.ident, v.pref_list.slice(0, (REP_FACTOR + 2))]]}
    fsret <= (kvget_response * fsaddchunk).pairs(:reqid => :reqid) do |r, a|
      if available.empty? or available.first.pref_list.length < REP_FACTOR
        [r.reqid, false, "datanode set cannot satisfy REP_FACTOR = #{REP_FACTOR} with [#{available.first.nil? ? "NIL" : available.first.pref_list.inspect}]"]

Finally, it was a fschunklocations request, we have another possible error scenario, because the nodes associated with chunks are a part of our soft state. Even if the file exists, it may not be the case that we have fresh information in our cache about what datanodes own a replica of the given chunk:

    fsret <= fschunklocations do |l|
      unless{|c| c.chunkid}.include? l.chunkid
        [l.reqid, false, "no datanodes found for #{l.chunkid} in cc, now #{chunk_cache_alive.length}, with last_hb #{last_heartbeat.length}"]

Otherwise, chunk_cache has information about the given chunk, which we may return to the client:

    temp :chunkjoin <= (fschunklocations * chunk_cache_alive).pairs(:chunkid => :chunkid)
    host_buffer <= chunkjoin {|l, c| [l.reqid, c.node] }
    host_buffer2 <=[host_buffer.reqid], accum(
    fsret <= host_buffer2 {|c| [c.reqid, true, c.hostlist] }

Datanodes and Heartbeats

A datanode runs both Bud code (to support the heartbeat and control protocols) and pure Ruby (to support the data transfer protocol). A datanode's main job is keeping the master aware of it existence and its state, and participating when necessary in data pipelines to read or write chunk data to and from its local storage.

module BFSDatanode
  include HeartbeatAgent
  include StaticMembership
  include TimestepNonce
  include BFSHBProtocol

By mixing in HeartbeatAgent, the datanode includes the machinery necessary to regularly send status messages to the master. HeartbeatAgent provides an input interface called payload that allows an agent to optionally include additional information in heartbeat messages: in our case, we wish to include state deltas which ensure that the master has an accurate view of the set of chunks owned by the datanode.

When a datanode is constructed, it takes a port at which the embedded data protocol server will listen, and starts the server in the background:

    @dp_server =
    return_address <+ [["localhost:#{dataport}"]]

At regular intervals, a datanode polls its local chunk directory (which is independently written to by the data protocol):

    dir_contents <= hb_timer.flat_map do |t|
      dir ="#{DATADIR}/#{@data_port}")
      files ={|d| d.to_i unless d =~ /^\./}.uniq!
      dir.close {|f| [f, Time.parse(t.val).to_f]}

We update the payload that we send to the master if our recent poll found files that we don't believe the master knows about:

    to_payload <= (dir_contents * nonce).pairs do |c, n|
      unless{|s| s.file}.include? c.file
        #puts "BCAST #{c.file}; server doesn't know" or [n.ident, c.file, c.time]
        [n.ident, c.file, c.time]
        #puts "server knows about #{server_knows.length} files"

Our view of what the master ``knows'' about reflects our local cache of acknowledgement messages from the master. This logic is defined in HBMaster.

On the master side of heartbeats, we always send an ack when we get a heartbeat, so that the datanode doesn't need to keep resending its payload of local chunks:

    hb_ack <~ do |l|
      [l.sender, l.payload[0]] unless l.payload[1] == [nil]

At the same time, we use the Ruby flat_map method to flatten the array of chunks in the heartbeat payload into a set of tuples, which we associate with the heartbeating datanode and the time of receipt in chunk_cache:

    chunk_cache <= (master_duty_cycle * last_heartbeat).flat_map do |d, l| 
      unless l.payload[1].nil?
        l.payload[1].map do |pay|
          [l.peer, pay, Time.parse(d.val).to_f]

We periodically garbage-collect this cache, removing entries for datanodes from whom we have not received a heartbeat in a configurable amount of time. last_heartbeat is an output interface provided by the HeartbeatAgent module, and contains the most recent, non-stale heartbeat contents:

    chunk_cache <-(master_duty_cycle * chunk_cache).pairs do |t, c|
      c unless{|h| h.peer}.include? c.node

One of the most complicated parts of the basic GFS design is the client component. To minimize load on the centralized master, we take it off the critical path of file transfers. The client therefore needs to pick up this work.

We won't spend too much time on the details of the client code, as it is nearly all plain old Ruby. The basic idea is:

  1. Pure metadata operations
    • mkdir, create, ls, rm
    • Send the request to the master and inform the caller of the status.
    • If ls, return the directory listing to the caller.
  2. Append
    • Send a fsaddchunk request to the master, which should return a new chunkid and a list of datanodes.
    • Read a chunk worth of data from the input stream.
    • Connect to the first datanode in the list. Send a header containing the chunkid and the remaining datanodes.
    • Stream the file contents. The target datanode will then ``play client'' and continue the pipeline to the next datanode, and so on.
  3. Read
    • Send a getchunks request to the master for the given file. It should return the list of chunks owned by the file.
    • For each chunk,
      • Send a fschunklocations request to the master, which should return a list of datanodes in possession of the chunk (returning a list allows the client to perform retries without more communication with the master, should some of the datanodes fail).
      • Connect to a datanode from the list and stream the chunk to a local buffer.
    • As chunks become available, stream them to the caller.

The data transfer protocol comprises a set of support functions for the bulk data transfer protocol whose use is described in the previous section. Because it is plain old Ruby it is not as interesting as the other modules. It provides:

  • The TCP server code that runs at each datanode, which parses headers and writes stream data to the local FS (these files are later detected by the directory poll).
  • Client API calls to connect to datanodes and stream data. Datanodes also use this protocol to pipeline chunks to downstream datanodes.
  • Master API code invoked by a background process to replicate chunks from datanodes to other datanodes, when the replication factor for a chunk is too low.

So far, we have implemented the BFS master as a strictly reactive system: when clients make requests, it queries and possibly updates local state. To maintain the durability requirement that REP_FACTOR copies of every chunk are stored on distinct nodes, the master must be an active system that maintains a near-consistent view of global state, and takes steps to correct violated requirements.

chunk_cache is the master's view of datanode state, maintained as described by collecting and pruning heartbeat messages.
After defining some helper aggregates (chunk_cnts_chunk or replica count by chunk, and chunk_cnt_host or datanode fill factor),

    cc_demand <= (bg_timer * chunk_cache_alive).rights
    cc_demand <= (bg_timer * last_heartbeat).pairs {|b, h| [h.peer, nil, nil]}
    chunk_cnts_chunk <=[cc_demand.chunkid], count(cc_demand.node))
    chunk_cnts_host <=[cc_demand.node], count(cc_demand.chunkid))

we define lowchunks as the set of chunks whose replication factor is too low:

    lowchunks <= chunk_cnts_chunk { |c| [c.chunkid] if c.replicas < REP_FACTOR and !c.chunkid.nil?}

We define chosen_dest for a given underreplicated chunk as the datanode with the lowest fill factor that is not already in possession of the chunk:

    sources <= (cc_demand * lowchunks).pairs(:chunkid => :chunkid) {|a, b| [a.chunkid, a.node]}
    # nodes not in possession of such chunks, and their fill factor
    candidate_nodes <= (chunk_cnts_host * lowchunks).pairs do |c, p|
      unless{|a| a.node if a.chunkid == p.chunkid}.include?
        [p.chunkid,, c.chunks]

    best_dest <= candidate_nodes.argagg(:min, [candidate_nodes.chunkid], candidate_nodes.chunks)
    chosen_dest <=[best_dest.chunkid], choose(

and the best_src as any arbitrary node that is in possession of the chunk:

    best_src <=[sources.chunkid], choose(

Finally, we initiate a background replication job for a given chunk by inserting the chosen chunkid, source and destination into copy_chunk

    copy_chunk <= (chosen_dest * best_src).pairs(:chunkid => :chunkid) do |d, s|