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Exercise 7: chain

Kevin Schuchard edited this page May 2, 2019 · 8 revisions

Checkout branch

Checkout the chain branch:

npm run clean

git checkout -f chain

Chain multiple rules into a single rule.

In the src/schematic-starter/index.ts file:

  1. In the main function, return the chain method and include the addFiles Rule function. Invoke with the tree and context to return a Tree.
return chain([addFiles(_options)])(tree, _context);

Refactor return type to use mergeWith

In the addFiles helper function:

  1. Use mergeWith to return the source files and accompanying Rule's. With mergeWith, you can merge an input tree with the source passed in returning a Rule
const templateSource = apply(url("./files"), [

return mergeWith(templateSource);

Execute with the Sandbox

npm test

You should have the three component files added to the sandbox at sandbox/src/app/components.

Extend another schematic

In the chain method add another input to execute an external schematic:

example: externalSchematic('@schuchard/prettier', 'add', {})

return chain([addFiles(_options), externalSchematic('@schuchard/prettier', 'add', {})])(

Execute with the Sandbox

npm test

You should have added the files and setup Prettier.

Bonus - Run the sandbox

  1. Open the sandbox/src/app/app.module.ts file and add the new component to the module declarations.
  2. Open the sandbox/src/app/app.component.html file and replace the HTML with the new component selector.

If you choose the default name prompt you would use NgConfComponent and <app-ng-conf></app-ng-conf> for the above steps.

  1. cd sandbox
  2. npm start