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Blue Triangle SDK for iOS

Blue Triangle analytics SDK for iOS.


Installation using Swift Packages Manager

To integrate BlueTriangle using Swift Packages Manager into your iOS project, you need to follow these steps:

Go to File > Add Packages…, enter the package repository URL, and click Add Package.

Xcode 11 - 12: go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency… and enter the package repository URL, then follow the instructions.

Installation using CocoaPods

To integrate BlueTriangle using CocoaPods into your iOS project, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open 'Podfile' in text mode and specify following commands:
   pod 'BlueTriangleSDK-Swift'     
  1. Save the Podfile and run the following command in the terminal to install the dependencies:
   pod install     



Before sending timers you must first configure BlueTriangle. It is recommended to do this in your AppDelegate.application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method:

BlueTriangle.configure { config in
    config.siteID = "MY_SITE_ID"
    config.isReturningVisitor = true
    config.abTestID = "MY_AB_TEST_ID"
    config.campaignMedium = "MY_CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM"
    config.campaignName = "MY_CAMPAIGN_NAME"
    config.campaignSource = "MY_CAMPAIGN_SOURCE"
    config.dataCenter = "MY_DATA_CENTER"
    config.trafficSegmentName = "MY_SEGMENT_NAME"
    config.crashTracking = .nsException
    config.performanceMonitorSampleRate = 1.0


To measure the duration of a user interaction, initialize a Page object describing that interaction and pass it to BlueTriangle.startTimer(page:timerType) to receive a running timer instance.

let page = Page(pageName: "MY_PAGE")
let timer = BlueTriangle.startTimer(page: page)

If you need to defer the start of the timer, pass your Page instance to BlueTriangle.makeTimer(page:timerType) and call the timer's start() method when you are ready to start timing:

let page = Page(pageName: "MY_PAGE")
let timer = BlueTriangle.makeTimer(page: page)

In both cases, pass your timer to BlueTriangle.endTimer(_:purchaseConfirmation:) to send it to the Blue Triangle server.


Running timers are automatically stopped when passed to BlueTriangle.endTimer(_:purchaseConfirmation:), though you can end timing earlier by calling the timer's end() method.

// You must still pass the timer to `BlueTriangle.endTimer(_:)` to send it to the Blue Triangle server

For timers that are associated with checkout, create a PurchaseConfirmation object to pass along with the timer to BlueTriangle.endTimer(_:purchaseConfirmation:):

let purchaseConfirmation = PurchaseConfirmation(cartValue: 99.00)
BlueTriangle.endTimer(timer, purchaseConfirmation: purchaseConfirmation)

Timer Types

BlueTriangle.makeTimer(page:timerType:) and BlueTriangle.startTimer(page:timerType:) have a timerType parameter to specify the type of the timer they return. By default, both methods return main timers with the type BTTimer.TimerType.main. When network capture is enabled, requests made with one of the bt-prefixed URLSession methods will be associated with the last main timer to have been started at the time the request completes. It is recommended to only have a single main timer running at any given time. If you need overlapping timers, create additional custom timers by specifying a BTTimer.TimerType.custom timer type:

let mainTimer = BlueTriangle.startTimer(page: Page(pageName: "MY_PAGE"))
let customTimer = BlueTriangle.startTimer(page: Page(pageName: "MY_OTHER_TIMER"), timerType: .custom)
// ...
// ...

Network Capture

The Blue Triangle SDK supports capturing network requests using either the NetworkCaptureSessionDelegate or bt-prefixed URLSession methods.

To enable network capture, first configure the SDK with a non-zero network sample rate:

BlueTriangle.configure { config in
    config.networkSampleRate = 0.05

A value of 0.05, for example, means that network capture will be randomly enabled for 5% of user sessions. Network requests using a URLSession with a NetworkCaptureSessionDelegate or made with one of the bt-prefixed URLSession methods will be associated with the last main timer to have been started at the time a request completes. Note that requests are only captured after at least one main timer has been started and they are not associated with a timer until the request ends.


You can use NetworkCaptureSessionDelegate or a subclass as your URLSession delegate to gather information about network requests when network capture is enabled:

let sesssion = URLSession(
    configuration: .default,
    delegate: NetworkCaptureSessionDelegate(),
    delegateQueue: nil)

let timer = BlueTriangle.startTimer(page: Page(pageName: "MY_PAGE"))
let (data, response) = try await URL(string: "")!)

URLSession Methods

Alternatively, use bt-prefixed URLSession methods to capture network requests:

Standard Network Capture
URLSession.dataTask(with:completionHandler:) URLSession.btDataTask(with:completionHandler:) URLSession.btData(for:delegate:)
URLSession.dataTaskPublisher(for:) URLSession.btDataTaskPublisher(for:)

Use these methods just as you would their standard counterparts:

let timer = BlueTriangle.startTimer(page: Page(pageName: "MY_PAGE"))
URLSession.shared.btDataTask(with: URL(string: "")!) { data, response, error in
    // ...

Mannual Network Capture

For other network capture requirements, captured requests can be manually created and submitted to the tracker.

let tracker = NetworkCaptureTracker.init(url: "", method: "post", requestBodylength: 9130)
tracker.submit(200, responseBodyLength: 11120, contentType: "json")

Screen View Tracking

All UIViewControllers view count can be tracked. Setting "enableScreenTracking"  configuration property to true will capture view counts of every UIViewController in your app. You can see each view controller name with there count on our dashboard.

 BlueTriangle.configure { config in
         config.enableScreenTracking = true

SwiftUI views are not captured automatically. You need to call bttTrackScreen() modifier on each view which you want to track. Below example show usage of "bttTrackScreen(_ screenName: String)" to track About Us screen.

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            Text("Hello, world!")

ANR Detection

ANR(Application Not Responding) detects to main thread in which an app becomes unresponsive or stops responding to user input for an extended period of time. It can be enabled by setting "ANRMonitoring" configuration property to "true". And it can set Interval, to consider it an ANR situation by setting "ANRWarningTimeInterval" configuration property as shown below.

 BlueTriangle.configure { config in
         config.ANRMonitoring = true
         config.ANRWarningTimeInterval = 3

By default, the ANR interval is set to 5 seconds.

Memory Warning

Track ios reported low memory worning. iOS reported meory wornings can be tracked by btt. It can be enabled by setting "enableMemoryWarning" configuration property to "true".

 BlueTriangle.configure { config in
         config.enableMemoryWarning = true

Network State Capture

BlueTriangle SDK allows capturing of network state data. Network state refers to the availability of any network interfaces on the device. Network interfaces include wifi, ethernet, cellular, etc. Once Network state capturing is enabled, the Network state is associated with all Timers, Errors and Network Requests captured by the SDK.

To enable Network state capture, use the enableTrackingNetworkState property on the configuration object as follows

 BlueTriangle.configure { config in
         config.enableTrackingNetworkState = true

Offline Caching

Offline caching is a feature that allows the BTT sdk to keep track of timers and other analytics data while the app is in offline mode. i.e, the BTT sdk cannot access the tracker urls.

There is a memory limit as well as an expiration duration put on the cached data. If the cache exceeds the memory limit then additional tracker data will be added only after removing some old cached data. Similarly, cache data that has been stored for longer than the expiration duration would be discarded and won't be sent to the tracker server.

Memory limit and Expiry Duration can be set by using configuration property cacheMemoryLimit and cacheExpiryDuration as shown bellow:``

 BlueTriangle.configure { config in
            config.cacheMemoryLimit = 50 * 1024 (Bytes)
            config.cacheExpiryDuration = 50 * 60 * 1000 (Milisecond)

By default, the cacheMemoryLimit is set to 2 days and cacheExpiryDuration is set to 30 MB.

WebView Tracking

Websites shown in webview that are tracked by BlueTriangle can be tracked in the same session as the native app. To achieve this, follow the steps below to configure the WebView:

  1. Import BlueTriangle in the hosting iOS WebView class:
    import BlueTriangle
  1. Conform to the WKNavigationDelegate protocol and implement the 'webView(_:didCommit:)' method as follows.
  func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didCommit navigation: WKNavigation!) {
      BTTWebViewTracker.webView(webView, didCommit: navigation)

or if you already have a WKNavigationDelegate porotool, just call the 'BTTWebViewTracker.webView(webView, didCommit: navigation)' in it's 'webView(_:didCommit:)' method.