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Easily create and configure a browser-sync + nunjucks server for serving static pages on the fly during template development


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Easily create and configure a browser-sync + nunjucks server for serving static pages on the fly during template development


npm install nunjucks-browsersync-server



Server module


Start a nunjucks-browsersync-server instance

Kind: static method of server

Param Type Default Description
config Object
[config.staticPath] String A path containing static assets you want to serve along with your nunjucks pages
[config.basePort] Number 8020 The port you want the server to start looking for available ports to serve on. The browser-sync ui server will start on the next port after the one that the server starts on
config.nunjucks Object An object of nunjucks configuration options
config.nunjucks.root string The root path where your nunjucks files are
config.nunjucks.renderPath string The folder name of the pages folder you want to render on the server. Is also used to match the urls under which you want nunjucks to render
[] function A function returning the data you want to pass to the nunjucks templates
[config.nunjucks.globals] Object Any other nunjucks globals you want to add
[config.nunjucks.extension] string "'.njk'" The extension to match for nunjucks files
[config.nunjucks.configureEnv] function A function that exposes the nunjucks environment instance in order to directly manipulate it if necessary
[config.browserSync] Object browser-sync configuration optiosn to mix with the defaults. See browser-sync docs.


// Imagine a directory structure
// - assets
// - html
// -- pages
// --- page-1.njk
// -- layouts
// -- partials
// -- data.json

var server = require('nunjucks-browsersync-server')

  staticPath: './assets',
  browsersync: {
    files: ['./assets/**', './html/**']
  nunjucks: {
    root: './html',
    renderPath: 'pages',
    globals: require('../nunjucks'),
    data: require('./html/data.json')

// Now you can go to localhost:8020/pages/page-1.html and it will render the nunjucks page at './html/pages/page-1.njk' on the fly

Contributing to nunjucks-browsersync-server

Standard JS applies

camelCase for function and variable names

Github Flow - branch, submit pull requests

Getting set up

  • Pull the repo
  • run npm install
  • run gulp to build from index.es6.js to the compiled index.js file


Easily create and configure a browser-sync + nunjucks server for serving static pages on the fly during template development







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