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This script is intended to convert the NCBI tsv file format into xml format, and submit it through an ftp upload.

Script Prerequisites

Before running the script, you will need to do the following steps:

  1. Run `npm install`
  2. Modify the "src/config.js" file to enter your: A. FTP connection information B. Organization information C. Submitter information
  3. Move the TSV files you would like converted into the "files" folder

How to Use


node main.js -i=sample.tsv -c="this is a comment" --uploadFolder=folder
node main.js -i=sample.tsv --runTestMode --debug --force
node main.js --uploadFiles=sample.tsv,submission.xml -poll=1
node main.js --uploadFiles=sample.tsv,submission.xml -poll=disabled
Parameter flag Required Type Default Value Description
help -h print help table
submissionType string BioSample 'BioSample' or 'SRA'
submissionDataType 'autodetect-xml', 'generic-data' , 'phenotype-table' , ... (to see full list, run without specifying value) , default is 'generic-data' generic-data If uploading a file, what type of content does the file contain
submissionFileLoc string if a filename column exists in the tsv file, prepend this string to the filename provided (for indicating folder or path or source of file, ex: 'gs://example_paper_sra/')
bioproject string bioproject reference ID default value if tsv file does not contain a row with this information.
inputFilename -i (required) string filename for the tsv file to be uploaded
uploadFiles -f (required) string (Either input filename or uploadFiles is required, but not both) comma separated list of files to upload
outputFilename -o string filename to write the generated xml file to. Default value will use inputFilename
uploadFolder -u string if provided, the generated xml file will be uploaded through ftp to the specified folder
uploadComment -c string description or comment about this submission
uploaded false Poll and check reports for a request that has already been uploaded
poll '(number)' | 'all' | 'disabled' all Poll until either this report number is hit or poll until all requests have been completed
processReport -r string filename for report to convert to tsv - If upload folder is included, it will be downloaded from the FTP, otherwise, the script will look in the local files
releaseDate -d datestring All data in this submission is requested to be publicly released on or after this date; example: '2017-01-01'
runTestMode Run the script in test mode (aka: skip ftp upload)
debug Show verbose logging details
force Force upload and processing, even when validation fails

Going through the flow:

  1. drop your file into the "/files".
  2. from the root, run node src/main.js -i=sample.tsv -c="this is a comment" --uploadFolder=folder --runTestMode=true
  3. The script will now generate "sample-submission.xml" from your sample.tsv file, and save it in /files.
  4. If you choose an upload folder, the script will also generate a "sample-attributes.tsv" file from the "sample-report.xml" file

Example Usages

  • Generate a biosample submission:
    • Generate a sample-submission.xml file from biosample-example.tsv
    • Upload to ftp:/path/to/folder/submission.xml
    • Poll until submission processing has been completed
    • node main.js -i=sample.tsv --uploadFolder=ftp:/path/to/folder
  • Generate a genbank submission:
    • Upload content.tsv and submission.xml to /path/to/folder
    • and submission.xml should be locally at ./files
    • Poll until report.1.xml is generated
    • node main.js,submission.xml --uploadFolder=ftp:/path/to/folder -poll=1
  • Generate an SRA submission:
    • Generate a sample-submission.xml file from sra-example.tsv
    • node src/main.js -i=tests/sra-example.tsv --submissionType=sra --bioproject=PRJNA535086 --submissionFileLoc=gs://sdf -uploadFolder=/submit/Test/sra-test
  • Generate a tsv file from a report.xml file
    • convert report.5.xml file into report-attributes.tsv
    • report.5.xml should be located in ./reports
    • node main.js --inputFilename=sample.tsv --processReport=report.5.xml


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