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VBA Code Guidelines

General Advice

Always use Option Explicit as the first line in every code module. To switch this on automatically check Require Variable Declaration in Tools>Options>Editor.


Avoid confusion over ByVal and ByRef. Be aware of the default for parameters being ByRef. Be explicit when passing parameters.

  • [Force] Only use ByRef where you intend to modify the parameter and pass the change back to the Caller.
  • [Force] Pass parameter ByVal if they are not to be changes
  • [Suggest] Explicitly use ByRef in an input parameter is to be changed, but watch for signs to redesign.

Pass by Reference example:

Private Sub ChangeRefValue()
    Dim intX As Integer
    intX = 1
    Debug.Print intX    ' print value of intX is 1

    Call ChangeValueByRef(intX)

    Debug.Print intX    ' print value of intX is 6
End Sub

Sub ChangeValueByRef(ByRef intY As Integer)
    intY = intY + 5
End Sub

Pass by Value example:

Public Sub Load(ByVal strName As String, ByVal strPhone As String)

General errors

Error handling must be used wherever practicable i.e. within each procedure. Use On Error Goto ErrHandler Handle errors where they occur. This may involve handling the error and raising it to the client code.



[Force] Where global variables are used, they must all be defined in one module.

[Force] Hard-coded(Magic) numbers and strings should be made into constants.

[Force] Use explicit data casting fcuntion Cstr(), CDate(), Cbool() etc.


[Force] Variables must be dimensioned on separate lines, and should specify a datatype (except where this is not possible – as when using certain scripting languages).


[Suggest] All variables must be declared at the top of each procedure or module and must ideally be grouped so that all variable types are placed together.


[Suggest] Variants may be used where appropriate (e.g. to hold arrays returned by a function, or where Nulls may be encountered), but alternative data types should be used where possible.

[Suggest] Advoid using Variants data type unless absolutely necessary. Variants are slower then native types, when there's large dataset or a big macro project.


[Force] Where dates are displayed to users you should avoid ambiguous formats where either years or days vs. months might be confused (such as DD/MM/YY), however the ultimate decision maker on this issue is the customer.

Where dates are being handled “behind the scenes” care should be taken to avoid UK/US format confusion. Particular care should be taken when including UK-format dates in literal SQL strings (where the target Microsoft application may expect dates to be in US format). Where there is the slightest possibility of doubt pass the year, month and day parts separately into DateSerial, of format them in the universally acceptable ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

General Naming Conventions


Object names are made up of four parts: prefix tag base name qualifier The four parts are assembled as follows: [prefixes]tag[BaseName][qualifier] Note: The brackets denote that these components are optional and are not part of the name.


Prefixes and tags are always lowercase so your eye goes past them to the first uppercase letter where the base name begins. This makes the names more readable. The base and qualifier components begin with an uppercase letter.

Prefix Use Notes
None Local to procedure No scope prefix as in: dblMaximum
m_ Module level scope m_strPolicyHolder
g_ Global scope g_intCarsLast


The tag is the only required component, but in almost all cases the name will have the base name component since you need to be able to distinguish two objects of the same type.

Variable type Tag Notes
Boolean bln blnFound
Byte byt bytRasterData
Currency cur curRevenue
Date (Time) dat datStart
Double dbl dblTolerance
Enum enm enmColours
Integer int intQuantity
Long lng lngDistance
Single sng sngAverage
String str strFName
User-defined type udt udtEmployee
Variant var varCheckSum

[suggest] To avoid defining an ambiguous variable, it is strongly suggest to use 3-letter abbreviations instead of using a single-letter abbreviations

Positive Example:

Dim intProductID As Integer

Negative Example:

Dim iProductID As Integer   ' Too short abbreviative tag definition
Dim orderID As Integer      ' Meaningless definition

Base name

The base name succinctly describes the object, not its class. That is, a base name for a variable for an invoice form must be InvoiceEntry not InvoiceForm as the tag will describe the object. The base name is composed in the form Noun[Verb]. For example, in the variable name blnColourMatch "ColourMatch" is the base name. Naming variables in this way helps to keep them grouped together in documentation and cross-referencing because they will be sorted together alphabetically.


Object qualifiers may follow a name and further clarify names that are similar. Continuing with our previous example, if you kept two indexes to an array, one for the first item and one for the last this entails two qualified variables such as intColourMatchFirst and intColourMatchLast. Other examples of qualifiers:

Usage Qualifier Example
Current element of set Cur intCarsCur
First element of set First intCarsFirst
Last element of set Last intCarsLast
Next element of set Next strCustomerNext
Previous element of set Prev strCustomerPrev
Lower limit of range Min strNameMin
Upper limit of range Max strNameMax
Source Src lngBufferSrc
Destination Dest lngBufferDest


[Force] Array names must be prefixed with "a" or "arr". The upper and lower bounds ofthe array must be declared explicitly (unless they’re not known at design-time).

Positive Example:

Dim astrMonths(1 To 12) As String

Negative Example:

Dim strMonths(1 To 12) As String


Each word must be capitalised and the words separated with an underscore. The base name must be a description of what the constant represents.


User defined constant: g_intERR_INVALID_NAME
Visual Basic: vbArrowHourglass

API Declaration

API declarations must be laid out so that they are easily readable on the screen.

Public Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _
    (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _
    ByVal lpString As Any, _
    ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long

Use unique alias names

In VB you can call external procedures in DLLs when you know the entry point (the name of the function in the DLL). However, the caveat is that you can only declare the external procedure once. If you load a library that calls the same Windows API that your module calls, you will get the infamous error, “Tried to load module with duplicate procedure definition.”

Declare smg_GetActiveWindow Lib "Kernel" Alias _
	"GetActiveWindo" () As Integer

Form, Class & Module Naming

Internal Naming

(i.e. the name assigned to the module within the VB Properties)

Module Type Prefix Example
Form frm frmLogon
Standard module mod modUtilities
Class module C CPerson
Collection class C CPersons1
Interface class I IPerson

File naming

(i.e. the name assigned to the module when saving the physical file)

Module Type Prefix Example
Form frm frmLogon.frm
Standard module mod modUtilities.bas
Class module C CPerson.cls
Collection class C CPersons.cls1
Interface class I IPerson.cls

Object instance naming

(i.e. the name assigned when declaring a variable based on the form or class)

Instance of Prefix Example
Form frm frmLogon
Class obj objPerson
Collection obj objPersons


1 Classes which hold collections should have the same “C” prefix as any other classes, but should have a plural name (based on the type of objects held in the collection. E.g. a class to hold a single person would be named CPerson, whereas a collection of Person objects would be named CPersons.

Naming Procedures/Functions/Parameters

Function Names

Tags should not be prefixed to Function or Sub names, but should be appended to the parameters of these routines. For example:

Correct approach for internal function:

Private Function TotalUp(ByVal sngSubTotal As Single) As Integer

Function return values

Function return values should usually be held in a temporary variable and then assigned to the function variable at the end of the routine. This has two benefits. The code is not specific to the name of the function so portability is aided when cutting and pasting part of the function code elsewhere; also the value of the function variable may be used in calculations, otherwise a recursive call would be generated. Example:

Private Function Example(ByVal argintA as Integer) as Single
    Dim sngRetVal as Single

    ' Set default value
    sngRetVal = 0

    <code block>

    ' Set the Function value
    Example = sngRetVal
End Function


Should you find it useful, you may also prefix parameter names with arg to avoid confusion between variables passed as parameters and those local to the subroutine . Example:

Private Function DoSomething(ByVal argstrMessage as String) as String

However, should you choose to adopt this standard it must be applied consistently across the entire project

Naming Controls


Controls must be named with uniform prefixes strictly adhering to the following list.

Control tags

Object Type Tag Notes
Check box chk chkReadOnly
Combo box, drop-down list box cbo cboEnglish
Command button cmd cmdExit
Common dialog dlg dlgFileOpen
Control ctl ctlCurrent
Form frm frmEntry
Frame fra fraLanguage
Grid grd grdPrices
Image img imgIcon
Key status key keyCaps
Label lbl lblHelpMessage
Line lin linVertical
List box lst lstPolicyCodes
Menu mnu mnuFileOpen
Report rpt rptQtr1Earnings
Shape shp shpCircle
Text box txt txtLastName
True DBGrid tdbg tdbgRecords
Timer tmr tmrAlarm
ImageList ils ilsAllIcons
Toolbar tlb tlbActions
TabStrip tab tabOptions
ListView lvw lvwHeadings

Naming menu items

The number of menu options can be great, so it is recommended that there be a standard for the names given to menus. The tag for any menu item whether an option or title is mnu. Prefixing must ideally continue beyond the initial prefix. The first prefix after mnu is the menu bar title followed by the option then any subsequent option.


Top level menu item – mnuFile
Menu sub item – mnuFileSave

Naming Data Access Objects


If you include references to both ADO and DAO in the same project you must explicitly specify which object model you wish to use when declaring variables. Example:

Dim cnnStore As ADODB.Connection
Dim cnnOther As DAO.Connection

ADO objects

Object Type Tag Example
Command cmd cmdBooks
Connection cnn cnnLibrary
Parameter prm prmTitle
Error err errLoop
Recordset rst rstForecast

MS Access objects

The following is a suggested naming convention for use with MS Access objects – you may find it useful for larger Access projects which have many objects within the same database.

Object Type Tag Example
Table tbl tblCustomer
Query (select) qry qryOverAchiever
Query (append) qapp qappNewProduct
Query (crosstab) qxtb qxtbRegionSales
Query (delete) qdel qdelOldAccount
Query (make table) qmak qmakShipTo
Query (update) qupd qupdDiscount
Form frm frmCustomer
Form (dialog) fdlg fdlgLogin
Form (message) fmsg fmsgWait
Form (subform) fsub fsubOrder
Report rpt rptInsuranceValue
Report (subreport) rsub rsubOrder
Macro (menu) mmnu mmnuEntryFormFile
Module mod modBilling


Indentation – tab width

When working in a VB or VBA design environment you must have the Tab Width set to 4 (see the Editor tab in Tools > Options). This is the default VB setting, and using it ensures compatibility when code is worked on by more than one person.

Indentation - general

Code must be indented consistently adhering to the following rules:

  • Declarations must not be indented.
  • On Error statements and line labels/numbers must not be indented.
  • Start code indented to one tab stop.
  • Code within If-Else-EndIf, For-Next, Do While/Until and any other loops must be indented a further tab stop within the body.
  • Code between add/edit and update statements must be indented a further tab stop.
  • Case statements must be indented to one stop after the Select Case. Code following the Case statements must be indented a further Tab stop.
  • Code between With and End With statements must be indented by one tab stop.
  • Code within error trap must be indented by to one tab stop. Example
Dim strTest as String
Dim wrk as Workspace
On Error Goto ErrHandler
    If strTest = "" Then
        strTest = "Nothing"
        strTest = ""

    Do While Not rst.EOF
        rst(0) = strTest

    Select Case strTest
        Case ""
            <code block>
        Case Else
            <code block>
        End Select
    Exit Sub
    Resume ExitHere

Commenting Code


Remember the following points:

  • Code must be commented appropriately. The goal should be to improve understanding and maintainability of the code.
  • Comments should explain the reasoning behind the code. It may be obvious to the original developer what a piece of code does but somebody reading it may have no idea why it has to be there. When you write a piece of code, imagine someone else having to read through it 3 months later. Will it make sense to them?
  • Important variable declarations may include an inline comment describing the use of the variable being declared.


Dim strLookUp as String    ' Accepts value from user to search for
  • Comments for individual lines appear above, or of the code to which they refer.
  • The functional overview comment of a procedure may be indented one space to aid readability.
  • You can also add comments to your code with the Rem keyword. However, the ' symbol are easier to use and require less space and memory.


Public Sub DeleteCustomer(ByVal argintID As Long)
    ' Removes customer from Database
    cnVideo.Execute "DELETE FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID=" & argintID
End Sub

Commenting code when doing maintenance work

Avoid over-commenting code when doing maintenance work. Bear in mind the need to maintain overall clarity in the code, and remember that revision history should be taken care of by SourceSafe Make sure that any existing comments still make sense after you’ve made your changes - paying particular attention to any comments/explanations in the header of the routine. You are responsible for ensuring that all existing comments remain accurate (and that they still make sense) after your changes have been implemented. Although SourceSafe controls the history, It is handy to future users if new blocks of code are commented with the date, initials of developer and the CR number to aim future developers reading the code.

Etiquette when commenting code

When you include one or more routines written by other developers in your project you should ensure that any author (and assumption/purpose) information in the routine header is kept accurate. You should probably retain the original author’s name, but you must also include your own name if you have changed it in any way at all.

Pre-compilation commands

These are treated as a code IF statement would be. All code relating to the condition must be indented as if it was a normal IF block. These can be useful for including/excluding debug code etc. For example:

#Const DebugMode = True
#IF  DebugMode THEN
    <code block>
    <code block>

Error Handling

Generic error handler

Consistent error handlers must be implemented. The following error handler should be used:

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    <code block>

On Error Resume Next
    <code block>
Exit Sub
    [WriteErrLog Err.Number]
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case <Err No>
                Resume Next
            Case <Err No>
                Resume ExitHere
            Case Else
                ' Unexpected Error
                Resume ExitHere
        End Select
End Sub

Error handling labels

The labels ErrHandler and ExitHere are used both for consistency across routines, and to facilitate easier copying and pasting of error handlers between routines.


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