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contains sample java code to access our AI-based invoice and document capture service


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Contains sample code to access our capture client.

More information and quick test capability: BLU DELTA AI invoice capture - KI Rechnungserfassung

Access URL (latest version):


Used IDE

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.2 Community Edition: This IDE has been used as development environment


  • Clone this repo: git clone
  • cd invoicecapture-java\invoicefeaturedetection
  • javac -cp ".\libs\gson-2.8.0.jar;.\libs\log4j-api-2.9.0.jar;.\libs\log4j-core-2.9.0.jar;.\libs\commons-cli-1.4.jar;.\out\production\invoicefeaturedetection" .\src\com\blumatix\*.java -d .\out\production\invoicefeaturedetection\


  • Open a shell, e.g. from Powershell
	PS> cd C:\RepoFolder\invoicefeaturedetection"
	PS> $env:CLASSPATH = "$pwd\libs\*;$pwd\out\production\invoicefeaturedetection"
	PS> java -cp $env:CLASSPATH com.blumatix.Main -folderPath INVOICE_FOLDER -apiKey APIKEY -url CAPTURESDK_URL -version CAPTURESDK_VERSION -outputPath OUTPUT_FOLDER

You get detailed help:

	PS> cd C:\RepoFolder\invoicefeaturedetection"
	PS> $env:CLASSPATH = "$pwd\libs\*;$pwd\out\production\invoicefeaturedetection"
	PS> java -cp $env:CLASSPATH com.blumatix.Main -help
    usage: -cp $env:CLASSPATH com.blumatix.Main -folderPath
           PATH_TO_YOUR_INVOICE -apiKey YOUR_API_KEY -url
           CAPTURE_SDK_BASEURL -version VERSION -resultPdf
     -a,--apiKey <YOUR_API_KEY>             Your APIKey needed for
                                            authentication and authorization
     -d,--invoiceDetails <InvoiceDetails>   A list of invoice details that
                                            shall be returned.
     -f,--folderPath <arg>                  Path to an invoice folder
     -help                                  Help for this application
     -i,--filename <arg>                    Path to an invoice
     -o,--outputPath <arg>                  Path to an output folder to which
                                            all result will be written to.
     -resultPdf                             Requests and creates a ResultPdf
     -u,--url <CAPTURESDK_URL>              CaptureSdk base url
     -v,--version <CAPUTURESDK_VERSION>     CaptureSdk version
  • INVOICE_FOLDER: This shall be a valid directory containing invoices that shall be processed.
  • APIKEY: Your API key received from blumatix-consulting
  • CAPTURESDK_URL: Base url to our capture service
  • CAPTURESDK_VERSION: A specific capture sdk version
  • OUTPUT_FOLDER: A valid folder used to store results

NOTE All paths must be properly escaped, e.g. "C:\tmp\invoicefolder"