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A ggplot theme for creating visualizations for web and mobile.

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The package orgthemes contains organization-specific color palettes and logos can be used to modify the default colors used in pubtheme. You can add your own organizations colors and logos by following the directions in the examples below.


If you don’t have the package devtools, install it using install.packages('devtools'). If you have devtools, you can install the GitHub versions of pubtheme and orgthemes with:


If you get an error about download method, try changing this option before installing.

options(download.file.method = 'libcurl')

Load the package using


as usual. The theme will change some of your ggplot defaults the first time you use it. To change them back, restart R, or use


at any time.


You can add a logo to the lower right corner of your plot with add_logo. First, let’s make a quick plot using pubtheme::theme_pub.

dg = mtcars %>%
  select(wt, mpg, cyl) %>%
  mutate(cyl = paste0(cyl, '-cylinder')) %>%
  rename(name = cyl)

title = "Title in Upper Lower" ## to be used by ggplot and ggsave
g = ggplot(dg, aes(x=wt, y=mpg))+
  geom_point(aes(size=mpg, color=name), show.legend=F)+
  facet_wrap(~name, nrow=1) +
  labs(title    = title,
       subtitle = 'Optional Subtitle In Upper Lower',
       caption  = "Optional caption, giving additional info or twitter handle",
       x = 'Horizontal Axis Label in Upper Lower',
       y = 'Vertical Axis Label in Upper Lower')+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 6), breaks=c(0, 3, 6), oob=squish, labels=comma_format(accuracy = 1))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,40), breaks=c(0,20,40), oob=squish, labels=comma)+
  coord_cartesian(clip='off', expand=FALSE)+
  theme_pub(type='scatter', base_size=36/3, facet=T)

Now let’s add a logo.

g %>% add_logo(org='r') 

## Save to file
gg = g +
  theme_pub(type='scatter', base_size=36, facet=T)+ 

gg = gg %>% add_logo(org='r') ## add logo after changing base_size

ggsave(filename=paste0("img/", gsub("%", " Perc", title), ".jpg"), 
       width=20,   ## do not change
       units='in', ## do not change
       dpi=72)     ## do not change

You can easily add a logo to the orgthemes package. All you need to do is add a image file for the logo called orgname.png to the img folder, and then create a pull request. After the pull request is approved anyone will be able to use add_logo('orgname'). For example, one of the logos of the American Statistical Association has been saved as asa.png in the img folder, so instead of

g %>% add_logo(org='r')

we can use

g %>% add_logo(org='asa')

The name of the file name, without the png file extension, must match what is put in the argument of add_logo.

Any logo can be used, but

  1. logos that are wider logos are better than narrow logos, and
  2. logos with a transparent background look much better. Your organization will typically have several options for logos (e.g. light background with dark text, dark background with light text, etc.). One of the options will typically be a transparent background with dark text. Choose that one if possible.

Organization-specific colors

You can use org-specific colors by using the org-specific theme function like this:

g + theme_yale(type='scatter', base_size=12, facet=T) ## same

You can easily add an organization-specific color scheme that does not yet exist in the package with a pull-request. Open orgcolors.r, and add a section for your org that

  • defines the official colors,
  • defines a color palette with those colors, and
  • creates a theme function.

You can do this easily by copying and pasting another organization’s colors, palette, and theme function, and editing it for your organization. For example, you can copy this section for Yale:

## Yale colors
## From
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalered       = NA ## no red      for yale, but other orgs probably use this
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalelightred  = NA ## no lightred for yale, but other orgs probably use this
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yaleblue      ='#00356b'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalemedblue   ='#286dc0'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalelightblue ='#63aaff'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yaledarkgray  ='#222222'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalebrowngray ='#978d85'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalelightgray ='#dddddd'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalegreen     ='#5f712d'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yaleorange    ='#bd5319'
#' A color used in `orgthemes`
yalebackgray  ='#f9f9f9'

#' A color palette for Yale used in `orgthemes`
#' The colors are listed in the order we typically want to use them
yale.pal = c(yaleblue      , yaleorange,
             yalemediumgray, yalebrowngray,
             yalelightblue , yalegreen,
             yalelightgray , yaleblue)

#' Yale ggplot theme called theme_yale.
#' Same as theme_pub but with the Yale-specific colors
#' @import pubtheme
theme_yale <- function (type='line',
                        base_size = 36/3,
                        base_family = "sans",
            base_size     =base_size,
            base_family   =base_family,
            colors = 'yale')

Be sure to include the #' lines before each newly define object and function. They are needed to document the objects you create and eliminate warnings when the package is built. Typically your org’s official colors can be found by googling orgname colors brand or something similar.

Here is a sample of some of the org colors and logos that are currently implemented.

dg = mtcars %>% 
  select(wt, mpg, carb) %>%
  mutate(carb = ifelse(carb %in% c(6,8), '6 or 8', carb),
         carb = factor(carb))

title = "Title in Upper Lower" 
g = ggplot(dg, aes(x=wt, y=mpg, color=carb))+
  facet_wrap(~carb, nrow=1)+
  labs(title    = title,
       subtitle = 'Optional Subtitle In Upper Lower',
       caption  = "Optional caption, giving additional info or twitter handle",
       x = 'Horizontal Axis Label in Upper Lower',
       y = 'Vertical Axis Label in Upper Lower')+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 6), breaks=c(0, 3, 6), oob=squish, labels=comma)+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,40), breaks=c(0,20,40), oob=squish, labels=comma)+
  coord_cartesian(clip='off', expand=FALSE)+
  theme_pub(type='scatter', base_size = 12, facet=T) 

g1 = g + theme_pub( type='scatter', base_size=12, facet=T) 
g2 = g + theme_yale(type='scatter', base_size=12, facet=T)
g2 %>% add_logo(org='yale')


A ggplot theme for creating visualizations for web and mobile.






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