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@bmeares bmeares tagged this 21 Jun 04:31
…. (#158)

# v2.2.2

- **Speed up package installation in virtual environments.**  
  Dynamic dependencies will now be installed via `uv`, which dramatically speeds up installation times.

- **Add sub-cards for children pipes.**  
  Pipes with `children` defined now include cards for these pipes under the Parameters menu item. This is especially useful when working managing pipeline hierarchies.

- **Add "Open in Python" to pipe cards.**  
  Clicking "Open in Python" on a pipe's card will now launch `ptpython` with the pipe object already created.

  # Clicking "Open in Python" executes the following:
  # $ mrsm python "pipe = mrsm.Pipe('plugin:noaa', 'weather', 'gvl', instance='sql:main')"
  >>> import meerschaum as mrsm
  >>> pipe = mrsm.Pipe('plugin:noaa', 'weather', 'gvl', instance='sql:main')

- **Add the decorators `@web_page` and `@dash_plugin`.**  
  You may now quickly add your own pages to the web console by decorating your layout functions with `@web_page`:

  from meerschaum.plugins import dash_plugin, web_page

  def init_dash(dash_app):

      import dash.html as html
      import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
      from dash import Input, Output, no_update

      @web_page('/my-page', login_required=False)
      def my_page():
          return dbc.Container([
              html.H1("Hello, World!"),
              dbc.Button("Click me", id='my-button'),
          Output('my-output-div', 'children'),
          Input('my-button', 'n_clicks'),
      def my_button_click(n_clicks):
          if not n_clicks:
              return no_update
          return html.P(f'You clicked {n_clicks} times!')

- **Use `ptpython` for the `python` action.**  
  Rather than opening a classic REPL, the `python` action will now open a `ptpython` shell.

- **Add `--venv` to the `python` action.**  
  Launching a Python REPL with `mrsm python` will now default to `--venv mrsm`. Run `mrsm install package` to make packages importable.

  # $ mrsm python
  >>> import requests
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'

  # $ mrsm install package requests
  >>> import requests
  >>> requests.__file__

  # $ mrsm install plugin noaa
  # $ mrsm python --venv noaa
  >>> import requests
  >>> requests.__file__

- **Allow passing flags to venv `ptpython` binaries.**  
  You may now pass flags directly to the `ptpython` binary of a virtual environment (by escaping with `[]`):
  mrsm python [--help]

- **Allow for custom connectors to implement a `sync()` method.**  
  Like module-level `sync()` functions for `plugin` connectors, any custom connector may implement `sync()` instead of `fetch()`.

  from typing import Any
  import meerschaum as mrsm
  from meerschaum.connectors import Connector, make_connector

  class ExampleConnector(Connector):

      def register(self, pipe: mrsm.Pipe) -> dict[str, Any]:
          return {
              'columns': {
                  'datetime': 'ts',
                  'id': 'example_id',

      def sync(self, pipe: mrsm.Pipe, **kwargs) -> mrsm.SuccessTuple:
          ### Implement a custom sync.
          return True, f"Successfully synced {pipe}!"

- **Install `uvicorn` and `gunicorn` in virtual environments.**  
  The packages `uvicorn` and `gunicorn` are now installed into the default virtual environment.
Assets 2