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Jacques Garrigue committed Dec 13, 2010
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An attempt at encoding omega examples from the 2nd Central European
Functional Programming School:
Generic Programming in Omega, by Tim Sheard and Nathan Linger

type ('a,'b) sum = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b

type zero
type _ succ
type _ nat =
| NZ : zero nat
| NS : 'a nat -> 'a succ nat

type _ rep =
| Rint : int rep
| Rchar : char rep
| Runit : unit rep
| Rpair : 'a rep * 'b rep -> ('a * 'b) rep
| Rsum : 'a rep * 'b rep -> ('a,'b) sum rep

let t1 = Rsum (Rpair (Rint, Rchar), Rpair (Runit, Rint))
let rec sumR : type a. a rep -> a -> int = fun r x ->
match r, x with
| Rint, n -> n
| Rpair(r,s), (x,y) -> sumR r x + sumR s y
| Rsum(r,s), Inl x -> sumR r x
| Rsum(r,s), Inr x -> sumR s x
| _ -> 0
let rec sum2 : type a. a rep -> a -> int = fun r ->
match r with
| Rint -> (fun n -> n)
| Rpair(r,s) ->
let sumr = sum2 r and sums = sum2 s in (fun (x,y) -> sumr x + sums y)
| Rsum(r,s) ->
let sumr = sum2 r and sums = sum2 s in
(function Inl x -> sumr x | Inr x -> sums x)
| _ -> (fun _ -> 0)
type (_,_) seq =
| Snil : ('a,zero) seq
| Scons : 'a * ('a,'n) seq -> ('a, 'n succ) seq
type tp
type nd
type (_,_) fk
type _ shape =
| Tp : tp shape
| Nd : nd shape
| Fk : 'a shape * 'b shape -> ('a,'b) fk shape
type tt
type ff
type _ boolean =
| BT : tt boolean
| BF : ff boolean
type (_,_) path =
| Pnone : 'a -> (tp,'a) path
| Phere : (nd,'a) path
| Pleft : ('x,'a) path -> (('x,'y) fk, 'a) path
| Pright : ('y,'a) path -> (('x,'y) fk, 'a) path
type (_,_) tree =
| Ttip : (tp,'a) tree
| Tnode : 'a -> (nd,'a) tree
| Tfork : ('x,'a) tree * ('y,'a) tree -> (('x,'y)fk, 'a) tree
let tree1 = Tfork (Tfork (Ttip, Tnode 4), Tfork (Tnode 4, Tnode 3))
let rec find : type sh.
('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> (sh,'a) tree -> (sh,'a) path list
= fun eq n t ->
match t with
| Ttip -> []
| Tnode m ->
if eq n m then [Phere] else []
| Tfork (x, y) -> (fun x -> Pleft x) (find eq n x) @ (fun x -> Pright x) (find eq n y)
let rec extract : type sh. (sh,'a) path -> (sh,'a) tree -> 'a = fun p t ->
match (p, t) with
| Pnone x, Ttip -> x
| Phere, Tnode y -> y
| Pleft p, Tfork(l,_) -> extract p l
| Pright p, Tfork(_,r) -> extract p r
type (_,_,_) plus =
| PlusZ : 'a nat -> (zero, 'a, 'a) plus
| PlusS : ('a,'b,'c) plus -> ('a succ, 'b, 'c succ) plus
type (_,_) le =
| LeZ : 'a nat -> (zero, 'a) le
| LeS : ('n, 'm) le -> ('n succ, 'm succ) le
type _ even =
| EvenZ : zero even
| EvenSS : 'n even -> 'n succ succ even
type one = zero succ
type two = one succ
type three = two succ
type four = three succ
let even0 : zero even = EvenZ
let even2 : two even = EvenSS EvenZ
let even4 : four even = EvenSS (EvenSS EvenZ)
let p1 : (two, one, three) plus = PlusS (PlusS (PlusZ (NS NZ)))
let rec summandLessThanSum : type a b c. (a,b,c) plus -> (a,c) le = fun p ->
match p with
| PlusZ n -> LeZ n
| PlusS p' -> LeS (summandLessThanSum p')

type (_,_) equal = Eq : ('a,'a) equal

let rec sameNat : type a b. a nat -> b nat -> (a,b) equal option = fun a b ->
match a, b with
| NZ, NZ -> Some Eq
| NS a', NS b' ->
begin match sameNat a' b' with
| Some Eq -> Some (Eq : (a, b) equal)
| None -> None
| _ -> None

(* AVL trees *)

type (_,_,_) balance =
| Less : ('h, 'h succ, 'h succ) balance
| Same : ('h, 'h, 'h) balance
| More : ('h succ, 'h, 'h succ) balance

type _ avl =
| Leaf : zero avl
| Node :
('hL, 'hR, 'hMax) balance * 'hL avl * int * 'hR avl -> 'hMax succ avl

type avl' = Avl : 'h avl -> avl'

let empty = Avl Leaf

let rec elem : type h. int -> h avl -> bool = fun x t ->
match t with
| Leaf -> false
| Node (_, l, y, r) ->
x = y || if x < y then elem x l else elem x r

let rec rotr : type n. (n succ succ) avl -> int -> n avl ->
((n succ succ) avl, (n succ succ succ) avl) sum =
fun tL y tR ->
match tL with
| Node (Same, a, x, b) -> Inr (Node (Less, a, x, Node (More, b, y, tR)))
| Node (More, a, x, b) -> Inl (Node (Same, a, x, Node (Same, b, y, tR)))
| Node (Less, a, x, Node (Same, b, z, c)) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, a, x, b), z, Node (Same, c, y, tR)))
| Node (Less, a, x, Node (Less, b, z, c)) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (More, a, x, b), z, Node (Same, c, y, tR)))
| Node (Less, a, x, Node (More, b, z, c)) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, a, x, b), z, Node (Less, c, y, tR)))
let rec rotl : type n. n avl -> int -> (n succ succ) avl ->
((n succ succ) avl, (n succ succ succ) avl) sum =
fun tL u tR ->
match tR with
| Node (Same, a, x, b) -> Inr (Node (More, Node (Less, tL, u, a), x, b))
| Node (Less, a, x, b) -> Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, tL, u, a), x, b))
| Node (More, Node (Same, a, x, b), y, c) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, tL, u, a), x, Node (Same, b, y, c)))
| Node (More, Node (Less, a, x, b), y, c) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (More, tL, u, a), x, Node (Same, b, y, c)))
| Node (More, Node (More, a, x, b), y, c) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, tL, u, a), x, Node (Less, b, y, c)))
let rec ins : type n. int -> n avl -> (n avl, (n succ) avl) sum =
fun x t ->
match t with
| Leaf -> Inr (Node (Same, Leaf, x, Leaf))
| Node (bal, a, y, b) ->
if x = y then Inl t else
if x < y then begin
match ins x a with
| Inl a -> Inl (Node (bal, a, y, b))
| Inr a ->
match bal with
| Less -> Inl (Node (Same, a, y, b))
| Same -> Inr (Node (More, a, y, b))
| More -> rotr a y b
end else begin
match ins x b with
| Inl b -> Inl (Node (bal, a, y, b) : n avl)
| Inr b ->
match bal with
| More -> Inl (Node (Same, a, y, b) : n avl)
| Same -> Inr (Node (Less, a, y, b) : n succ avl)
| Less -> rotl a y b

let rec del_min : type n. (n succ) avl -> int * (n avl, (n succ) avl) sum =
| Node (Less, Leaf, x, r) -> (x, Inl r)
| Node (Same, Leaf, x, r) -> (x, Inl r)
| Node (bal, Node (v, a, y, b) , x, r) ->
(* Cannot write (Node _ as l) *)
match del_min (Node (v, a, y, b)) with
| y, Inr l -> (y, Inr (Node (bal, l, x, r)))
| y, Inl l ->
(y, match bal with
| Same -> Inr (Node (Less, l, x, r))
| More -> Inl (Node (Same, l, x, r))
| Less -> rotl l x r)

type _ avl_del =
| Dsame : 'n avl -> 'n avl_del
| Ddecr : ('m succ, 'n) equal * 'm avl -> 'n avl_del

let rec del : type n. int -> n avl -> n avl_del = fun y t ->
match t with
| Leaf -> Dsame Leaf
| Node (bal, l, x, r) ->
if x = y then begin
match r with
| Leaf ->
begin match bal with
| Same -> Ddecr (Eq, l)
| More -> Ddecr (Eq, l)
| Node _ ->
begin match bal, del_min r with
| _, (z, Inr r) -> Dsame (Node (bal, l, z, r))
| Same, (z, Inl r) -> Dsame (Node (More, l, z, r))
| Less, (z, Inl r) -> Ddecr (Eq, Node (Same, l, z, r))
| More, (z, Inl r) ->
match rotr l z r with
| Inl t -> Ddecr (Eq, t)
| Inr t -> Dsame t
end else if y < x then begin
match del y l with
| Dsame l -> Dsame (Node (bal, l, x, r))
| Ddecr(Eq,l) ->
begin match bal with
| Same -> Dsame (Node (Less, l, x, r))
| More -> Ddecr (Eq, Node (Same, l, x, r))
| Less ->
match rotl l x r with
| Inl t -> Ddecr (Eq, t)
| Inr t -> Dsame t
end else begin
match del y r with
| Dsame r -> Dsame (Node (bal, l, x, r))
| Ddecr(Eq,r) ->
begin match bal with
| Same -> Dsame (Node (More, l, x, r))
| Less -> Ddecr (Eq, Node (Same, l, x, r))
| More ->
match rotr l x r with
| Inl t -> Ddecr (Eq, t)
| Inr t -> Dsame t
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
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# * * * * * type ('a, 'b) sum = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
type zero
type 'a succ
type 'a nat = NZ : zero nat | NS : 'b nat -> 'b succ nat
# type 'a rep =
Rint : int rep
| Rchar : char rep
| Runit : unit rep
| Rpair : 'b rep * 'c rep -> ('b * 'c) rep
| Rsum : 'd rep * 'e rep -> ('d, 'e) sum rep
val t1 : (int * char, unit * int) sum rep =
Rsum (Rpair (Rint, Rchar), Rpair (Runit, Rint))
# val sumR : 'a rep -> 'a -> int = <fun>
# val sum2 : 'a rep -> 'a -> int = <fun>
# type ('a, 'b) seq =
Snil : ('c, zero) seq
| Scons : 'd * ('d, 'e) seq -> ('d, 'e succ) seq
# type tp
type nd
type ('a, 'b) fk
type 'a shape =
Tp : tp shape
| Nd : nd shape
| Fk : 'b shape * 'c shape -> ('b, 'c) fk shape
# type tt
type ff
type 'a boolean = BT : tt boolean | BF : ff boolean
# type ('a, 'b) path =
Pnone : 'c -> (tp, 'c) path
| Phere : (nd, 'd) path
| Pleft : ('e, 'g) path -> (('e, 'f) fk, 'g) path
| Pright : ('i, 'j) path -> (('h, 'i) fk, 'j) path
# type ('a, 'b) tree =
Ttip : (tp, 'c) tree
| Tnode : 'd -> (nd, 'd) tree
| Tfork : ('e, 'g) tree * ('f, 'g) tree -> (('e, 'f) fk, 'g) tree
# val tree1 : (((tp, nd) fk, (nd, nd) fk) fk, int) tree =
Tfork (Tfork (Ttip, Tnode 4), Tfork (Tnode 4, Tnode 3))
# val find : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> ('b, 'a) tree -> ('b, 'a) path list =
# val extract : ('a, 'b) path -> ('a, 'b) tree -> 'b = <fun>
# type ('a, 'b, 'c) plus =
PlusZ : 'd nat -> (zero, 'd, 'd) plus
| PlusS : ('e, 'f, 'g) plus -> ('e succ, 'f, 'g succ) plus
# type ('a, 'b) le =
LeZ : 'c nat -> (zero, 'c) le
| LeS : ('d, 'e) le -> ('d succ, 'e succ) le
# type 'a even = EvenZ : zero even | EvenSS : 'b even -> 'b succ succ even
# type one = zero succ
type two = one succ
type three = two succ
type four = three succ
# val even0 : zero even = EvenZ
val even2 : two even = EvenSS EvenZ
val even4 : four even = EvenSS (EvenSS EvenZ)
# val p1 : (two, one, three) plus = PlusS (PlusS (PlusZ (NS NZ)))
# val summandLessThanSum : ('a, 'b, 'c) plus -> ('a, 'c) le = <fun>
# type ('a, 'b) equal = Eq : ('c, 'c) equal
val sameNat : 'a nat -> 'b nat -> ('a, 'b) equal option = <fun>
# type ('a, 'b, 'c) balance =
Less : ('d, 'd succ, 'd succ) balance
| Same : ('e, 'e, 'e) balance
| More : ('f succ, 'f, 'f succ) balance
type 'a avl =
Leaf : zero avl
| Node : ('c, 'd, 'b) balance * 'c avl * int * 'd avl -> 'b succ avl
type avl' = Avl : 'a avl -> avl'
# val empty : avl' = Avl Leaf
val elem : int -> 'a avl -> bool = <fun>
# val rotr :
'a succ succ avl ->
int -> 'a avl -> ('a succ succ avl, 'a succ succ succ avl) sum = <fun>
# val rotl :
'a avl ->
int -> 'a succ succ avl -> ('a succ succ avl, 'a succ succ succ avl) sum =
# val ins : int -> 'a avl -> ('a avl, 'a succ avl) sum = <fun>
# val del_min : 'a succ avl -> int * ('a avl, 'a succ avl) sum = <fun>
type 'a avl_del =
Dsame : 'b avl -> 'b avl_del
| Ddecr : ('d succ, 'c) equal * 'd avl -> 'c avl_del
val del : int -> 'a avl -> 'a avl_del = <fun>

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