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A hybrid Python and R toolset for characterizing nucleosome mutational periodicities.

Table of Contents

  1. Quickstart Guide
  2. Installation Guide
  3. Input Files and Formats
  4. The Primary Data Pipeline
  5. Quantifying the Periodicity
  6. Interpreting Results
  7. A Representative Example
  8. Acknowledgements

Quickstart Guide

1. Install mutperiod

Install mutperiod through apt using the following two commands (available on Ubuntu versions 20.04 (Focal Fossa) and 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ben-morledge-hampton/mutperiod
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mutperiod
Optionally, the following commands may be run to install the deconstructSigs R package for stratification of data by mutation signature (only available for Focal Fossa; see the section on stratifying mutation data)
sudo apt install r-cran-deconstructsigs

2. Set up the Data Directory

After installing, run the following command:
mutperiod parseICGC
This should open up a dialog to choose a directory to store data files in. Choose a directory and click "Go". After progressing past this dialog, a second dialog will pop up. You should quit out of this dialog to obtain the necessary data to run your analysis

3. Obtain Genome and Nucleosome Positioning Data

Use the following steps to set up the necessary background data needed for analysis:

  • Create a directory beneath the "mutperiod_data/__external_data" directory named "hg19".
  • Create another directory beneath this newly created directory named "hg19_intergenic_nucleosome_map".
  • Obtain a fasta file for the hg19 genome assembly from the USCS Genome Browser here. At the bottom of the page, download the hg19.fa.gz file.
  • Unzip the genome fasta file, ensure that it is named "hg19.fa", and move it to the hg19 directory.
  • Obtain the nucleosome positioning file generated by the BBGLab from here.
  • Move the nucleosome positioning file into the hg19_intergenic_nucleosome_map directory. Ensure that the nucleosome positioning file is in bed format, unzipping if necessary.

Note: Alternatively, you may use a different genome or nucleosome positioning file, but you must make sure they are formatted correctly, as detailed in Section 3

4. Obtain Mutation Data

Go to the ICGC data portal to obtain mutation data for use in mutperiod. Download any "simple_somatic_mutation" file with whole genome sequencing data. Place the gzipped file into a new directory (other than the "__external_data" directory) within the "mutperiod_data" directory.
Careful: mutperiod only maps mutations originating from whole genome sequencing data. Exome sequencing data will not be carried through the pipeline, potentially resulting in blank output files.

Note: Alternatively, you may use any bed formatted mutation data for analysis, but you may need to alter the data format slightly to be recognized by mutperiod as a CustomBed formatted file, as detailed in Section 3

5. Parse Input Data

If using data from ICGC, run the following command:
mutperiod parseICGC
Otherwise, if you are using custom bed input, run this command:
mutperiod parseBed
Fill out the resulting dialogs using the genome fasta file from step 3 and the mutation data file from step 4.

6. Perform Periodicity Analysis

Run the following command: mutperiod mainPipeline
Select the directory you created within the "mutperiod_data" directory in step 4. Where prompted, give the nucleosome map you obtained in step 3. Select the desired normalization method and search radius.

After the main pipeline has finished running, run this next command:
mutperiod periodicityAnalysis
Once again, select the directory you created to find the nucleosome mutation counts files. Select an output file to store the results of the analysis. For this example, all other options may be left unselected. For information on these options, see Section 5.

Note: Both .rda and .tsv formats are supported as output, but only the .rda format supports figure generation in the next step.

7. Visualizing Results

To visualize results, run the following command:
mutperiod generateFigures
Select the files you want to visualize and the output format for the figure(s).

8. Other Features

Mutperiod also supports stratification of input data by various conditions and comparison of the periodicities of each of the resulting cohorts. For more information, see the sections below.

Installation Guide

Mutperiod can be easily installed through the ppa at
To install through this ppa, run the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ben-morledge-hampton/mutperiod
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mutperiod

Currently, this installation method is only available on Ubuntu versions 20.04 (Focal Fossa) and 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). However, installation on other distributions is certainly possible through manual installation of the Python and R packages provided in this repository. If you would like to see support for addition Ubuntu distributions by the ppa, please contact me at

Input Files and Formats

Directory Structure

All data files should be stored within the mutperiod_data directory. You will be prompted to select a location for this directory the first time it is accessed. If you ever wish to change this location, use the mutperiod createDataDirectory command in the terminal.

Genome data should be stored in the "__external_data" directory under a sub-directory with the same name as the corresponding genome fasta file. (e.g. "hg19.fa" should be stored in the "mutperiod_data\__external_data\hg19" directory.)

Nucleosome positioning data should be stored in a sub-directory under the corresponding genome directory and should be named after the corresponding nucleosome positioning file. (e.g. "MNase_nuc_pos.bed" should be stored in the "mutperiod_data\__external_data\hg19\MNase_nuc_pos" directory.)

Each individual mutation input file should be stored in its own directory under the "mutperiod_data" directory. Nested directories are allowed. Mutperiod populates these directories with all other files generated during the analysis.

Genome Data

All genome information should be given in standard fasta format with chromosome identifiers as headers.

Nucleosome Positioning Data

All nucleosome positioning data should be in bed format. Each entry in the bed file should specify a 1-bp long region that corresponds to the center of a nucleosome. Within the bed file, only the first three columns, containing the chromosome identifiers, 0-based start positions, and 1-based start positions, are used. Other columns may be included after these first three, but they will be ignored.

Stratifying Nucleosome Positioning Data

Mutperiod supports stratification of nucleosome maps using any bed file of genome positions (e.g. Gene positions, regions with specific histone modifications, etc.). The following command is used to perform this stratification: mutperiod stratifyNucMap When running this command, the bed file of genome positions for stratification should be directly within the directory for the new nucleosome map. The new nucleosome map will be named after this directory, not the bed file of genome positions. For example, if the "mutperiod_data\__external_data\hg19\MNase_nuc_pos\MNase_nuc_pos.bed" nucleosome map is stratified using "mutperiod_data\__external_data\hg19\H3K36me3_MNase_nuc_pos\H3K36me3_regions.bed", the resulting nucleosome map can be found at "mutperiod_data\__external_data\hg19\H3K36me3_MNase_nuc_pos\H3K36me3_MNase_nuc_pos.bed".

Altering Output File Names Based On Nucleosome Positioning Data

When working with multiple nucleosome maps in the same data directory, it may be desirable to differentiate output file names based on the relevant nucleosome map. To accomplish this, a text file named "append_to_data_name.txt" should be placed in the nucleosome map directory and contain a single line of text which will be appended to the data group name for output files using the nucleosome map. If this file is not present, nothing is appended to the data group name.

Mutation Data

mutperiod supports two primary input formats for mutation data:
First, "simple_somatic_mutation" data downloaded directly from the ICGC data portal can be easily parsed using the following terminal command:
mutperiod parseICGC

Data from any other format should be converted to the specialized bed format recognized by mutperiod and parsed using the command:
mutperiod parseBed
This format is a variation on the standardized bed format and contains 6-7 tab separated data columns (with the 7th being optional). The columns should be formatted as follows:

Column 1
  • Chromosome identifier (e.g. "chr1")
  • Should match the identifiers used in the corresponding genome fasta file
Column 2
  • 0 based mutation start position
Column 3
  • 1 based mutation end position
Column 4
  • The base(s) in the reference genome at this position
  • If set to ".", the base(s) will be auto-acquired using the genome fasta file
  • Use the "*" character to indicate an insertion between the two bases given in columns 2 and 3.
Column 5
  • The base(s) that the position(s) were mutated to
  • Use the "*" character indicates a deletion of the base(s) given in columns 2 and 3.
  • Use the string "OTHER" to indicate any other lesion or feature.
Column 6
  • The strand the mutation/alteration occurred in
  • Single-base substitution mutations are flipped if necessary so that they occur in the pyrimidine-containing strand.
  • If set to ".", the strand is determined from the genome file, if possible (not an insertion).
Column 7
  • The chort the tumor belongs to (e.g. a donor ID or tumor type)
  • This column is technically optional but is required for stratifying data in future steps.
  • If any cohort designations are given, ALL entries must have designations.
  • Use the "." character in this column to avoid assigning an entry to another cohort without breaking the above rule.

Example Bed Mutation Data

Bed Mutation Data

Stratifying Mutation Data

With either of the above input formats, mutations can stratified in a number of different ways:

  • For ICGC data, mutations are first stratified by the donor ID's present in the original input data.
  • For custom bed data, the 7th column, if present, contains identifiers to similarly stratify mutations into user-specified cohorts.
  • Beyond this initial stratification, mutperiod uses the MSIseq and deconstructSigs R packages to support stratification of cohorts by microsatellite stability or dominant mutation signature. Both stratification options are selectable through the dialogues used to specify input data. However, stratification by mutation signature is only supported on the Focal Fossa (20.04) Ubuntu distro and must be installed separately with the following command: sudo apt install r-cran-deconstructsigs.

The Primary Data Pipeline

In order to prepare mutation data for nucleosome periodicity analysis, several key data processing events have to occur. These events are all managed through one terminal command:
mutperiod mainPipeline

This main pipeline incorporates three key data processing steps:

1. Expansion of Mutation Context

If you choose to normalize mutation data by the surrounding DNA context, the given mutation data needs to be expanded. Base positions are expanded as necessary and the genome fasta file is used to generate the surrounding trinucleotide, pentanucleotide, etc. context as requested.

2. Counting Mutations Relative to Dyad Centers.

You will have to choose a dyad radius to count mutations in. Typically, this is either 73 bp (for rotational periodicity within a single nucleosome) or 1000 bp (for translational periodicity across multiple nucleosomes). Using a selected nucleosome positioning file, mutations are counted in each radius and their positions relative to the dyad center are recorded.

3. Normalizing mutation counts

There are several options for normalizing mutation counts, if desired. The simplest options involve using the surrounding nucleotide context to normalize data. The average mutation rate for each nucleotide context is calculated across the entire genome, and a background mutation rate for each dyad position is calculated by multiplying each context's mutation rate by that context's frequency at the given position and summing the results across all contexts. Alternatively, background mutation rates can be supplied manually by the user or even from another mutperiod data set's nucleosome mutation counts. Normalized mutation rates are calculated by dividing the observed mutation rates at each dyad position by the background mutation rates (Adjusted for the ratio of background to observed counts).

Quantifying the Periodicity

Once mutation counts at each dyad position have been obtained, the data is passed to the R portion of mutperiod to quantify the periodicity.
This is achieved with the command:
mutperiod periodicityAnalysis

A Lomb-Scargle periodogram is used to find the period with the highest power.

  • For data counted in a single nucleosome radius (73 bp), periods are examined between 7 and 20.
  • For data counted in a radius encompassing several nucleosomes (1000 bp), periods are examined between 50 and 250.
  • In both of the above cases, an oversampling factor of 100 is used.

Once the maximum power period has been found, a signal-to-noise ratio is obtained by dividing the maximum power by the median of all powers not within 0.5 units of the maximum power peak.

An expected period can be used instead of using the maximum power period for analysis by checking the relevant option in the dialogue. For data in a multi-nucleosome radius, the expected period is derived from the related nucleosome map by finding its maximum power period. For data in a single nucleosome radius, the expected period is 10.2.

By default, mutation data for each strand is interpreted in the context of the antiparallel double helix. This means that two paired bases have the same position on each strand but are not oriented in the same direction (i.e. position 30 on the minus strand is paired with position 30 on the plus strand). By selecting the relevant option in the dialogue, this can be switched to align the strands to run in the same direction (i.e. position 30 on the minus strand is paired with position -30 on the plus strand). This option is especially useful if asymmetry is expected between the strands in the dyad due to interactions involving the DNA backbone.

If multiple files containing nucleosome mutation counts are submitted for analysis, the files can be stratified into two groups to determine if the mean SNR is significantly different between them. This comparison occurs using a Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. The dialog created by invoking the above command (shown below) allows you to form two separate groups by filtering on characteristics like normalization method, nucleosome radius, and cohort designations. In addition, the main group can be filtered as well for convenience. Filtering of the two groups for comparison occurs after the main group is filtered, so filtering options from the main group do not need to be used in the comparison groups. Leaving any group of filter options empty (e.g. all normalization methods) causes filtering to not be applied for that option. If stratification by mutation signature, custom cohorts, or nucleosome maps is desired, this should be done using a plain text (one for each category) with the relevant identifier(s) given on separate lines of the file. An example of this dialog is given in the image below:
Group Selection Dialog

As an alternative to producing a comparison group by stratifying within the first selected group, the second group can be selected on its own (and stratified as necessary). This is accomplished using the dropdown labeled "Compare periodicities..." once the "Compare periodicities between two groups" option is toggled on.

The results of the periodicity analysis can be stored as either a .rda or .tsv formatted file. However, please note that the .rda format is preferred when generating figures using mutperiod and that the .tsv format does not preserve the results of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.

Note: By default, any nucleosome mutation counts file with less than 5,000 raw mutations is removed from the analysis. Historically, data with less than 5,000 mutations mapped to nucleosomes are much less likely to contain a noticeable periodicity.

Interpreting Results

When inteprpreting results from mutperiod, it is best to keep a few key considerations in mind:

  1. Mutperiod has the most predictive power when used to compare results across two data sets, as described above. By themselves, the SNR values are somewhat arbitrary since they are dependent on the range and resolution of periodicities tested using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and tend to increase with greater sample sizes.
  2. If your data is not readily stratifiable into enough groups for adequate comparison by the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, consider aggregating the data and analyzing the SNR's using a permutation test or bootstrap analysis.

For a clear visual representation of the periodicities in your data, use the following command:
mutperiod generateFigures
As the name implies, this command generates figures showing mutation counts across the dyad radius and color-coding the regions that are expected to cause the periodicity. Several options allow the fine tuning of these figures:

  • Outliers can be omitted to clean up the graphs.
  • Data spanning multiple nucleosomes can be smoothed to suppress the periodicity that may be present within individual nucleosomes.
  • The results can be "strand aligned" meaning that the dyad position for mutation counts on the minus strand of DNA are inverted, causing both strands to be aligned 5' to 3'.

An example of one of these figures is given here:
mutperiod Figure

A Representative Example

Obtaining the data

The mutation data used in this example comes from the ICGC data portal.
The genome fasta file and nucleosome positioning files used can be found here.

Parsing the input data

The following mutperiod command was used to parse the data:
mutperiod parseICGC
The dialog was filled out as follows to parse the data and generate individual donors, stratified by microsatellite stability:
mutperiod parseICGC Dialog

Processing the data for periodicity analysis

The following mutperiod command was used to prepare the data for periodicity analysis:
mutperiod mainPipeline
The dialog was filled out as follows to normalize data by trinucleotide context and count mutations within both single nucleotide and nucleotide group radii.
mutperiod mainPipeline Dialog

Quantifying the periodicity

The following mutperiod command was used to prepare the data for periodicity analysis:
mutperiod periodicityAnalysis
The dialog was filled out as follows to quantify the periodicities of the grouped MSS and MSI data.
mutperiod grouped periodicityAnalysis Dialog

In addition, the command was run again and the dialog was filled out as follows to compare the translational periodicities of MSS vs MSI cohorts.
mutperiod individual periodicityAnalysis Dialog1
mutperiod individual periodicityAnalysis Dialog2 mutperiod individual periodicityAnalysis Dialog3

The Wilcoxon Rank Sum test produced the following results:
mutperiod periodicityAnalysis Result

Visualizing the results

The following mutperiod command was used in order to visualize the results:
mutperiod generateFigures
The dialog was filled out as follows to view graphs of the normalized and grouped MSS and MSI data with results smoothed to suppress the individual nucleosome periodicity in the nucleosome group data.
mutperiod generateFigures Dialog

Here is an example of one of the resulting figures:
Figure Example


I would like to thank the following individuals and organizations who made developing mutperiod possible:

  • The Wyrick lab at Washington State University, especially Dr. John Wyrick, who guided me through much of this process.
  • Washington State University for funding me as a graduate student while I developed mutperiod.
  • Dr. Pete Tucker from Whitworth University who taught me to be flexible, creative, persistent, and confident as I steadily work to become a better programmer and student.
  • T.B. for their heartfelt support throughout the development cycle of mutperiod.


A hybrid Python and R toolset for characterizing nucleosome mutational periodicities.








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