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bmorris3 committed Oct 6, 2021
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50 changes: 11 additions & 39 deletions README.rst
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@@ -1,44 +1,16 @@
Phase curve models in JAX


This project is Copyright (c) Brett M. Morris and licensed under
the terms of the GNU GPL v3+ license. This package is based upon
the `Openastronomy packaging guide <>`_
which is licensed under the BSD 3-clause licence. See the licenses folder for
more information.


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:alt: Documentation Status

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**Imposter syndrome disclaimer**: We want your help. No, really.
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There may be a little voice inside your head that is telling you that you're not
ready to be an open source contributor; that your skills aren't nearly good
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We assure you - the little voice in your head is wrong. If you can write code at
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Phase curve models in JAX

Note: This disclaimer was originally written by
`Adrienne Lowe <>`_ for a
`PyCon talk <>`_, and was adapted by
jaxon based on its use in the README file for the
`MetPy project <>`_.
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from jax import jit, numpy as jnp, lax

CONST_K, CONST_C, CONST_H = 1.380649e-16, 29979245800.0, 6.62607015e-27 # cgs

def log_hminus_continuum(wavelength_um, temperature, pressure,
volume_mixing_ratio_product, truncation_value=-100):

# first, compute the cross sections (in cm4/dyne)
kappa_bf = bound_free_absorption(wavelength_um, temperature)
kappa_ff = free_free_absorption(wavelength_um, temperature)

absorption_coeff = (
(kappa_bf + kappa_ff) * volume_mixing_ratio_product *
truncate_small = jnp.where(
absorption_coeff != 0,

return truncate_small

def bound_free_absorption(wavelength_um, temperature):
# Note: alpha has a value of 1.439e4 micron-1 K-1, the value stated in John (1988) is wrong
# here, we express alpha using physical constants
alpha = CONST_C * CONST_H / CONST_K * 10000.0
lambda_0 = 1.6419 # photo-detachment threshold

# //tabulated constant from John (1988)
def f(wavelength_um):
C_n = jnp.vstack(
[jnp.arange(1, 7),
[152.519, 49.534, -118.858, 92.536, -34.194, 4.982]]

def body_fun(val, x):
i, C_n_i = x
base = jnp.where(1.0 / wavelength_um - 1.0 / lambda_0 > 0,
1.0 / wavelength_um - 1.0 / lambda_0, 0)
return val, val + C_n_i * jnp.power(base, (i - 1) / 2.0)

return lax.scan(body_fun, jnp.zeros_like(wavelength_um), C_n)[-1].sum(

# first, we calculate the photo-detachment cross-section (in cm2)
kappa_bf = (1e-18 * wavelength_um ** 3 *
jnp.clip(1.0 / wavelength_um - 1.0 / lambda_0, a_min=0,
a_max=None), 1.5) * f(wavelength_um)

kappa_bf = jnp.where(
(wavelength_um <= lambda_0) & (wavelength_um > 0.125),
(0.750 * jnp.power(temperature, -2.5) * jnp.exp(
alpha / lambda_0 / temperature) *
(1.0 - jnp.exp(-alpha / wavelength_um / temperature)) * kappa_bf),
return kappa_bf

def free_free_absorption(wavelength_um, temperature):
# coefficients from John (1988)
# to follow his notation (which starts at an index of 1), the 0-index components are 0
# for wavelengths larger than 0.3645 micron
A_n1 = jnp.array([2483.3460, -3449.8890, 2200.0400, -696.2710, 88.2830])
B_n1 = jnp.array([285.8270, -1158.3820, 2427.7190, -1841.4000, 444.5170])
C_n1 = jnp.array(
[-2054.2910, 8746.5230, -13651.1050, 8624.9700, -1863.8650])
D_n1 = jnp.array(
[2827.7760, -11485.6320, 16755.5240, -10051.5300, 2095.2880])
E_n1 = jnp.array([-1341.5370, 5303.6090, -7510.4940, 4400.0670, -901.7880])
F_n1 = jnp.array([208.9520, -812.9390, 1132.7380, -655.0200, 132.9850])

# for wavelengths between 0.1823 micron and 0.3645 micron
A_n2 = jnp.array([518.1021, 473.2636, -482.2089, 115.5291, 0.0, 0.0])
B_n2 = jnp.array([-734.8666, 1443.4137, -737.1616, 169.6374, 0.0, 0.0])
C_n2 = jnp.array([1021.1775, -1977.3395, 1096.8827, -245.6490, 0.0, 0.0])
D_n2 = jnp.array([-479.0721, 922.3575, -521.1341, 114.2430, 0.0, 0.0])
E_n2 = jnp.array([93.1373, -178.9275, 101.7963, -21.9972, 0.0, 0.0])
F_n2 = jnp.array([-6.4285, 12.3600, -7.0571, 1.5097, 0.0, 0.0])

coeffs1 = jnp.vstack([
jnp.arange(2, 7), A_n1, B_n1, C_n1, D_n1, E_n1, F_n1

coeffs2 = jnp.vstack([
jnp.arange(1, 7), A_n2, B_n2, C_n2, D_n2, E_n2, F_n2

def body_fun(val, x):
i, A_n_i, B_n_i, C_n_i, D_n_i, E_n_i, F_n_i = x
return val, val + (jnp.power(5040.0 / temperature, (i + 1) / 2.0) *
(wavelength_um ** 2 * A_n_i + B_n_i + C_n_i /
wavelength_um + D_n_i / wavelength_um ** 2 +
E_n_i / wavelength_um ** 3 + F_n_i /
wavelength_um ** 4))

kappa_ff = jnp.where(
wavelength_um > 0.3645,
lax.scan(body_fun, jnp.zeros_like(wavelength_um), coeffs1)[-1].sum(
0) * 1e-29,
) + jnp.where(
(wavelength_um >= 0.1823) & (wavelength_um <= 0.3645),
lax.scan(body_fun, jnp.zeros_like(wavelength_um), coeffs2)[-1].sum(
0) * 1e-29,

return kappa_ff

def dtauHminusCtm(nus, Tarr, Parr, dParr, volume_mixing_ratio_product, mmw, g):
"""dtau of the H- continuum
nus: wavenumber matrix (cm-1)
Tarr: temperature array (K)
Parr: temperature array (bar)
dParr: delta temperature array (bar)
volume_mixing_ratio_product: number density for e- times number density for H [N_layer]
mmw: mean molecular weight of atmosphere
g: gravity (cm2/s)
nucia: wavenumber array for CIA
tcia: temperature array for CIA
logac: log10(absorption coefficient of CIA)
optical depth matrix [N_layer, N_nus]
logm_ucgs=np.log10(m_u*1.e3) where m_u = scipy.constants.m_u.
kB = 1.380649e-16
logm_ucgs = -23.779750909492115

narr = (Parr * 1.e6) / (kB * Tarr)
lognarr1 = jnp.log10(narr) # log number density

logkb = jnp.log10(kB)
logg = jnp.log10(g)
ddParr = dParr / Parr
wavelength_um = 1e4 / nus[::-1]
dtauctm = (10 ** (log_hminus_continuum(wavelength_um, Tarr[:, None], Parr,
+ lognarr1[:, None] + logkb - logg - logm_ucgs)
* Tarr[:, None] / mmw * ddParr[:, None])

return dtauctm
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import G
from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody

from .spectrum import wav, wav_vis

planet_name = "HAT-P-7"

# Mansfield 2018
lines = """1.120–1.158 0.0334±0.0037
1.158–1.196 0.0413±0.0038
1.196–1.234 0.0404±0.0037
1.234–1.271 0.0501±0.0037
1.271–1.309 0.0503±0.0038
1.309–1.347 0.0498±0.0037
1.347–1.385 0.0530±0.0037
1.385–1.423 0.0510±0.0037
1.423–1.461 0.0547±0.0039
1.461–1.499 0.0621±0.0041
1.499–1.536 0.0607±0.0042
1.536–1.574 0.0593±0.0044
1.574–1.612 0.0594±0.0046
1.612–1.650 0.0593±0.0045""".splitlines()
central_wl = ([np.array(list(map(float, line.split(' ')[0].split('–')))).mean()
for line in lines]) *
depths = np.array([float(line.split(' ')[1].split('±')[0][:-1])
for line in lines]) * 1e-2
depths_err = np.array([float(line.split(' ')[1].split('±')[1][1:])
for line in lines]) * 1e-2

spitzer_wl = [3.6, 4.5]
spitzer_depth = 1e-2 * np.array([0.161, 0.186])
spitzer_depth_err = 1e-2 * np.array([0.014, 0.008])

# plt.plot(
# central_wl, depths, 'o'
# )
# plt.plot(
# spitzer_wl, spitzer_depth, 'o'
# )

kepler_mean_wl = [0.641] # um
kepler_depth = [19e-6] # eyeballed
kepler_depth_err = [10e-6]

all_depths = np.concatenate([depths, spitzer_depth])
all_depths_errs = np.concatenate([depths_err, spitzer_depth_err])
all_wavelengths = np.concatenate([central_wl.value, spitzer_wl])

bb_star = BlackBody(temperature=6300*u.K)

bb_star_transformed = (bb_star(wav*u.nm)).to(
u.erg/u.s/**2/u.Hz/, u.spectral_density(wav*u.nm)
) * np.pi

bb_star_transformed_vis = (bb_star(wav_vis*u.nm)).to(
u.erg/u.s/**2/u.Hz/, u.spectral_density(wav_vis*u.nm)
) * np.pi

rprs = float(1.431*u.R_jup / (2.00 * u.R_sun))

g = (G * u.M_jup / u.R_jup**2).to(**2).value

t0 = 2454954.357462 # Bonomo 2017
period = 2.204740 # Stassun 2017
rp = 16.9 * u.R_earth # Stassun 2017
rstar = 1.991 * u.R_sun # Berger 2017
a = 4.13 * rstar # Stassun 2017
duration = 4.0398 / 24 # Holczer 2016
b = 0.4960 # Esteves 2015
rho_star = 0.27 * u.g / ** 3 # Stassun 2017
T_s = 6449 # Berger 2018

a_rs = float(a / rstar)
a_rp = float(a / rp)
rp_rstar = float(rp / rstar)
eclipse_half_dur = duration / period / 2
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions jaxon/
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import numpy as np
from lightkurve import search_lightcurve
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip, mad_std
import astropy.units as u
from kelp import Filter
import exoplanet as xo
import pymc3 as pm
import pymc3_ext as pmx

from .utils import floatX
from .hatp7 import (
planet_name, t0, period, eclipse_half_dur, b, rstar, rho_star, rp_rstar

lcf = search_lightcurve(
planet_name, mission="Kepler", cadence="long"#, quarter=10 #[10, 11, 12]

slc = lcf.stitch()

phases = ((slc.time.jd - t0) % period) / period
in_eclipse = np.abs(phases - 0.5) < 1.5 * eclipse_half_dur
in_transit = (phases < 1.5 * eclipse_half_dur) | (
phases > 1 - 1.5 * eclipse_half_dur)
out_of_transit = np.logical_not(in_transit)# | in_eclipse)

slc = slc.flatten(
polyorder=3, break_tolerance=10, window_length=1001, mask=~out_of_transit

phases = ((slc.time.jd - t0) % period) / period
in_eclipse = np.abs(phases - 0.5) < 1.5 * eclipse_half_dur
in_transit = (phases < 1.5 * eclipse_half_dur) | (
phases > 1 - 1.5 * eclipse_half_dur)
out_of_transit = np.logical_not(in_transit)# | in_eclipse)

sc = sigma_clip(
np.ascontiguousarray(slc.flux[out_of_transit], dtype=floatX),
maxiters=100, sigma=8, stdfunc=mad_std

phase = np.ascontiguousarray(
phases[out_of_transit][~sc.mask], dtype=floatX
time = np.ascontiguousarray(
slc.time.jd[out_of_transit][~sc.mask], dtype=floatX

bin_in_eclipse = np.abs(phase - 0.5) < eclipse_half_dur
unbinned_flux_mean = np.mean(sc[~sc.mask].data) # .mean()

unbinned_flux_mean_ppm = 1e6 * (unbinned_flux_mean - 1)
flux_normed = np.ascontiguousarray(
1e6 * (sc[~sc.mask].data / unbinned_flux_mean - 1.0), dtype=floatX
flux_normed_err = np.ascontiguousarray(
1e6 * slc.flux_err[out_of_transit][~sc.mask].value, dtype=floatX

filt = Filter.from_name("Kepler")
filt.bin_down(4) # This speeds up integration by orders of magnitude
filt_wavelength, filt_trans =, filt.transmittance

with pm.Model() as model:
# Define a Keplerian orbit using `exoplanet`:
orbit = xo.orbits.KeplerianOrbit(
period=period, t0=0, b=b, / ** 3),
r_star=float(rstar / u.R_sun)

# Compute the eclipse model (no limb-darkening):
eclipse_light_curves = xo.LimbDarkLightCurve([0, 0]).get_light_curve(
orbit=orbit._flip(rp_rstar), r=orbit.r_star,
t=phase * period,
texp=(30 * u.min).to(u.d).value

# Normalize the eclipse model to unity out of eclipse and
# zero in-eclipse
eclipse = 1 + pm.math.sum(eclipse_light_curves, axis=-1)

eclipse_numpy = pmx.eval_in_model(eclipse)

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