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Experiments with TESS alerts by Brett Morris (UW). Comments/questions? Tweet @brettmor.

TIC 52368076 b and c

Multiplanet system with 2:1 period ratio. I fit TIC 52368076 for transit timing variations, and find that the innermost planet has at least one significant departure from a linear ephemeris, but there are insufficient measurements to constrain the masses of the planets via TTVFast. Unfortunately, according to tess-point this target will only be observed in Sectors 1 & 2, so this is all we've got.

TIC 260271203 B/b

This object appears to be orbiting a star with the following properties: Rstar: 1.21, Teff: 5963.0 K, Logg: 4.31, and appears to have a very deep transit depth. Here I test whether or not the large radius can be explained by unocculted starspots in the vein of Morris et al 2018 and find that the most likely radius of the planet from ingress/egress duration is still quite large. According to tess-point this target will be observed in Sectors 1-13, so there's lots more data coming for this target.

TIC 280830734 b

Grazing transit of a variable, slightly evolved star with Rstar: 1.61, Teff: 6340.3 K, Logg: 4.18. Here I test whether or not there's evidence for unocculted starspots in the vein of Morris et al 2018 and can't find the reported planet. There's more data coming in Sector 13, but we'll have to wait a while for that.

TIC 441462736 b

Two transits of an evolved star. Here I measure the planet radius despite the obvious spot occultation following Morris et al 2018 and find that the exoplanet radius is probably underestimated by the DVS report due to a spot occultation in the first transit (of two total). Unfortunately, this target will not fall on silicon again according to tess-point.

TIC 149010208 b

Lots of transits of an apparently super-inflated hot Jupiter, plus two peculiar brightening events. Could this be a heartbeat star, or self-lensing non-transiting binary a la Kruse & Agol (2014)?

TIC 307210830 b/c/d (TOI 175)

M dwarf at 10 parsecs with three transiting planets.

TIC 52368076 b/c/d (TOI 125)

K1V dwarf with three (?) transiting exoplanets. Inner two near 2:1 MMR.

TIC 278683844 b/c TOI 119

Two exceptionally deep transits near 2:1 MMR of a G9V star.