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Some example materials for a Haskell DC talk on GADTs which occurred on January 15, 2015. There are three examples here, listed (roughly) in order of increasing sophistication:

  • tuple: A simple, and simply typed, embedded language allowing manipulation of constants. Allowed types are integers, booleans, and pairs of types.
  • calc: A reverse Polish notation (RPN) stack-based calculator language allowing arithmetic operations on integers.
  • stlc: An implementation of a simply-typed lambda calculus (STLC) with integer and boolean primitive types.

Each example is implemented in three different ways, and so within each example directory, there are three independent Haskell files which may be loaded with GHCi:

  • Step1.hs: Implementation using Haskell98 types, without checking for well-formedness of the embedded language. Evaluation is left undefined for expressions which are not well-formed, so attempting to evaluate non-well-formed expressions results in an incomplete pattern match failure.
  • Step2.hs: Implementation using GADTs (and for calc and stlc, DataKinds as well). The Haskell compiler's type system verifies that expressions within the embedded language are well-formed. The code to evaluate expressions need not handle data corresponding to non-well-formed expressions; in fact, doing so causes a Haskell compiler error. The pattern matching failures from Step1.hs are now verified to be impossible. (NOTE: GHC currently still warns of incomplete patterns due to a [bug] ( If you try to handle the so-called missing patterns, a compiler error will result.)
  • Step3.hs: An implementation with GADTs (similar to Step2.hs) together with a Parsec parser that parses in expressions of the embedded language from strings into the GADT expression language, verifying the well-formedness of strings which are parsed successfully.

The main files for stlc accomplish variable referencing via de Bruijn indices. There is a file [Named.hs] ( where variables are given names (Strings, or, at the type level, "Symbols") instead. My implementation requires closed type families with pattern matching to do the variable name lookup at compile-time. Unfortunately, it is impossible to repeat the lookup at runtime because failure to match types in a type-family definition cannot be saved in a constraint or data structure (see section 7.5 of this paper). So we use unsafeCoerce to make GHC happy.


Materials for HaskellDC talk on GADTs






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