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259 lines (223 loc) · 16 KB

The following sections are aimed at RAMSES Logic developers and contributors. If you simply want to use the library, stop reading here, unless you are interested in the internal workings of the code and are not afraid of technical details!

Understand RAMSES Logic architecture and design

Current Architecture

The Ramses Logic consists of a single library which can be static or dynamic. It has a dependency on a Ramses target which can be static or dynamic library itself, or a custom build of Ramses. The following diagram illustrates the libraries and their dependencies:



By default, the Logic Engine builds a client-only shared library version of Ramses. You can override this behavior by providing your own Ramses target as described in the :ref:`Build options`.

Source contents

The following list gives a rough overview which parts of the logic engine reside in which part of the source tree:

  • include/
    Contains all public include files
  • lib/
    • flatbuffers/
      Schema files describing the flatbuffers file structure and generated flatbuffer headers
    • impl/
      API classes and their corresponding Impl classes (following the pimpl pattern)
    • internals/
      Classes which contain the implementation details. This is the majority of the code.
  • cmake/
    CMake helper files
  • examples/
    Contains examples, each in its own folder
  • external/
    Contains all external dependencies, as described in the :ref:`Current Architecture`
  • doc/
    The docs source files and configuration (Sphinx and Doxygen)
  • unittests/
    Unit tests, each file corresponding to a (unit) class or a subset of its functionality


The minimal set of files/folders required to build the logic engine is /include, /lib, /cmake, /external and the root CMakeLists.txt file.

API, ABI and file format changes

The Logic Engine public API resides in the include folder of the project. Any change there should be considered a possible API or ABI change. File format schemas are stored in the lib/flatbuffers folder - changes there can break existing binary files. All of those changes should be combined with corresponding entry in the CHANGELOG and considered for a non-patchfix bump when creating a new release.

Version bump rules generally comply with semver semantics. Listing some examples here:

  • Changing existing API or breaking serialization format results in major version bump. Read the flatbuffers article on writing schemas has useful hints how to write forward-and-backwards compatible schemas and code
  • Changing Lua syntax which may break existing scripts' results in major version bump
  • One exception to this rule is handling Lua errors which would otherwise introduce undefined behavior in the scripts. We consider these fixes non-breaking, but always mention them explicitly in the CHANGELOG
  • Adding a new method or class which can compile with existing code results in minor version bump
  • Changing internal functionality with no user visibility results in a patchfix bump.


Practical hint for developers: all flatbuffer fields are by default optional. Adding a new field at the end of a table and checking for its existence in code when loading a file makes the file format change by default forward-and-backwards compatible.

I want to understand the code, where do I start?

A good place to start learning the Logic Engine is to be a user of it first. Have a look at the :ref:`examples <List of all examples>`. Check out the :ref:`API classes <Class Index>` and follow some of the methods through their implementation. Interested in the behavior of some of the classes? Take a look at its unit test in the /unittests folder.

Since the Logic Engine makes heavy use of Lua through the (amazing!) Sol library you will sooner or later stumble upon sol::* symbols when digging through the code. We suggest to study the concepts of Sol beforehand through its (well designed) documentation and tutorials, before trying to make sense of the Logic Engine customization points.

Have a good grasp of Sol and Lua? We suggest diving into the Logic Engine by first looking into the implementation of the LuaScript class (the actual code is in LuaScriptImpl - a standard practice of the Pimpl pattern used for the entire API). Looking and debugging through the unit tests of LuaScript(Impl) is also a good way to understand the inner workings of the class. Other classes (bindings for example) share similar concepts and will be easy to understand.

Design decision log

The following list documents the design decisions behind the RAMSES Logic project in inverse-chronological order (latest decisions come on top).

  • Do we support animations?

    Yes. After brainstorming different options, we decided animations belong to the logic/scripting runtime rather than the Ramses scene API. As a result, animations will be removed from Ramses in a future release and only maintained in the Logic Engine.

  • How to implement serialization?

    Serialization is implemented using Flatbuffers - a library which allows binary optimizations when loading objects which are flat in memory.

  • Static vs. shared library

    Both are supported, but shared lib is the preferred option. The public API is designed in a way that no memory allocation is exposed, so that DLLs on Windows will not have the problem of incompatible runtimes.

  • Which version of C++ to use?

    As with CMake, C++ version is a tradeoff between modern code and compatibility. We settled on C++17 so that we can use some of the modern features like string_view, and std::optional and std::variant.

  • Which version of``CMake`` to use?

    CMake is an obvious choice for any C/C++ project as it is de-facto industry standard for cross-platform development. There is a tradeoff between cleaniness and compatibility when choosing a minimal CMake version, and we settled on version 3.13, despite it being relatively new and not installed by default on the majority of Linux distributions. CMake made great improvements over the last few versions, and 3.13 specifically offers much better ways to install and package projects, as well as many QoL changes.

  • Which tool to use for documentation

    We use a combination of Doxygen, Sphinx and Breathe. Doxygen because it has great support for inline C++ documentation and lexer capabilities. Sphinx because it is industry standard and provides great flexibility in putting multiple different projects under the same umbrella. Breathe is a bridge between Doxygen and Sphinx which provides beautiful html output from raw Doxygen output.

  • Plain Lua vs. Sol wrapper

    Since Lua has a low-level API in C which requires careful handling of the stack as well as working with raw pointers and casts, we decised to use sol - a great C++ wrapper for Lua which also provides easy switch between different Lua implementations with negligable performance overhead.

  • Should scripts interact between each other?

    One of the difficulties of script environments is to define boundaries and state of scripts. It is often required that data is passed between scripts, but it is highly undesirable that scripts global variables influence each other and create unexpected side effects. To address this we put each script in its own Lua environment, but allow scripts to pass data to each other by explicitly linking one script's output(s) to another script's input. This can be done during asset design time or during runtime.

  • Pimpl, no Pimpl, or Header-Only?

    Header-Only implementation was almost immediately out of question due to the expected size and feature scope of the Logic Engine - which includes animations, scripts, serialization, among other things. Between Pimpl and no Pimpl, we decided to lean on our experience from developing Ramses, where having a Pimpl abstraction proved very useful when guaranteeing a stable API and under-the-hood bugfixing and performance improvements.

  • What is the interface of scripts to the RAMSES Logic runtime?

    Based on the latter decision, we had to define how Lua scripts interact with the C++ side of the runtime. After lengthy discussions and considering various different options, we settled on a solution where each Lua script declares explicitly its interface via a special function with the same name. There is a differentiation between inputs and outputs which also defines when a script will be executed, namely when it's inputs values changed. Script payload must be placed in another special function called run which can access inputs as declared, and also set outputs' values.

  • How should scripts interact with the RAMSES scene(s)?

    Lua offers multiple ways to interact between scripts and C++. The two main options we considered:

    • provide custom classes and overload them in C++ code (e.g. RamsesNode type in Lua)
    • provide interface in Lua to set predefined types (e.g. int, float, vec3, etc.) and link them to C++ objects

    We chose the second option because it allows decoupling of the Lua scripts from the actual 3D scene, and also allows the RAMSES Composer which uses the Lua runtime to generically link the scripts properties to RAMSES objects.

  • Which tools to use for CI/testing?

    All CI tools are based on Docker for two reasons: Docker is industry standard for reproducible build environments, and it nicely abstracts tool installation details from the user - such as Python environment, extensions, tool versions etc. Also, the Docker image recipe can be used as a baseline for a custom build environment or debug build issues arising from using special compilers. The concrete tools we use for quality checks are: Googletest, clang-tidy, valgrind, and a bunch of custom python scripts for license checking and code-style. We also use llvm tools for test coverage and statistics.

  • Which approach to use for continuous integration?

    There are multiple open platforms for CI available for open source projects, but all of them have limitations, mostly in the capacity. Therefore we chose to use an internal commercial CI system for the initial development of the project in order to not hit limitations. It is planned to switch to an open platform in future (i.e. Github actions, CircleCI or similar).

  • Should we support JIT compilation of scripts?

    Currently we use standard Lua, no JIT, but we maintain the possibility to switch to LuaJIT in the future.

  • Which version of Lua?

    We chose Lua 5.1 as it is still compatible with LuaJIT and enables potentially compiling scripts dynamically in a performance-friendly way.

  • Which scripting language to use?

    Lua was an easy choice, because it provides by far the best combination between extensibility and performance. The stack concept of Lua provides unprecendented flexibility for custom extensions in C++ code, and the metatable approach provides great way to provide object oriented features in a pure scripting language. The other option we considered was Python due to its power and popularity, but ultimately ruled out as an option due to the size of the interpreter itself and the complexity of it which is not required for real time graphics applications.

  • Should we make separate library or embed support in RAMSES directly?

    RAMSES is designed to be minimalistic and closely aligned to OpenGL. Even though it would be more convenient to have a single library, we decided it's better to create a separate lib/module so that users which don't need the scripting support are not forced with it, and we can also be more flexible with the choice of technology.

  • Should scripts be executed remotely (renderer), or client-side only? Or both?

    RAMSES provides distribution support for graphical content - in fact that's the primary feature of RAMSES that distinguishes it from other engines. We had the choice to whether to make scripting execution also remote (i.e. executed on a renderer component rather than a client component). There are pros and cons for both approaches, but ultimately we decided to implement a client-side scripting runtime in favor of security and stability concerns. Sending scripts to a remote renderer poses a security risk mostly for embedded devices which must fulfill safety and quality criteria, and the benefits of executing scripts remotely is comparatively small.

  • Should we add scripting support to RAMSES?

    As more and more users of RAMSES use the rendering engine, various applications had to find a solution to the lack of scripting capabilities. We tried several solutions - code generation, proprietary scripting formats, as well as implementing everything in C++ purely. Reality showed that these solutions do very similar things - abstract and control the structure of ramses scene(s) and they even shared the same code, for e.g. animation, grouping of nodes, offscreen rendering. Thus we decided that scripting support would provide a common ground for implementing such logic and abstraction.

Developer guidelines

Apart from the general project architecture and design decisions outlined above, we try to be as open to change as possible. Want to try out something new? Feel free to experiment with the codebase and propose a change (see :ref:`contributing <Contributing>`).

Here are some additional things to consider when modifying the project:

  • Execute existing tests before submitting PRs and write new tests for new functionality

  • Have an idea or feature request? Feel free to create a Github issue

  • Treat documentation at least as good as the code itself

    • Added a new feature? Mention it in the CHANGELOG!
    • Modified the public API? Adapt the doxygen documentation!
    • Changed the serialization format? Re-run the FlatbufGen target in CMake
    • Made an API, ABI or any other incompatible change? Don't forget to bump the semantic version of the project in the main CMakeLists.txt file


When changing the serialization schemes of Ramses Logic, the generated flatbuffers header files have to be re-generated and committed as part of the change. This may seem counter-intuitive for code generation, but not all build system support dynamically generated code. Hence, we keep the generated header files checked in with the rest of the code, and re-generate them when needed. To re-create those files, execute the FlatbufGen target on your build system.
