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.. default-domain:: lua

Quick start

The Logic Engine uses an extended Lua syntax to declare what should happen with the attached Ramses scene when application inputs/signals/configuration changes. If you prefer learning by example and/or have previous experience with scripting languages, you could have a look at the Ramses Composer examples and come back to these docs for details. If not, we suggest reading through the docs and trying out the presented concepts on your own in a freshly created Ramses Composer project. Just create a new LuaScript object (right-clicking the resource menu), set its URI to a file on your local machine, and start jamming!

Alternatively, if you have a C++ compiler/IDE, you can use some of the :ref:`examples <List of all examples>`, e.g. :ref:`the structs example <Example with structured properties>` as a sandbox to compile and try out the code presented here.

Basics of Lua

Lua is a scripting language designed to be efficient, easily extensible, and highly portable. These properties are also the reason we chose it over Python, C# and other popular languages for gaming/3D development.


The Lua community has two camps - those who use the latest version (5.4) and those who use 5.1 (there have been major changes since 5.1 which split the community to an extent). We use a subset of the 5.1 version of Lua, although there are no major differences from a syntax point of view.

You can have a look at the official docs of Lua here for the full language specification. A basic script in Lua looks like this:

-- Comments start with `--`
name = "Jack"
age = "forty two"
-- Lua is dynamically typed!
age = 42

-- equivalent to "add = function(a, b)..."
function add(a, b)
    -- adding 'local' here makes the variable only visible in the function
    local result = a + b
    return result

-- Complex data is stored in `tables`, i.e. unsorted key-value pairs with no specific order
user_data = {
    user_name = name,
    user_age = add(age, 2),
    add_function = add

-- Can also use user_data["user_name"]

The Logic Engine provides full support for the Lua 5.1 language, with some restrictions and some enhancements. The restrictions are necessary to ensure the safety of applications running the scripts, while the enhancements are needed to enable a seamless integration with the outside world (other scripts, Ramses, the Ramses Composer). Let's get a closer look!

Declaring an interface() and a run() function

All scripts in the Logic Engine are required to have two special functions - interface() and run(). These functions should not accept any parameters and should not return values. The interface() function is used to declare what inputs a script accepts and what outputs it may produce. The run() function, which is executed whenever any of the inputs is changed, defines how the outputs' data shall be computed based on the current values of the inputs.

The interface() function is the place where script inputs and outputs are declared. It accepts two arguments, one to declare inputs and one to declare outputs of the script (the order is important - inputs are always the first argument!). The run() function also accepts two arguments, one for inputs and one for outputs. It can access the values of inputs and may set the values of outputs. We will name these arguments IN and OUT in the documents below, but you can give them any other name you want, as long as you keep the order (inputs first, outputs second). As per standard Lua syntax, any extra arguments will be set to nil.

The interface() function can declare inputs and outputs by adding properties to IN and OUT as if they were standard Lua tables. For example:

function interface(IN, OUT) = Type:String()
    IN.hungry = Type:Bool()

    OUT.coala = {
        name = Type:String(),
        coalafications = {
            bear = Type:Bool(),
            bamboo_eaten = Type:Int32()

In the above script, we declare two inputs (name and hungry) of type String and Bool respectively. We also define one output of type Struct (coala) which has two nested properties - name and coalifications. Coalifications is itself a struct (nested in coala).

The exact syntax for interface properties is:

  • the key has to be a string (not a number or anything else) so that it can be shown as a human-readable property in the Ramses Composer

  • the value has to be one of the following

    • a Logic Engine value type declared with Type:T() where T can be one of:

      • Int32, Int64, Float, String, Bool (primitive values)
      • Vec2f, Vec3f, Vec4f (fixed vector of Float)
      • Vec2i, Vec3i, Vec4i (fixed vector of Int32)
    • a Type:Struct(T) where T is a Lua table which properties obey the same rules (string keys and values declared with Type:<T>())

    • a Type:Array(N, T) where 1 <= N <= 255 and T is another type declared with Type:<T>()

  • as a shortcut for typing Type:Struct(T) you can also type T directly (tables get converted to Type:Struct automatically)

Here is another example, this time with arrays:

function interface(IN, OUT)
    IN.bamboo_coordinates = Type:Array(10, Type:Vec3f())
    IN.bamboo_sizes = Type:Array(10, Type:Float())

    OUT.located_bamboo = Type:Array(10, {
        position = Type:Vec3f(),
        not_eaten_yet = Type:Bool()

In the example above, IN.bamboo_coordinates is an input array of 10 elements, each of type Vec3f. OUT.located_bamboo is an output array with a Struct type - each of the 10 elements has a position and a not_eaten_yet property.

You can mix and match array and struct containers in various ways. For example you can also declare multi- dimensional arrays like this:

function interface(IN, OUT)
    local coalaStruct = Type:Struct({name = Type:String()})
    -- 100 x 100 array (2 dimensions), element type is a struct
    OUT.coala_army = Type:Array(100, Type:Array(100, coalaStruct))

function run(IN, OUT)
    for i,row in rl_ipairs(OUT.coala_army) do
        for j,coala in rl_ipairs(row) do
   = "soldier " .. tostring(i) .. "-" .. tostring(j)

Even though the IN and OUT objects are used by both interface() and run() functions, they have different semantics in each function. The interface function only declares the interface of the script, thus properties declared there can only have a type, they don't have a value yet - similar to function signatures in programming languages.

In contrast to the interface() function, the run() function can't declare new properties any more, but the properties have a value which can be read and written. Like in this example

function interface(IN, OUT) = Type:String()
    IN.hungry = Type:Bool()

    OUT.coala = {
        name = Type:String(),
        coalafications = {
            bear = Type:Bool(),
            bamboo_eaten = Type:Int32()

function run(IN, OUT)
    local coala_name = .. " the Coala"
    local bamboos_fed = 3

    if IN.hungry then
        bamboos_fed = 5

    OUT.coala = {
        name = coala_name,
        coalafications = {
            bear = true,
            bamboo_eaten = bamboos_fed

Here, run() will compute a few values and store the result in the output coala. Note that the structure of the coala output table is exactly the same as declared in the interface() function. In this example we assign all properties of coala, but you can only set a subset of them.

Furthermore, trying to declare new properties in run() will result in errors.

The interface() function is only ever executed once - during the creation of the script. The run() function is executed every time one or more of the values in IN changes, either when changed explicitly (in the Ramses Composer or in code), or when any of the inputs is linked to another script's output whose value changed.


Accessing properties is quite expensive compared to a local variable access. If a property value needs to be used several times in run() (e.g. in a loop), it's preferrable to store its value in a local variable.

Global variables and the init() function

The Logic Engine prohibits reading and writing global variables, with a few exceptions (see :ref:`Environments and isolation`). These restrictions make sure that scripts are stateless and not execution-dependent and that they behave the same after loading from a file as when they were created.

In order to declare global variables, use the init() function in conjunction with the GLOBAL special table for holding global symbols. Here is an example:

function init()
    GLOBAL.coala = {
        name = "Mr. Worldwide",
        age = 14

function interface(IN, OUT)

function run()
    print( .. " is " .. tostring(GLOBAL.coala.age))

The init() function is executed exactly once right after the script is created, and once when it is loaded from binary data (:cpp:func:`rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromFile`, :cpp:func:`rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromBuffer`). The contents of the GLOBAL table can be modified the same way as normal global Lua variables, and can also be functions. It also allows declaring types which can be then used in the interface() function. The init() function is optional, contrary to the other two functions - interface() and run().

You can also use modules in init(), see the :ref:`modules section <Using Lua modules>`.

Custom functions

The Logic Engine provides additional methods to work with extended types and modules, which are otherwise not possible with standard Lua. Here is a list of these methods:

  • modules function: declares dependencies to modules, can be called in Lua scripts and in modules themselves. Accepts a variable set of arguments, which have to be all of type string
  • rl_len implements the # semantics, but also works on custom types (IN, OUT and their child types) and modules
    • use to obtain the size of IN, OUT or their sub-types (structs, arrays etc.) or data tables coming from modules
  • rl_next custom stateless iterator similar to Lua built-in next
    • provides a way to iterate over custom types (IN, OUT, etc.) and Logic engine custom modules' data
    • semantically behaves exactly like next()
  • rl_pairs iterates over custom types, similar to Lua built-in pairs
    • uses rl_next internally to loop over built-ins, see above
    • semantically behaves like pairs(), yields integers [1, N] for array keys and strings for struct keys
  • rl_ipairs behaves exactly the same as rl_pairs when used on arrays
    • it's there for better readibility and compatibility to plain Lua
    • rl_ipairs(array) yields the same result as rl_pairs(array)

All of the rl_* functions also work on plain Lua tables. However, we suggest to use the built-in Lua versions for better performance if you know that the underlying type is a plain Lua table and not a usertype (IN, OUT, a Logic Engine module, etc.). An exception to this is the length (#) operator for module data - you have to use rl_len instead as modules are write-protected and the # operator in Lua 5.1 does not support write-protected tables.


The iterator functions work in the interface() phase as well. However, properties there are mutable (you can add a new property to any container). Changing containers while iterating over them can result in undefined behavior and crashes, similar to other iterator implementations in C++!

Environments and isolation

Lua is a powerful scripting language which can do practically anything. This can be a problem sometimes - especially if the scripts are running in a restricted environment with strict safety and security concerns. In order to reduce the risk of security attacks and stability problems, the Logic Engine isolates scripts in their own environment and limits the access of data and code. This ensures that a script can not be influenced by other scripts, modules, or dynamically loaded content, unless explicitly desired by the content creator.

The following set of rules describes which part of the Lua script is assigned to which environment:

  • Each script has its own runtime environment - applied to the run() function
  • The init() function is also executed in the runtime environment
  • The interface() function is executed in a temporary environment which is destroyed afterwards (alongside all its data!)
  • The interface() function has access to modules and the GLOBAL table, but nothing else


Variables declared as 'local' but are declared in the global space (outside any function) can not be reliably isolated because of the way Lua works (they bypass environment boundaries). It is strongly discouraged to declare local variables in the global scope to avoid having undefined behavior!

Furthermore, the Logic Engine enforces strict rules on reading and writing global variables. These are as follows:

  • No global variables may be declared in the runtime environment, other than the special functions init, interface and run
  • Special functions can be declared at most once (e.g. it's not possible to declare the interface function twice)
  • No global variables may be accessed, except:
    • Modules (they are mapped as global variables)
    • The GLOBAL table in the functions where that's allowed
    • The IN and OUT special tables
  • In particular, you can't call any of the special global functions (they are called by the runtime). Doing that will result in errors!

Indexing inside Lua

Lua has traditionally used array indexing starting at 1, in contrast to other popular script or programming languages. Thus, the syntax and type checks of the Ramses Logic runtime honours standard indexing used in Lua (starting by 1). This allows for example to use Lua tables as initializer lists for arrays, without having to provide indices. Take a look at the following code sample:

function interface(IN, OUT)
    OUT.array = Type:Array(2, Type:Int32())

function run(IN, OUT)
    -- This will work
    OUT.array = {11, 12}
    -- This will also work and produce the same result
    OUT.array = {
        [1] = 11,
        [2] = 12
    -- This will not work and will result in error
    OUT.array = {
        [0] = 11,
        [1] = 12

The first two snippets are equivalent and will work. The first syntax (line 7) is obviously most convenient - just provide all array elements in the Lua table. Note that Lua will implicitly index elements starting from 1 with this syntax. The second syntax (line 9-12) is equivalent to the first one, but explicitly sets table indices. The third syntax (line 14-17) is the one which feels intuitive for C/C++ developers, but will result in errors inside Lua scripts.


Generic Lua scripts will allows any kind of index - even negative ones. In Ramses Logic, we require arrays which are declared over IN and OUT to be strictly indexed from 1 to N without 'holes' to prevent inconsistencies and ensure a strict and safe data transfer between the scripts and the native runtime.

In order to achieve memory efficiency, but also to be consistent with C/C++ rules, the C++ API of Ramses Logic provides index access starting from 0 on the code side. The index mapping is taken over by the Ramses Logic library.

Errors in scripts

General Lua syntax errors, but also violations of the Logic Engine rules (e.g. forgetting to declare an interface() function) will be caught and reported. Scripts which contain errors will stop their execution at the line of code where the error occured. Other scripts which may be linked to the erroneous script will not be executed to prevent faulty results.

Using Lua modules

Standard modules

The Logic Engine restricts which Lua modules can be used to a subset of the standard modules of Lua 5.1:

  • Base library
  • String
  • Table
  • Math
  • Debug

For more information on the standard modules, refer to the official Lua documentation of the standard modules.

Some of the standard modules are deliberately not supported:

  • Security/safety concerns (loading files, getting OS/environment info)
  • Not supported on all platforms (e.g. Android forbids direct file access)
  • Stability/integration concerns (e.g. opening relative files in Lua makes the scripts non-relocatable)

Custom modules

It is possible to create custom user modules (see :cpp:class:`rlogic::LuaModule` for the C++ docs). A custom module can contain any Lua source code which obeys the modern Lua module definition convention (i.e. declare a table, fill it with data and functions, and return the table as a result of the module script):

local coalaModule = {}

coalaModule.coalaChief = "Alfred"

coalaModule.coalaStruct = {
    preferredFood = Type:String(),
    weight = Type:Int32()

function coalaModule.bark()
    print("Coalas don't bark...")

return coalaModule

The name of the module (line 1) is not of importance and won't be visible anywhere outside of the module definition file. You can declare structs and other types you could otherwise use in the interface() functions of scripts (line 5). You can declare functions and make them part of the module by using the syntax on line 10. Make sure you return the module (line 14)!

You can use modules in scripts as you would use a standard Lua module. The only exception is that you can't import the module with the require keyword, but have to use a free function modules() to declare the modules needed by the script:


function interface(IN, OUT)
    local s = coalas.coalaStruct
    OUT.coalas = Type:Array(2, s)

function run(IN, OUT)
    OUT.coalas = {
            preferredFood = "bamboo",
            weight = 5
            preferredFood = "donuts",
            weight = 12

    print(coalas.chief .. " says:")

The name coalas on line 1 is the name under which the module is mapped and available in the script (e.g. on lines 4, 20-21). The name obeys the same rules as Lua labels - it can only contain digits, letters and the underscore character, and it can't start with a digit. Also, the names used in the mapping must be unique (otherwise the script won't be able to uniquely resolve which modules are supposed to be used).

It is also possible to use modules in other modules, like this:


local rotationHelper = {}

function rotationHelper.matrixFromEuler(x, y, z)
    local q = quaternions.createFromEuler(x, y, z)
    return q.toMatrix()

return rotationHelper

In the example above, the rotationHelper module uses another module quaternions to provide a new function which computes a rotation matrix using quaternions as an intermediate step.


Modules are read-only to prevent misuse and guarantee safe usage.

Additional Lua syntax specifics

RAMSES Logic fuses C++ and Lua code which are quite different, both in terms of language semantics, type system and memory management. This is mostly transparent to the user, but there are some noteworthy special cases worth explaining.

Userdata vs. table

The properties declared in the IN and OUT arguments are stored as so-called usertype Lua objects, not standard tables. Userdata are C++ objects which are exposed to the Lua script. This limits the operations possible with those types - only the index, newIndex and for some containers the size (# operator) are supported. Using other Lua operations (e.g. pairs/ipairs) will result in errors.

Vec2/3/4 types

While the property types which reflect Lua built-in types (Bool, Int32, Int64, Float, String) inherit the standard Lua value semantics, the more complex types (Vec2/3/4/i/f) have no representation in Lua, and are wrapped as Lua tables. They have the additional constraint that all values must be set simultaneously. It's not possible for example to set just one component of a Vec3f - all three must be set at once. The reason for this design decision is to ensure consistent behavior when propagating these values - for example when setting Ramses node properties or uniforms.


Lua's internal number type is represented by a IEEE-754 double precision float internally. This is very flexible for scripting, but numerically dangerous when converting to other number types. Examples for such types are floats (commonly used for uniforms), and unsigned integers (when indexing arrays). To avoid numeric issues, the Logic Engine treats all value overflows and automatic roundings as hard errors when implicitly rounding to ints or casting large doubles.

To avoid such numeric runtime errors, make sure you are not using numbers larger than what a signed int32 type permits when indexing, and not rounding using floating point arithmetics when computing indices. One way to denote an invalid index is using a negative number and explicitly checking the sign of indices. Floats can be assigned to integers by using the math.floor/ceil Lua functions explicitly.

Numeric rules apply for all number types, independent if they are part of a struct, array or component in VecXy.

Reading error stack traces

The IN and OUT parameters to the interface and run functions are of so-called usertypes, meaning that the logic to deal with them is in C++ code, not in Lua. This means that any kind of error which is not strictly a Lua syntax error will be handled in C++ code. For example, assigning a boolean value to a variable which was declared of string type is valid in Lua, but will cause a type error when using RAMSES Logic. This is intended and desired, however the Lua VM will not know where this error comes from other than "somewhere from within the overloaded C++ code". This, stack traces look something like this when such errors happen:

lua: error: Assigning boolean to string output 'my_property'!
stack traceback:
    [C]: in ?
    [string \"MyScript\"]:3: in function <[string \"MyScript\"]:2>

The top line in this stack is to be interpreted like this:

  • The error happened somewhere in the C code (remember, Lua is based on C, not on C++)
  • The function where the error happened is not known (?) - Lua doesn't know the name of the function

The rest of the information is coming from Lua, thus it is more comprehensible - the printed error message originates from C++ code, but is passed to the Lua VM as a verbose error. The lower parts of the stack trace are coming from Lua source code and Lua knows where that code is.