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This page provides an overview of the Logic Engine C++ API, primary object types, structure and interaction.


Prefer learning by example? Jump straight to the examples <List of all examples>! Looking for a specific class or method? Check the class index <Class Index>

Object types and their relationships

The Logic Engine consists of a network of logical nodes with a set of inputs and outputs and links between them to send data from one node to another.

The following graph shows an example of such network:


There are different types of logic nodes (Interfaces, Lua scripts, Animations, Bindings) which have different execution logic, but all share the same mechanism to link data between the nodes. Each node has a set of inputs and outputs which can be linked together to transfer data from one (node output) to another (node input).

The logic nodes have inputs and outputs which let them interact with other entities (can be other logic nodes, or ramses objects, or application code/data). Logic nodes can be linked together using directional links, where the output of one node provides its data to the input of another node (more info on links <Creating links between nodes>). Logical nodes can't interact with Ramses objects directly. Instead, they can link to Bindings which are designed to "bind" Ramses objects and modify their properties' values (node visibility, transformation values, material properties... etc.) (more info on bindings <Linking logic nodes to Ramses scene objects>).

The greyed-out slots in the image above represent input properties which are neither linked nor have a statically configured value. In bindings, this denotes that the corresponding Ramses property is not being updated by the Logic Engine (see also the section on data flow <Data Flow>). In other nodes, these properties will receive a default value at runtime (0, 0.0f, "", true etc.) unless explicitly set by the application logic. Bindings' input values are initialized with the values of the bound Ramses object, for all bindings except ramses::AppearanceBinding.

Finally, Interface nodes have no execution logic, only inputs (and implicit outputs which are identical to the inputs). Interfaces are supposed to be the bridge between application code/data and the Ramses/Logic asset. Interface input values are supposed to be explicitly set at runtime, or statically linked to other outputs. Ideally, the logic node network with interfaces should be designed so that once all the interfaces' inputs are set, the whole underlying network of nodes is fully defined, i.e. all inputs of all nodes are linked.

Data flow

The cornerstone of the Logic Engine is the ramses::LogicEngine::update method which "executes" the network of logic nodes and updates the values of the Ramses scene bound to them. The nodes are executed based on a topological graph sort, where the traversal direction is given by the link pairs (A, B) where A is an output and B is an input property in the logic graph (as shown here <Object types and their relationships>).

The update logic of each node depends on its type. ramses::LuaScript nodes execute their run() function and modify some or all of their outputs based on the logic defined in run(). Nodes which derive from ramses::RamsesBinding pass the values of their input properties to the bound Ramses object. ramses::LuaInterface nodes pass the values of their inputs to other nodes connected to the interface's outputs.

Logic nodes are not executed on every ramses::LogicEngine::update iteration in order to save performance. However, it's guaranteed that:

  • logic nodes which were just created will be executed on next update
  • logic nodes whose inputs received a new value (either from calling ramses::Property::set or from a link) will be executed on next update
  • binding properties which received a value (regardless of their current value or from the value stored in Ramses) will overwrite the value in Ramses on next update. This works both for direct ramses::Property::set calls and for values received over links
  • TimerNodes will be executed always, regardless if their inputs were set

Additionally, bindings' properties are applied selectively - e.g. setting the scaling property of a ramses::NodeBinding will result in a call to ramses::Node::setScaling(), but will not cause setting any other ramses::Node properties. This can be useful if you want to have your own logic e.g. to control the visibility of all Ramses nodes, and only use a Logic Engine to control transformation properties. In that case you should never set the visibility property of a Binding object, instead set the visibility directly on the bound ramses::Node.


We strongly discourage setting values to Ramses objects and to Ramses Logic bindings in the same update cycle for the same property to avoid unexpected behavior. At any given time, use one or the other, not both mechanisms to set values!

Logic node creation

The entry point to RAMSES logic is a factory-style class ramses::LogicEngine which can create instances of all other types of objects supported by RAMSES Logic:

  • ramses::LuaScript
  • ramses::NodeBinding
  • ramses::AppearanceBinding
  • ramses::CameraBinding

See the full list over at the class index <Class index>.

You can create multiple instances of ramses::LogicEngine, but each copy owns the objects it created, and must be used to destroy them, as befits a factory class.

You can create scripts using the ramses::LogicEngine class like this:

#include "ramses/client/logic/LogicEngine.h"

using namespace ramses::logic;

std::string source = R"(
    function interface(IN, OUT)
        IN.gear = Type:Int32()
        OUT.speed = Type:Float()

    function run(IN, OUT)
        OUT.speed = IN.gear * 15

LogicEngine engine;
LuaScript* script = engine.createLuaScript(source, "simple script");

float speed = script->getOutputs()->getChild("speed")->get<float>();
std::cout << "OUT.speed == " << speed;

For details regarding the Lua syntax and its specifics, check the dedicated section on Lua <Basics of Lua>.

ramses::LogicNode (the base class of ramses::LuaScript) provides an interface to access the inputs and outputs declared by the interface() function - see ramses::LogicNode::getInputs() and ramses::LogicNode::getOutputs().

You can link nodes <Creating links between nodes> to form a more sophisticated logic execution graph.

You can bind to Ramses objects <Linking logic nodes to Ramses scene objects> to control a 3D Ramses scene.

Object lifecycle

All logic objects are managed by the ramses::LogicEngine instance which they were created from. A logic object X is created by a method X* LogicEngine::createX(...). The pointer returned shall not be freed or deleted, instead objects can be destroyed by calling ramses::LogicEngine::destroy. Logic objects are automatically destroyed when their owning ramses::LogicEngine instance is destroyed. The ramses::LogicEngine itself is managed by the ramses::Scene it was created from following same principle.


This may seem strange for a library which is based on C++17, but there are good reasons for this design choice. Smart pointers don't work well together with Windows DLL's, specifically when combining different CRTs. In order to provide a stable API on Windows we chose to use raw pointers and hide object creation/deletion behind a pimpl/factory pattern.

There are two cases when objects are implicitly created or destroyed by ramses::LogicEngine:

  • if ramses::LogicEngine is destroyed, all its objects are destroyed as well
  • ramses::LogicEngine::loadFromFile destroys all previously created objects and creates new objects from loaded file

In both the cases above any existing pointers to destroyed objects are invalidated.

Creating links between nodes

One of the complex problems of 3D graphics development is managing complexity, especially for larger projects. For that purpose it is useful to split the application logic into multiple logic nodes (usually Lua scripts), so that individual nodes can remain small and easy to understand. To do that, Ramses Logic provides a mechanism to link node properties - either statically or during runtime, in order to pass data from 1 producer node to N consumer nodes.

Here is a simple example how links are created to link two Lua scripts:

LogicEngine logicEngine;
LuaScript* sourceScript = logicEngine.createLuaScript(R"(
    function interface(IN, OUT)
        OUT.source = Type:String()
    function run(IN, OUT)
        OUT.source = "World!"

LuaScript* destinationScript = logicEngine.createLuaScript(R"(
    function interface(IN)
        IN.destination = Type:String()
    function run()
        print("Hello, " .. IN.destination)

// This will print 'Hello, World!' to the console

In this simple example, the 'sourceScript' provides string data to the 'destinationScript' every time the LogicEngine::update method is called. The 'destinationScript' receives the data in its input property and can process it further. After two scripts are linked in this way, the ramses::LogicEngine will execute them in a order which ensures data consistency, i.e. scripts which provide data to other scripts' inputs are executed first. In this example, the 'sourceScript' will be executed before the 'destionationScript' because it provides data to it over the link.

Creating links as shown above enforces a so-called 'directed acyclic graph', or DAG, to the ramses::LogicNode inside a given ramses::LogicEngine. In order to ensure data consistency, this graph can not have cyclic dependencies, thus following operations will cause an error:

  • Creating a link from any ramses::LogicNode to itself
  • Creating a link from node A to node B if node B is linked to node A (links have a direction and this creates a two-node loop!)
  • Any set of ramses::LogicNode instances whose links form a (directed) circle, e.g. A->B->C->A (this is caught at update time, not at link creation time)

There is an exception to the 'no cycles' rule if using weak links. These allow data propagation in a cycle which would not be possible with regular links. Weak links should be used only if absolutely necessary and it is essential to fully understand their caveats and limitations first before using them. See ramses::LogicEngine::linkWeak for details.

A link can be removed in a similar fashion:


For more detailed information on the exact behavior of these methods, refer to the documentation of the ramses::LogicEngine::link and ramses::LogicEngine::unlink documentation. The data flow section explains in detail how data is passed throughout the network of logic nodes when connected by links.

Linking logic nodes to Ramses scene objects

Lua scripts would not make much sense on their own if they can't interact with Ramses scene objects. The way to link script output properties to Ramses scene objects is by creating ramses::RamsesBinding instances and linking their inputs to scripts' outputs. There are different binding types depending on the type of scene object - refer to ramses::RamsesBinding for the full list of derived classes. Bindings can be linked in the exact same way as scripts can <Creating links between nodes>, they derive from the same base class - ramses::LogicNode. The only difference is that the bindings have only input properties (the outputs are implicitly defined and statically linked to the scene objects attached to them), whereas scripts have inputs and outputs explicitly defined in the script interface.

One might wonder, why not allow to directly link script outputs to Ramses objects? The reason for that is two-fold:

  • Separation of concerns between pure script logic and scene updates
  • This allows to handle all inputs and outputs in a generic way using the ramses::LogicNode class' interface from which both ramses::LuaScript and ramses::NodeBinding derive

The section on data flow describes how data is passed throughout the network of logic nodes and when bound Ramses objects are updated and when not.


Binding input values are initialized with the same values as the scene objects they "bind". The only exception to this are Appearance bindings - extracting all data from Ramses Appearances would incur performance costs not worth the convenience.

Dynamic sorting of content

The Logic Engine provides a mechanism to dynamically sort select ramses::MeshNode and ramses::RenderGroup objects. To do so, you can use the ramses::RenderGroupBinding class. The class works similarly to other binding classes - it statically binds to Ramses content (configured using ramses::RenderGroupBindingElements) and allows setting the rendering priority of the bound content by setting input properties of type Int32 with a name as configured in ramses::RenderGroupBindingElements.


Animations are central to any dynamic real-time scene. It is possible to implement simple animations with Lua scripts or even write your own C++ wrapper which changes a value over time, linked to a Ramses object via ramses::RamsesBinding. However, such solution would not scale well for more complex animations with preauthored splines of keyframes and timestamps. ramses::AnimationNode and ramses::DataArray are designed to provide a good compromise between performance and a data-centric design which imports animation data from external sources or formats.

The animation support in Ramses Logic is provided by the following two classes:

  • ramses::DataArray - contains the animation data (keyframes and time stamps)
  • ramses::AnimationNode - provides an interface to control and holds the current state of animations

Consider also using :class`ramses::TimerNode` for easy way to generate and provide timing information to ramses::AnimationNode.

Data Arrays

ramses::DataArray is a simple data container with immutable data. Various data types and interpolation types are supported (see the class documentation for details). Data arrays by themselves have no meaning, they must be bundled in animation channels (ramses::AnimationChannel). The contents of an animation channel depends on its type. For example, a simple linear animation only needs two data arrays - one for time stamps and one for key frames. A complex cubic animation channel also needs tangent arrays. It is possible to reuse the same data array in multiple channels - e.g. if multiple channels use the same time stamps (often the case for multi-channel animations).

Animation Nodes

ramses::AnimationNode holds the state of an animation and provides inputs to control it and outputs to check the output values or to link them to other scripts or directly to instances of ramses::RamsesBinding. To query input and output properties, use the corresponding methods in the base class ramses::LogicNode. Based on how many animation channels were provided when creating the ramses::AnimationNode has an output property of corresponding data type (matching the keyframes data type) for each channel. The value of these outputs is updated after every ramses::LogicEngine::update call and can be directly queried or it can be linked to any other logic node, e.g. ramses::RamsesBinding.

ramses::AnimationNode has a simple control interface, the progress input is a point in [0,1] normalized range, which tells the animation node logic to which position on the animation timeline to jump to during next update. The local animation timeline is simply starting from time zero to the last animation timestamp and progress is the normalized form of that. This gives the application full control over the way how time is applied to the animation, e.g. changing speed, reverse play, rewind, pause, restart etc., are all possible either from a control Lua script linked to the progress or from C++ API.

Timer Node

Ramses logic provides a tool that can help with dealing with time in your application, a :class`ramses::TimerNode` can be a central node which provides timing to all animation related logic. Timer node can operate in two modes, either generate time using system clock or forward application provided time to the logic network. This allows quick and easy switch between stages of the development, e.g. prototyping, testing or production, where for some use cases auto-generated time is easier to work and some require well specified timing provided by application. There can also be multiple timer nodes so different time contexts can be specified if needed.

Static vs. dynamic animation data

ramses::AnimationNode can be used in two different modes, with static data or dynamic data. By default animation node's animation data (timestamps, keyframes) cannot be modified after the data is provided when creating an instance of ramses::AnimationNode, it is static. There is however a way to create ramses::AnimationNode which allows modifying the animation data at any point in time, even during animating - enable ramses::AnimationNodeConfig::setExposingOfChannelDataAsProperties when creating the ramses::AnimationNode. Animation node created this way will have exact same functionality as the static version but in addition exposes some animation data in form of node properties, namely timestamps and keyframes from all its channels. The animation data properties can be used as any other logic node properties, they can be set directly or linked to another node.


Animation node with exposed data as properties is limited to a fixed maximum number of keyframes (see ramses::AnimationNodeConfig::setExposingOfChannelDataAsProperties for details) and suffers from a relatively high performance hit when animating compared to the default 'static' animation node. The performance hit scales with the number of keyframes, keep them as low as possible when using it!

Error handling

Some of the RAMSES Logic classes' methods can issue errors when used incorrectly or when a Lua script encounters a compile-time or run-time error. Those errors are collected via the Ramses SDK error handling mechanism which uses ramses::RamsesFramework to register always the last occurred error until it is retrieved by calling ramses::RamsesFramework::getLastError(). The ramses::Issue contains additional information: human readable message (e.g. stack trace information for Lua runtime errors) and optionally a pointer to the originating ramses::RamsesObject which reported or caused the error (for errors which occured during ramses::LogicEngine::update() and can't be directly attributed to a specific API call).

For code samples which demonstrate how compile-time and runtime errors can be gracefully handled, have a look at the examples <List of all examples>.

To intercept and fix potential content problems, you can use ramses::LogicEngine::validate(). This method will scan the contents of the Logic Engine and report pontential issues which are not fatal, but may result in suboptimal performance, data inconsistency or serialization bugs. It is highly recommended to also validate the scene this LogicEngine is used with (ramses::Scene::validate()) to prevent issues during runtime.

Iterating over object collections

Iterating over objects can be useful, for example when the logic was loaded from file or when applying search or filter algorithms over all objects from a specific type. The ramses::LogicEngine class provides iterator-style access to all of its objects:

LogicEngine logicEngine;
Collection<LuaScript> allScripts = logicEngine.scripts();

for(const auto script : allScripts)
    std::cout << "Script name: " << script->getName() << std::endl;

The ramses::Collection class and the iterators it returns are STL-compatible, meaning that you can use them with any other STL algorithms or libraries which adhere to STL principles. The iterators implement forward iterator semantics (have a look at C++ docs).


The ramses::Iterator and ramses::Collection classes are not following the pimpl pattern as the rest of the Ramses Logic to performance ends. Be careful not to depend on any internals of the classes (mostly the Internally wrapped STL containers) to avoid compatibility problems when updating the Ramses Logic version!

Security and memory safety

One of the biggest challenges of modern C++ is finding a balance between compatibility with older compilers and platforms, while not sacrificing memory safety and code readibility. In the RAMSES ecosystem we try to find a good balance by testing with different compilers, employing automation techniques and making use of modern compiler-based tools to perform static code analysis and introspection. The methods and tools we use are:

  • compiling on different compilers (MSVC, gcc, clang) with strict compiler settings
  • clang-tidy with fairly strict configuration
  • valgrind
  • treat warnings as errors
  • use various clang-based sanitizers (undefined behavior, thread sanitizer, address sanitizer)

Those tools cover a lot of the standard sources of problems with C++ revolving around memory. We also uphold a strict code review, ensuring that each line of code is looked at by at least two pairs of eyes, for critical parts of the code usually more than that. Still, no project is safe from bugs, thus we recommend following some or all of the additional conventions and best practices from below subchapters to minimize the risk of memory-related bugs and malicious attacks when using Ramses Logic.

Additional memory safety measures

One of the biggest sources of bugs and security problems in C++ arise from memory management, both in terms of allocation/deallocation and memory access and boundary checks. Ramses Logic takes care of memory lifecycle for all objects created by it, and provides raw pointer access to their memory. We suggest creating your own wrapper objects for anything created or loaded by the ramses::LogicEngine class and ensure it is destroyed exactly once and only after not used any more.

Furthermore, pay special attention when passing strings as std::string_view to and from the Logic Engine as those may not be terminated by a 0 and may lead to out of bounds accesses when used by functions expecting 0-termination.

Additional security considerations

Lua is a script language, and as such provides great flexibility and expresiveness at the cost of more error potential and security risks compared to other techniques for describing logic. The Logic engine and the underlying sol library do a lot of error checking and prevents undefined behavior by executing faulty script code, but there are cases which can't be checked.

To give one example, a script may overwrite the global variables IN or OUT from within script code because of the nature of Lua scripts. This can't be automatically checked by the runtime without overloading the global Lua metatable and injecting every single assignment operation, which is too high a cost to avoid faulty scripts.

To avoid malicious or broken script, we suggest implementing an additional security mechanism on top of Ramses Logic which doesn't allow execution of scripts of unknown origin. Also, build your code with errors in mind and force scripts into an automated testing process. We also advise to use hashsums and whitelisting techniques to only execute scripts which are tested and verified to be benign.

Sanitizing of files and buffers

Since the Logic Engine can deserialize itself from files and memory buffers, it opens possibilities for data corruption and truncation. To mitigate those risks, we use Flatbuffer's "Verify" feature which checks the integrity of data, detects possible index-out-of-range issues and prevents binary data abuse. What it doesn't check is whether the actual memory buffer size (passed in ramses::LogicEngine::loadFromBuffer) is consistent with the size provided by the user. The application must ensure that this size does not exceed the size of the actual memory!


Profiling logic update cycles

The SDK provides means to do basic measuring of logic network update times. See ramses::LogicEngineReport which gives several useful statistics, e.g. which nodes where executed and how long it took for each of them. We suggest to collect this data over several update cycles in some worst case scenario (performance-wise) and investigate which nodes take the most time to update. Also for normal use cases consider taking a look at how many nodes were needed to be updated and if the topology could be improved so that this amount is reduced to only the necessary nodes.


An easy way to quickly get insight what happens inside a logic network is to use the GUI viewer <ramses-viewer>. The viewer displays the stats reported by the ramses::LogicEngineReport dynamically or statically over multiple update cycles.


Another easy way to quickly get insight what happens inside a logic network is to look at the periodically logged node update statistics in the Ramses Shell. These are calculated over the last N updates which is adjustable. Included are e.g. update execution time in microseconds or count of nodes executed in percentage of total (both Average, Min and Max).

Optimizing Lua code

Lua is one of the fastest interpreted languages, especially when used efficiently. One of the best reading we could recommend is the second chapter of the Lua programming gems by Roberto Ierusalimschy. It's short, and provides a very hands-on overview of what to do and what not to do when processing data with Lua.

The Logic Engine extends plain lua with a way to interact with Ramses and with other scripts and modules. This is mostly done by providing so-called userdata types and objects - those work like Lua tables, but have C++ implementation behind them. Working with these generally costs more than working with plain Lua, since Lua knows how to optimize table accesses better than usertypes. Try to minimize the access to userdata such as IN, OUT and modules as much as possible. The benchmarks <Benchmarks> provide more info on the difference between standard Lua and the Logic Engine dialect.


In order to be able to track and improve the runtime of the Logic Engine, we maintain a set of benchmarks based on the google-benchmark library. These benchmarks can be used to measure the time it takes for specific operations under different loads. We kindly ask our users and developers to report performance problems by creating a benchmark which describes the specific use-case which needs optimizing. Refer to the google-benchmark docs for hints how to design good benchmarks, to set the time measurement units, derive O-complexity, etc.

Optimizing file size

It's possible to reduce the file size of the exported LogicEngine data by storing the bytecode of the Lua scripts and modules, instead of the source code. This might sound very attractive, but it has two major caveats:

  • Lua bytecode is notoriously vulnerable to malicious attacks
  • Bytecode is architecture-specific, i.e. you can't run ARM bytecode on a x86 processor

In order to provide a good mix between flexibility and performance, the LogicEngine allows choosing what to be stored when saving into a binary file: only the source code, only the bytecode, or both. While the first option is the safest and most robust, it is also the slowest. Storing both source and binary will offer both fast loading when the architecture matches and a fallback solution when it doesn't, but it results in larger binary files. Choose an option which suits the needs of your application. Read more in ramses::SaveFileConfig::setLuaSavingMode.

List of all logic examples

examples/logic/00_minimal examples/logic/01a_primitive_properties examples/logic/01b_struct_properties examples/logic/01c_array_properties examples/logic/02_errors_compile_time examples/logic/03_errors_runtime examples/logic/04_ramses_scene examples/logic/05_serialization examples/logic/07_links examples/logic/08a_static_animation examples/logic/08b_dynamic_animation examples/logic/09_modules examples/logic/10_globals examples/logic/11_interfaces examples/logic/12_anchor_point examples/logic/13_render_order examples/logic/14_skinbinding examples/logic/15_meshnodebinding examples/logic/16_renderbufferbinding