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Add the Deferrable Pattern to Your Dependency Graphs

Only 70 Lines of Code.


npm install dependency-promise

How to use

Dependency promise is structured as a mixin.

You can use dependency promise by mixing it into your objects:

function SomeClass () {}
for (var k in dependencyPromise) {
  SomeClass.prototype[k] = dependencyPromise[k];


Deferrable-promise is perfect for the following scenario: You have an object that depends on other objects. You want to defer a function from being invoked until all of a parent's objects child objects fire an event.

One example domain is resolving dependencies between files. Suppose you want to compile a top-level file and its dependencies into a single file. You can use dependency-promise to set up a dependency graph between all the files and then load the files asynchronously. Consider a single file in this hierarchy. As each of its children files is loaded into memory, each child file fires off a 'loaded' event and notifies the parent file that it has been 'loaded'. When that single file's dependencies are ALL loaded, that single file will be notified. Upon notification that all it's dependencies have been 'loaded', that file will also fire a 'loaded' event. This will result in it firing any callbacks related to the 'loaded' event. Moreover, if any files depend on this file, then it will notify its own parent files that it has been loaded. Each of those parent files will behave in the same way, too. And so on and so forth.


var dependencyPromise = require('dependency-promise');
function File () {}

// dependencyPromise is a mixin
for (var k in dependencyPromise) {
  File.prototype[k] = dependencyPromise[k];

var parentFile = new File()
  , childFileOne = new File()
  , childFileTwo = new File();

parentFile.dependsOn('loaded', [childFileOne, childFileTwo]);

parentFile.on('loaded', function () {
  console.log("parentFile loaded");
  console.log("All files loaded!!!!");

// Triggering an event before all of your
// dependencies have triggered will not
// trigger anything. Hence the false return value
// below. 
parentFile.trigger('loaded'); // => false
parentFile.isTriggered('loaded'); // => false

childFileOne.on('loaded', function () {
  console.log("childFileOne loaded");

childFileTwo.trigger('loaded'); // => true
console.log( childFileTwo.isTriggered('loaded') ); // true

// Triggering an event triggers its callbacks
// console.log -> "childFileOne loaded"

// parentFile triggers 'loaded', automatically
// because it depends only on childOne and childTwo
// console.log -> "parentFile loaded"
// console.log -> "All files loaded!!!!"

console.log( parentFile.isTriggered('loaded') ); // true

// Like a regular promise, you can add a callback AFTER
// an event has been triggered, and the callback will
// immediately be invoked
childFileTwo.on('loaded', function () {
  console.log("childFileTwo loaded");
// console.log -> "childFileTwo loaded"


  • dependsOn(event, children) Sets up the dependency relationship between this and the children Array based around the event string. Each member of children must also have dependency-promise mixed in
  • trigger(event[, args..]) Triggers the event with name event. You can optionally pass in variable-length arguments. Triggering the event will do 2 things. First, it will fire any callbacks for the event, passing any arguments that may also have been passed to trigger(...) Second, it will notify this's parents that this has been triggered.
  • isTriggered(event) Returns true/false, specifying whether this has had event triggered.
  • on(event, callback, scope) Associates a callback and scope to be invoked when this triggers said event.
  • dependenciesFor(event) Returns the Array of dependencies (children) for the given event.


To run tests: make test



MIT License


Brian Noguchi