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generic ESL script
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Bob Kopp committed May 21, 2019
1 parent e3c5beb commit cfb8088
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Showing 2 changed files with 174 additions and 67 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions scripts/generic/runESLFigures.m
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
% Last updated by Robert Kopp, robert-dot-kopp-at-rutgers-dot-edu, 2019-05-20 21:23:55 -0400

selectedSite = 12;

corefiles = {'SLRProjections170113GRIDDEDcore.mat', 'SLRProjections170113GRIDDEDcore-DP16-Pl5_15-BC.mat', 'SLRProjections190301core_SEJ.mat'}; % specify corefiles to use
corefilelabs = {'K14', 'DP16', 'B19H'}; % specify corefile labels
subcore = {'', '', 'corefileH'}; % specify if corefile file contains multiple cores
selscens = [1 1 1];
linespecs = {'-', '--', '-.', ':'};
colorspecs = [217 95 2] / 255;
truncatesamplesat = 3.0; % m at which to truncate samples
truncatesamplesyear = 2100; % year to use for truncation

rootdir = '~/Dropbox/Code/LocalizeSL';
addpath(fullfile(rootdir, 'MFILES'));

extremesIFILES = fullfile(rootdir, 'IFILES/extremes');
datDir = fullfile(extremesIFILES, 'declustered');

% import table of calibration parameters
parmdat = importdata(fullfile(extremesIFILES, 'GPDfits_withunc.tsv'), '\t', 1);
extracols = size(parmdat.textdata, 2) - size(, 2);
lambdas =, find(strcmpi('lambda', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);
thresholds =, find(strcmpi('u', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);
scales =, find(strcmpi('scale', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);;
shapes =, find(strcmpi('shape', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);
AEP10pts =, find(strcmpi('AEP0.1', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);
Vscale =, find(strcmpi('Vscale', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);
Vshape =, find(strcmpi('Vshape', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);
Vscaleshape =, find(strcmpi('Vscaleshape', parmdat.textdata(1, :))) - extracols);
psmslids =, 1);
tgids =, 2);
NOAAnames = parmdat.textdata(2:end, 1);

qqq = find(psmslids == selectedSite);
wfile = fullfile(datDir, ['maxtofit.dclist.' num2str(tgids(qqq)) '_xdat.dc.tsv']);
historicaldata = importdata(wfile);
longname = NOAAnames{qqq};
shortname = longname(setdiff(1:length(longname), strfind(longname, ' ')));
shortname(strfind(shortname, ',')) = '-';

clear targyears effcurve;

for ccc = 1:length(corefiles)

corefile = load(fullfile(rootdir, ['IFILES/' corefiles{ccc}]));

if length(subcore{ccc}) > 0
corefile = corefile.(subcore{ccc});

ccclab = corefilelabs{ccc};

% find instantaneous allowances with specified GPD fits

[sampslocrise, ~, siteids, sitenames, targyears{ccc}, scens, cols] = LocalizeStoredProjections(selectedSite, corefile, selscens(ccc));
legstr{ccc} = [ccclab '-' scens{1}];

samps = [zeros(size(sampslocrise{1}, 1), 1) sampslocrise{1, 1}] / 1000; % add base year and convert to meters
targyears{ccc} = [2000 targyears{ccc}];

% truncate samples
[s, si] = sort(samps(:, find(targyears{ccc} == truncatesamplesyear)));
[mi] = find(s > truncatesamplesat);

if length(mi) > 0
subsi = (length(si) - mi(1)):mi(1);
samps = samps(si(subsi), :);

acov = [Vscale(qqq) Vscaleshape(qqq); Vscaleshape(qqq) Vshape(qqq)];
parmsamps = lhsnorm([scales(qqq) shapes(qqq)], acov, 1000);
parmsamps(:, 1) = max(eps, parmsamps(:, 1));

clear pm;
pm.showuncertainty = 1; pm.historicaldata = historicaldata;
[effcurve{ccc}, testz, histcurve, histcurvesamps, effcurveESLR, effcurve999, integratecurve] = ...
SLRFloodNexpVsLevelCurves(samps, targyears{ccc}, thresholds(qqq), ...
parmsamps(:, 1), parmsamps(:, 2), lambdas(qqq), longname, pm);

pdfwrite([shortname '_returncurves_' ccclab]);

clear pm; pm.betas = [0 .5 .9 1];
[Ainst, ALDC, ADLfromstart, ADLfp, ADLLDCfromstart, ADLendyears, z0, hp] = SLRAllowancePlot(samps, targyears{ccc}, effcurve{ccc}, testz, histcurve, effcurve999, integratecurve, longname, pm);
pdfwrite([shortname '_Allowances_' ccclab]);

[A, ADL, z0] = SLRAllowanceWriteTable([shortname '_Allowances'], targyears{ccc}, effcurve{ccc}, testz, histcurve, effcurve999, integratecurve, [.01 .1 .002], [1 .9 .5 .0], [2100], longname)

historicalcolor = 'c';

clear hl;
subplot(2, 1, 1);
ct = sum(bsxfun(@gt, historicaldata, testz)) / (length(historicaldata) / 365.25);
subct = find(diff(ct) < 0);
subct = intersect(subct, find(testz > thresholds(qqq)));
plot(testz(subct), ct(subct), 's', 'Color', historicalcolor); hold on;
hl(1) = plot(testz, histcurve, 'k');
plot(testz, quantile(histcurvesamps, [.17 .83], 1), 'color', [.6 .6 .6]);
hold on;
set(gca, 'yscale', 'log'); ylim([.002 10]);

for ccc = 1:length(corefiles)
subyr = find(targyears{ccc} == 2050);
hl(end + 1) = plot(testz, effcurve{ccc}(subyr, :), 'linestyle', linespecs{ccc}, 'color', colorspecs(1, :)); hold on;

ylabel({'Expected number of', 'annual exceedances'});
xlabel('Extreme sea level (m)');
title([longname ' - 2050']);
u = legstr';
u = {'Historical', u{1:end}};
hld = legend(hl, u, 'location', 'northeast')
set(hld, 'fontsize', 7)
xlim([0 4.75]);

subplot(2, 1, 2);
ct = sum(bsxfun(@gt, historicaldata, testz)) / (length(historicaldata) / 365.25);
subct = find(diff(ct) < 0);
subct = intersect(subct, find(testz > thresholds(qqq)));
plot(testz(subct), ct(subct), 's', 'Color', historicalcolor); hold on;
hl(1) = plot(testz, histcurve, 'k');
plot(testz, quantile(histcurvesamps, [.17 .83], 1), 'color', [.6 .6 .6]);
hold on;
set(gca, 'yscale', 'log'); ylim([.002 10]);

for ccc = 1:length(corefiles)
subyr = find(targyears{ccc} == 2100);
hl(end + 1) = plot(testz, effcurve{ccc}(subyr, :), 'linestyle', linespecs{ccc}, 'color', colorspecs(1, :)); hold on;

ylabel({'Expected number of', 'annual exceedances'});
xlabel('Extreme sea level (m)');
title([longname ' - 2100']);
u = legstr';
u = {'Historical', u{1:end}};
hld = legend(hl, u, 'location', 'northeast')
set(hld, 'fontsize', 7)
xlim([0 4.75]);
pdfwrite([shortname '_ESL']);

fid = fopen([shortname '_ESL.tsv'], 'w');
fprintf(fid, '\t%0.3f', testz);
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, 'historical');
fprintf(fid, '\t%0.3g', histcurve);
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, 'historical - 17th');
fprintf(fid, '\t%0.3g', quantile(histcurvesamps, .17));
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, 'historical - 83rd');
fprintf(fid, '\t%0.3g', quantile(histcurvesamps, .83));
fprintf(fid, '\n');

for ccc = 1:length(corefiles)

doyr = 2050;
subyr = find(targyears{ccc} == doyr);
fprintf(fid, [legstr{ccc} ' - %0.0f'], doyr);
fprintf(fid, '\t%0.3g', effcurve{ccc}(subyr, :));
fprintf(fid, '\n');

doyr = 2100;
subyr = find(targyears{ccc} == doyr);
fprintf(fid, [legstr{ccc} ' - %0.0f'], doyr);
fprintf(fid, '\t%0.3g', effcurve{ccc}(subyr, :));
fprintf(fid, '\n');


67 changes: 0 additions & 67 deletions scripts/generic/runGenerateSLRAllowanceFigures.m

This file was deleted.

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