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Frontend Mentor - Fylo landing page with dark theme and features grid

My solution to the the Frontend Mentor challenge built using a CSS Custom Properties, Grid, and Flexbox.

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Design preview for the Fylo landing page with dark theme and features grid challenge

Welcome! 👋

Thanks for checking out this front-end coding challenge.

Frontend Mentor challenges allow you to improve your skills in a real-life workflow.

To do this challenge you need a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

Where to find everything

Your task is to build out the project to the designs inside the /design folder. You will find both a mobile and a desktop version of the design to work to.

The designs are in JPG static format. This will mean that you'll need to use your best judgment for styles such as font-size, padding and margin. This should help train your eye to perceive differences in spacings and sizes.

If you would like the Sketch file in order to inspect the design in more detail you can subscribe as a PRO member.

You will find all the required assets in the /images folder. The assets are already optimized.

There is also a file, which contains the information you'll need, such as color palette and fonts.


My solution for the Frontend Mentor Fylo dark landing page challenge







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