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Rework - no longer subclasses Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::P…
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Cleaner re-implementation, loses some of the historical
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nigelm committed Jan 26, 2010
1 parent 0730b96 commit 69754be
Showing 1 changed file with 223 additions and 40 deletions.
263 changes: 223 additions & 40 deletions lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::RemoteHTTP;
use base qw/Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Password/;
use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Catalyst::Exception ();
use Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::RemoteHTTP::UserAgent;

=head1 NAME
Expand All @@ -17,6 +18,93 @@ Version 0.01

our $VERSION = '0.01';

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/_config realm/);

sub new {
my ( $class, $config, $app, $realm ) = @_;

my $self = { _config => $config };
bless $self, $class;


# preload the required configuration
$self->_config->{'username_field'} ||= 'username';
$self->_config->{'username_prefix'} ||= '';
$self->_config->{'username_suffix'} ||= '';
$self->_config->{'password_field'} ||= 'password';
$self->_config->{'http_keep_alive'} ||= 0;
$self->_config->{'defer_find_user'} ||= 0;

# make sure we have a URL to authenticate against
unless ( defined( $self->_config->{'url'} ) ) {
__PACKAGE__ . ' has no defined authentication url.' );
return $self;

sub authenticate {
my ( $self, $c, $realm, $authinfo ) = @_;

my $config = $self->_config;
## we remove the password_field before we pass it to the user
## routine, as some store modules use all data passed to them
## to find a matching user...
my $userfindauthinfo = { %{$authinfo} };
delete( $userfindauthinfo->{ $config->{'password_field'} } );

my $user_obj;
$user_obj = $realm->find_user( $userfindauthinfo, $c )
unless ( $config->{'defer_find_user'} );

if ( ref($user_obj) || $config->{'defer_find_user'} ) {
my $ua =
keep_alive => $config->{http_keep_alive} ? 1 : 0 );

# add prefix/suffix to user data to make auth_user, get password
my $auth_user = sprintf( '%s%s%s',
$authinfo->{ $config->{username_field} },
$config->{user_suffix} );
my $password = $authinfo->{ $config->{'password_field'} };
$ua->credentials( $auth_user, $password );

# do the request
my $res = $ua->head( $config->{url} );

# did it succeed
if ( $res->is_success ) {

# TODO: should we check here that it was actually authenticated?
# this could be done by ensuring there is a request chain...
"remote http auth succeeded for user " . $auth_user )
if $c->debug;
else {
$c->log->debug( "remote http auth FAILED for user " . $auth_user )
if $c->debug;

# get the user object now, if deferred before
$user_obj = $realm->find_user( $userfindauthinfo, $c )
if ( $config->{'defer_find_user'} );

# deal with no-such-user in store
unless ( ref($user_obj) ) {
$c->log->debug("Unable to locate user matching user info provided")
if $c->debug;
return $user_obj;

use Catalyst qw/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,66 +133,152 @@ conveniently use a networked authentication mechanism such as LDAP.
=head1 EXPORT
A list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section
if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.
# example
__PACKAGE__->config->{'Plugin::Authentication'} =
default_realm => 'members',
realms => {
members => {
credential => {
class => 'RemoteHTTP',
url => '',
password_field => 'password',
username_prefix => 'MYDOMAIN\\',
http_keep_alive => 1,
defer_find_user => 1,
=over 4
=item class
The classname used for Credential. This is part of
L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication> and is the method by which
Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::RemoteHTTP is loaded as the
credential validator. For this module to be used, this must be set to
=item url
The URL that is used to authenticate the user. The module attempts
to fetch this URL using a HEAD request (to prevent dragging a large
page across the network) with the credentials given. If this fails
then the authentication fails. If no URL is supplied in the config,
then an exception is thrown on startup.
=item username_field
The field in the authentication hash that contains the username.
This may vary, but is most likely 'username'. In fact, this is so
common that if this is left out of the config, it defaults to
=item password_field
The field in the authentication hash that contains the password.
This may vary, but is most likely 'password'. In fact, this is so
common that if this is left out of the config, it defaults to
=item username_prefix
This is an optional prefix to the username, which is added to the
username before it is used for authenticating to the remote http
server. It may be used (for example) to apply a domain to the
authenticated username.
=item username_suffix
This is an optional suffix to the username, which is added to the
username before it is used for authenticating to the remote http
server. It may be used (for example) to apply a domain to the
authenticated username.
=item http_keep_alive
If C<http_keep_alive> is set then keep_alive is set on the
connections to the remote http server. This is required if you are
using NTLM authentication (since an additional encryption nonce is
passed in the http negotiation). It is optional, but normally
harmless, for other forms of authentication.
=item defer_find_user
Normally the associated user store is queried for user information
before the remote http authentication takes place.
However if, for example, you are using a
L<Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class> store with the
C<auto_create_user> option, then you can end up with invalid users
added to the store. If C<defer_find_user> is set true then the
remote http authentication occurs before the user is queried
against the store, ensuring that any users passed to the store are
known to be valid to the remote http server.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 check_password
There are no publicly exported routines in the RemoteHTTP module
(or indeed in most credential modules.) However, below is a
description of the routines required by
L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication> for all credential modules.
=head2 new( $config, $app, $realm )
sub check_password {
my ( $self, $user, $authinfo ) = @_;
Instantiate a new RemoteHTTP object using the configuration hash
provided in $config. A reference to the application is provided as
the second argument.
# keep_alive is forced to 1 if we are doing NTLM otherwise as config
my $keep_alive =
( lc( $self->_config->{type} || '' ) eq 'ntlm' )
? 1
: $self->_config->{keep_alive} || 0;
=head2 authenticate( $authinfo, $c )
# add prefix/suffix to user data
# we have to use $authinfo->{username} as the obvious $user->id may
# be something like a db primary key
my $auth_user = join( '',
( $self->_config->{user_prefix} || '' ),
( $self->_config->{user_suffix} || '' ) );
Try to log a user in, receives a hashref containing authentication information
as the first argument, and the current context as the second.
# get the password
my $password = $authinfo->{ $self->_config->{'password_field'} };
# and then the URL
my $url = $self->_config->{url};
my $ua =
keep_alive => $keep_alive );
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( HEAD => $url );
There are a number of issues relating to NTLM authentication. In
particular the supporting modules can be rather picky. To make NTLM
authentication work you must have an installed copy of libwww-perl
that includes L<LWP::Authen::Ntlm> (some linux distributions may drop
this component as it gives you additional dependancy requirements over
the basic L<LWP> package).
# set the credentials for the request.
$ua->credentials( $auth_user, $password );
Additionally you require L<Authen::NTLM> of version 1.02 or later.
There are 2 different CPAN module distributions that provide this
module - but only one of them has the appropriate version number.
# do the request
my $res = $ua->request($req);
Finally, if you are using L<NTLM-1.02> then you need to apply the
patch described in RT entry 9521
When using NTLM authenication the configuration option
C<http_keep_alive> must be set true - otherwise the session to the
remote server is not maintained and the authentication nonce will
be lost between sessions.
You may also need to set C<username_prefix> or C<username_suffix>
to set the correct domain for the authentication, unless the
username as given to your application includes the domain
# did it succeed
return $res->is_success;
=head1 AUTHOR
Nigel Metheringham, C<< <nigelm at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-catalyst-authentication-credential-remotehttp at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-catalyst-authentication-credential-remotehttp at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
Expand All @@ -113,6 +287,8 @@ You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::RemoteHTTP
However, as you are reading this it is most likely that you are
already aware of the documentation.
You can also look for information at:
Expand All @@ -139,6 +315,13 @@ L<>
Daisuke Murase <> - original
L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::HTTP> used as the base
for a previous version of this module.
The code framework was taken from
Expand Down

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