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Football Manager Game Site in PHP with Symfony and Petite-Vue

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This is a web development exercise that simulates a football manager game.

This combines fast template generated dynamic web sites powered by the Symfony Engine with on-page Petite-Vue JavaScript AJAX calls.


To rebuild this web site the Minimum Requirements are to have PHP, composer and symfony-cli installed.

The site uses the libraries Symfony, Twig and Twig Templates.


  • composer

    The composer PHAR Script will install the dependencies on local user level as they are found in the composer.json. To run the installation call the composer Command within the project directory:

          composer install
  • database

    The test database can be set up with the bin/console script. To create and populate the test database with test data run the bin/console script in the project directory:

      	APP_ENV=test php bin/console doctrine:database:create
      	APP_ENV=test php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
      	APP_ENV=test php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • test web site

    The test web site can than be started with the symfony command line script. To start the development web service and visualise the test web site run the symfony command line script in the project directory:

      	APP_ENV=test symfony server:start
  • tests

    The automatted tests can be run with the bin/phpunit script.

    To execute the automatted tests run the bin/phpunit script in the project directory:

      	php bin/phpunit

    It is recommended to restore the test database before each test run with the doctrine:fixtures:load command as described under database above.


The title used the _Red Seven_ font by Dennis Ludlow