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Getting started

Ilya Krukowski edited this page Apr 10, 2022 · 2 revisions

Installation and usage

This gem requires Ruby 2.7+. Install it by running:

$ gem install rating-chgk-v2

Include it in your script:

require 'rating_chgk_v2'

Initialize an API client:

@client = RatingChgkV2.client

Optionally, provide your JWT token and connection options:

@client = RatingChgkV2.client token: 'MY_JWT', params: {open_timeout: 100, timeout: 500}

Please note that JWT is required only if you are creating, updating, or deleting resources.

Now use client to perform API requests:

teams = @client.teams itemsPerPage: 2, name: 'Н', page: 3


Resources lists are represented as collections. For example, you can have a collection of teams:

teams = test_client.teams itemsPerPage: 2, page: 3

Collections act as enumerables (Enumerable module is included for every collection) and respond to methods like [], first, last, each.

You can access a raw array of all collection items using the items method:


Each item is represented as a model (see below).

Some collections are paginated (please check documentation for a specific endpoint to learn whether it supports pagination) and respond to additional methods: next_page! and prev_page!. These methods load the previous or the next page:

tournaments = client.player_tournaments 123, itemsPerPage: 2, page: 1 # Fetch player tournaments, first page, 2 items per page

tournaments.next_page! # Fetch the second page for the same player, 2 items per page


Individual items are represented as models. Models respond to methods named after the resource's attributes:

country = 20 # => Нидерланды # => 20

You can find attributes names for each model inside YAML files in the data folder.

You can fetch models from collections:

countries = client.countries

country = countries[1] # => Австралия # => 2
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