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Fronsetia (Free Online Service Testing Application) is a web application that allows testing webservices.

Fronsetia allows you to:

  • read WSDL definitions,
  • send customised requests to the webservice,
  • override or remove the standard HTTP headers from the request to be sent,
  • set any other HTTP header you wish,
  • set the protocol name and version,
  • use protocol methods other than the regular POST,
  • set the sent Content-Type,
  • authenticate to the webservice,
  • use a proxy and authenticate to the proxy,
  • accept any TLS/SSL certificate (useful for test environments),
  • manually set the SOAP content (prologue, headers, body and the XML before them, after them and in between),
  • set the character set of the request,
  • view the SOAP response,
  • view the response's HTTP code and status line,
  • view the response's HTTP headers,
  • verify if there was a SOAP Fault in the response,
  • pretty-print the response by splitting it after closing tags.

You can think of Fronsetia as a simple version of SoapUI ( on the web, or a simple and free and open-source version of the wls_utc utility (but less powerful - for example, it doesn't interpret the service's schema to provide separate fields for various parameters).


  • supports Web Services Description Language (WSDL),
  • supports Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP),
  • supports Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP),
  • supports HTTP Authentication,
  • supports the same versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) as the server the application will be running on,
  • supports HTTP Proxying,
  • portable and system-independent.

Fronsetia was previously called SOAPServiceTester.

Author: Bogdan Drozdowski, bogdro &AT% users . sourceforge . net

License: AGPLv3+

Project homepage:


The dev branch may contain code which is a work in progress and committed just for tests. The code here may not work properly or even compile.

The master branch may contain code which is committed just for quality tests.

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