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Use Smart merge to create 2x2 units

bohemond-of-antioch edited this page Nov 11, 2022 · 2 revisions


Smart merge can be used with Drawing routines for 2x2 units to create XCom spritesheets from 'flat' sprites.


Prepare your sprites

Create the sprites for your 2x2 unit by cutting it up into 64x56 pixels and use the Battlescape palette. If your unit uses a turret, you need to split that into a separate sprite. You need to do this for all 8 directions.

Make sure the image is in the correct Battlescape 8-bit palette, otherwise the Copy&Paste feature does not work at all.

Example file


Prepare unit sprite studio

Go to File->New->Routine 2 Tank (Or another 2x2 Routine)

Smart merge

  1. Select the direction you are working on.

  2. Copy the source sprite into clipboard in your image editing software. (This is the 64x56 image you created earlier.)

  3. Go back to UnitSprite studio and paste it in. (Edit->Paste)


  4. Smart merge (Edit->Smart merge)


Repeat for all 8 directions


If your unit uses a turret, you'll have to paste it in too, but you must not use the Smart merge for the turret.

The turret has its own layer named 'Turret'. Paste the image into that layer.


Smart merge for propulsion is not supported yet.

And then

Afterwards you can use UnitSprite studio to edit the 2x2 unit as you wish. You can use the Frame border and Smart layer features to help a lot with these kinds of units. The spritesheet will be updated directly, hopefully without the need to go back to the original merged image again.
