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AWS Frontend

This module creates complete environment for frontend applications:

  • S3 bucket to store SPA files
  • CloudFront distribution to ensure fast access and caching
  • Lambda@Edge to ensure proper CORS headers
  • ACM certificate for HTTPS (created via provider)
  • Route53 entries to set user-friendly domain (created via aws.hosted_zone provider)

You may want to set custom providers to deploy some parts of frontend:

  • S3 bucket & IAM policies is deployed using the default aws provider
  • Lambda@Edge & ACM certificate have to be created on us-east-1 region (via provider),
  • Route53 entries can be on a different AWS account (via aws.hosted_zone provider)

If you wish to gracefully destroy this module, make sure to set scheduled_for_deletion parameter to true. Otherwise you won't be able to remove non-empty S3 bucket or Lambda@Edge functions still connected to CloudFront. Setting this flag to true may render your environment unusable, so make sure to migrate gracefully to a different environment by provisioning replacement and swapping DNS entries first.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws ~>4.0, < 5.0


Name Version
archive n/a
aws ~>4.0, < 5.0 ~>4.0, < 5.0
aws.hosted_zone ~>4.0, < 5.0
random n/a
template n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_acm_certificate.certificate resource
aws_acm_certificate_validation.certificate_validation resource
aws_cloudfront_distribution.distribution resource
aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity.s3 resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.edge_lambda resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.edge_lambda_custom resource
aws_iam_policy.deployer resource
aws_iam_role.edge_lambda resource
aws_iam_role.edge_lambda_custom resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.edge_lambda resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.edge_lambda_custom resource
aws_lambda_function.edge_lambda resource
aws_lambda_function.edge_lambda_custom resource
aws_route53_record.certificate_validation resource
aws_route53_record.distribution resource
aws_s3_bucket.bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.bucket resource
random_pet.s3_origin resource
archive_file.edge_lambda data source
archive_file.edge_lambda_custom data source
aws_iam_policy_document.deployer data source
aws_iam_policy_document.edge_lambda_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.s3_policy data source
template_file.edge_lambda data source


Name Description Type Default Required
alternative_domain_names Alternative domains under which frontend app will become available. list(string) [] no
cache_disabled_path_patterns List of path patterns that won't be cached on CloudFront. list(string) [] no
comment Comment that will be applied to all underlying resources that support it. string "Frontend application environment" no
content_security_policy Content Security Policy header parameters. map(string)
"default-src": "'self' blob:",
"font-src": "'self'",
"img-src": "'self'",
"object-src": "'none'",
"script-src": "'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'",
"style-src": "'self' 'unsafe-inline'",
"worker-src": "blob:"
create_distribution_dns_records Set to false if you don't want to create DNS records for frontend. DNS domain validation will take place regardless of this flag. bool true no
custom_headers Custom headers that may override headers returned by default. map(string) {} no
default_root_object The object that you want CloudFront to return when an end user requests the root URL. string "index.html" no
domain_name Domain under which frontend app will become available. string n/a yes
edge_functions Additional Lambda@Edge functions that tmay be added to CloudFront setup.
event_type = string
include_body = bool
lambda_code = string
lambda_runtime = string
{} no
enabled Set to false if you don't want to create any resources. bool true no
hosted_zone_id Route53 Zone ID to put DNS record for frontend app. string n/a yes
lambda_log_retention_in_days CloudWatch log rentention time for Lambda@Edge functions. number 14 no
name Name of S3 bucket to store frontend app in. string n/a yes
not_found_page_path Fallback file to return when 404 error is encountered string "/index.html" no
scheduled_for_deletion Enable this to disconnect Lambda@Edge functions from CloudFront distribution and enables force_Destroy on S3 bucket. It's necessary to proceed with module deletion. bool false no
tags Tags that will be applied to all underlying resources that support it. map(string) {} no
wait_for_deployment If enabled, the resource will wait for the CloudFront distribution status to change from InProgress to Deployed. bool false no
web_acl_id WebACL ID for enabling whitelist access to CloudFront distribution. string null no


Name Description
cf_distribution_id CloudFront Distribution ID
deployer_policy_arn Policy that allows for performing S3 bucket actions & CloudFront invalidation.
edge_function_roles Map of IAM role ids for custom Lambda@Edge functions passed to module.
s3_bucket S3 Bucket Name
s3_bucket_arn S3 Bucket ARN