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BoldBI Embedding Ruby on Rails

This Bold BI Ruby on Rails sample contains the Dashboard embedding sample. This sample demonstrates the rendering of dashboard available in your Bold BI server.

This section guides you in using the Bold BI dashboard in your Ruby on Rails sample application.

Requirements to run the demo

The samples require the following requirements to run.

Using the Ruby on Rails sample

  • Open the Ruby on Rails sample in Visual studio code.

  • Open the index.html.erb file in the following location, /app/view/home/index.html.erb.

  • Please change the following properties in the index.html.erb file as per your Bold BI Server.

    ServerUrl Dashboard Server URL (Example for on-premise: )(Example for cloud: ).
    dashboardID Provide the dashboard id of the dashboard you want to embed.
    authorizationUrl URL pointing to AuthorizeServer API file. We are running ruby sample in 3000 port(http://localhost:3000/api/v1/authorizes).
  • Open the Authorizes_Controller.rb file in the location, /app/controllers/api/v1/Authorizes_Controller.rb. And provide the below mentioned values.

    EmbedSecret Get your EmbedSecret key from the Embed tab by enabling the `Enable embed authentication` on the Administration page
    UserEmail UserEmail of the Admin in your Bold BI, which would be used to get the dashboard list.
  • To install the rails, run the below command.

gem install rails
  • To check the rails version, run the below command
 rails -v.
  • Now run the Ruby on Rails application by using below command and open the browser, then go to the localhost://3000, you are able to view the embedded dashboard.
rails s

Please refer to the help documentation to know how to run the sample.

Online Demos

Look at the Bold BI Embedding sample to live demo here.


A complete Bold BI Embedding documentation can be found on Bold BI Embedding Help.


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