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API Formats

Mike Mai edited this page Aug 16, 2018 · 14 revisions


Topic Guidelines
Boolean Try to use the predefined boolean words
String Use the predefined conventions for levels and hierarchy
Value of None Don't use null and undefined

Example Prop in a Schema.yml

  type: string
  title: 'Prop Name'
  description: 'Prop description sentence.'
  default: medium
    - large
    - medium
    - small
  type: boolean
  title: 'Prop Name'
  description: 'Prop description sentence.'
  default: false


Try to use the following when creating booleans.

Positive Boolean Negative Boolean Neutral Boolean
loop unloop
autoplay noautoplay
checked unchecked
enabled disabled
active inactive
selected unselected
toggled untoggled
interactive nointeractive
styled unstyled
clicked unclicked
rounded unrounded
visible hidden


Don't Use String For Something Boolean

If it's boolean, use boolean. If it's more than just true or false, use string.

Don't do this:

{% include "@bolt/component-name.twig" with {
  rounded: "rounded"
} %}


Add x in front of words to indicate levels.

For theme names and color shades, we use a range of light and dark:

  • theme: xlight
  • theme: light
  • theme: dark
  • theme: xdark

For spacing, sizes, or breakpoint names, we use a range of small and large:

  • size: xxsmall
  • size: xsmall
  • size: small
  • size: medium
  • size: large
  • size: xlarge
  • size: xxlarge

Information Hierarchy

Use the following to indicate hierarchy:

  • color: primary
  • color: secondary
  • color: tertiary

Responsive Behavior

Use @ to indicate responsive behaviors.


  • width: full
  • width: full@small
  • width: full@medium
  • width: full@large

Value of None:

  type: string
  title: 'Theme'
  description: 'Color theme options.'
  default: xlight
    - xlight
    - light
    - dark
    - xdark
    - none

In the above example, to truly remove theme, one has to explicitly set it to none. Since that's not boolean, true, false, and null would not work, only values from the schema would work. But these values won't be invalid, they will just return the schema default.

Never use null or undefined

The following is invalid, don't do it.

{% include "@bolt/component-name.twig" with {
  prop1: null,
  prop2: ""
} %}
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