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bombledmonk committed Jun 4, 2015
1 parent 1738a14 commit b764b97
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Showing 17 changed files with 8,550 additions and 0 deletions.
565 changes: 565 additions & 0 deletions base.css

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions fixedsticky.css
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.fixedsticky {
position: -webkit-sticky;
position: -moz-sticky;
position: -ms-sticky;
position: -o-sticky;
position: sticky;
/* When position: sticky is supported but native behavior is ignored */
.fixedsticky-withoutfixedfixed .fixedsticky-off,
.fixed-supported .fixedsticky-off {
position: static;
.fixedsticky-withoutfixedfixed .fixedsticky-on,
.fixed-supported .fixedsticky-on {
position: fixed;
.fixedsticky-dummy {
display: none;
.fixedsticky-on + .fixedsticky-dummy {
display: block;
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions fixedsticky.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
;(function( win, $ ) {

function featureTest( property, value, noPrefixes ) {
// Thanks Modernizr!
var prop = property + ':',
el = document.createElement( 'test' ),
mStyle =;

if( !noPrefixes ) {
mStyle.cssText = prop + [ '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-', '-o-', '' ].join( value + ';' + prop ) + value + ';';
} else {
mStyle.cssText = prop + value;
return mStyle[ property ].indexOf( value ) !== -1;

function getPx( unit ) {
return parseInt( unit, 10 ) || 0;

var uniqueIdCounter = 0;

var S = {
classes: {
plugin: 'fixedsticky',
active: 'fixedsticky-on',
inactive: 'fixedsticky-off',
clone: 'fixedsticky-dummy',
withoutFixedFixed: 'fixedsticky-withoutfixedfixed'
keys: {
offset: 'fixedStickyOffset',
position: 'fixedStickyPosition',
id: 'fixedStickyId'
tests: {
sticky: featureTest( 'position', 'sticky' ),
fixed: featureTest( 'position', 'fixed', true )
// Thanks jQuery!
getScrollTop: function() {
var prop = 'pageYOffset',
method = 'scrollTop';
return win ? (prop in win) ? win[ prop ] :
win.document.documentElement[ method ] :
win.document.body[ method ];
bypass: function() {
// Check native sticky, check fixed and if fixed-fixed is also included on the page and is supported
return ( S.tests.sticky && !S.optOut ) ||
!S.tests.fixed ||
win.FixedFixed && !$( win.document.documentElement ).hasClass( 'fixed-supported' );
update: function( el ) {
if( !el.offsetWidth ) { return; }

var $el = $( el ),
height = $el.outerHeight(),
initialOffset = $ S.keys.offset ),
scroll = S.getScrollTop(),
isAlreadyOn = $ '.' + ),
toggle = function( turnOn ) {
$el[ turnOn ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( )
[ !turnOn ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( S.classes.inactive );
viewportHeight = $( window ).height(),
position = $ S.keys.position ),
$parent = $el.parent(),
parentOffset = $parent.offset().top,
parentHeight = $parent.outerHeight();

if( initialOffset === undefined ) {
initialOffset = $el.offset().top;
$ S.keys.offset, initialOffset );
$el.after( $( '<div>' ).addClass( S.classes.clone ).height( height ) );

if( !position ) {
// Some browsers require fixed/absolute to report accurate top/left values.
skipSettingToFixed = $el.css( 'top' ) !== 'auto' || $el.css( 'bottom' ) !== 'auto';

if( !skipSettingToFixed ) {
$el.css( 'position', 'fixed' );

position = {
top: $el.css( 'top' ) !== 'auto',
bottom: $el.css( 'bottom' ) !== 'auto'

if( !skipSettingToFixed ) {
$el.css( 'position', '' );

$ S.keys.position, position );

function isFixedToTop() {
var offsetTop = scroll + elTop;

// Initial Offset Top
return initialOffset < offsetTop &&
// Container Bottom
offsetTop + height <= parentOffset + parentHeight;

function isFixedToBottom() {
// Initial Offset Top + Height
return initialOffset + ( height || 0 ) > scroll + viewportHeight - elBottom &&
// Container Top
scroll + viewportHeight - elBottom >= parentOffset + ( height || 0 );

elTop = getPx( $el.css( 'top' ) );
elBottom = getPx( $el.css( 'bottom' ) );

if( && isFixedToTop() || position.bottom && isFixedToBottom() ) {
if( !isAlreadyOn ) {
toggle( true );
} else {
if( isAlreadyOn ) {
toggle( false );
destroy: function( el ) {
var $el = $( el );
if (S.bypass()) {
return $el;

return $el.each(function() {
var $this = $( this );
var id = $ );
$( win ).unbind( '.fixedsticky' + id );

.removeData( [ S.keys.offset, S.keys.position, ] )
.removeClass( )
.removeClass( S.classes.inactive )
.next( '.' + S.classes.clone ).remove();
init: function( el ) {
var $el = $( el );

if( S.bypass() ) {
return $el;

return $el.each(function() {
var _this = this;
var id = uniqueIdCounter++;
$( this ).data(, id );

$( win ).bind( 'scroll.fixedsticky' + id, function() {
S.update( _this );
}).trigger( 'scroll.fixedsticky' + id );

$( win ).bind( 'resize.fixedsticky' + id , function() {
if( $ '.' + ) ) {
S.update( _this );

win.FixedSticky = S;

// Plugin
$.fn.fixedsticky = function( method ) {
if ( typeof S[ method ] === 'function') {
return S[ method ].call( S, this);
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return S, this );
} else {
throw new Error( 'Method `' + method + '` does not exist on jQuery.fixedsticky' );

// Add fallback when fixed-fixed is not available.
if( !win.FixedFixed ) {
$( win.document.documentElement ).addClass( S.classes.withoutFixedFixed );

})( window, jQuery );

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