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AngularJS directive(s) to automatically select text within input fields.


Include this module:

angular.module('myModule', ['badwing.autoselect']);

Use the autoSelect directive:

<input type="text" ng-model="foo" auto-select="options"/>

Where options is an object with the following properties:

  • once {boolean}: If true, only auto-select once. Default false.
  • start {number}: If set, begin the selection at this index within the input field's value. Default 0.
  • end {number}: If set, end the selection at this index within the input field's value. Default is the length of the value.
  • match {(string|RegExp)}: If a string, select only the substring, if present. If a RegExp, then select all the text matched by the regular expression. If the directive cannot find the substring or the regular expression, it will not attempt to select text.

The autoSelect directive requires the ngModel directive.

Note: Not all input fields are supported by all browsers. Read about support.


$ npm install angular-autoselect


$ bower install angular-autoselect

angular-autoselect is a UMD module.


Christopher Hiller
