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Configure and run

Konstantin Kolodii edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 16 revisions


The main concept is CommonAPI address which has format <domain>:<interface>:<instance>

Usually you will use domain and instance to invoke creating proxy or stub. Interface is defined by generator, for example see src-gen/v1/ford/rnd/ML.hpp in build directory sample

When you invoke proxy or stub CommonAPI loads your shared library according configuration file commonapi.ini


In order to CommonAPI loads libraries of vsomeip you have to add into commonapi.ini next lines:



In order to your applications work on TCP you have to prepare proper deployment files (*.fdepl) See specification for SOME/IP. For example ML.fdepl:

method sayHello {
    SomeIpMethodID = 32000
    SomeIpReliable = true

Also you have to provide configure files for service and client sides.

Example for service side is vsomeip-service.json

"services" :
        "service" : "0x1234",
        "instance" : "0x5678",
        "reliable" : { "port" : "31000", "enable-magic-cookies" : "false" }

Example for client side is vsomeip-client.json

"clients" :
        "service" : "0x1234",
        "instance" : "0x5678"

Use service discovery for simple configuration:

"service-discovery" :
    "enable" : "true"

By default service discovery uses range of IP addresses. So you have to set up route on your both hosts with command like:

sudo route add -net dev eth0


In order to your applications be able to find all libraries you have to set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. Full list libraries:

  • your shared libraries ( for sample)

In order to your application will be recognized by vsomeip you have to set up name

export VSOMEIP_APPLICATION_NAME=service-sample

In order to your application will be properly configured you have to specify configuration files:

export VSOMEIP_CONFIGURATION=../config/vsomeip-service.json
export COMMONAPI_CONFIG=../config/commonapi.ini

Now you can run your applications. It is good to use vsomeip daemon for routing.

  • run vsomeipd
  • run service
  • run client on another host

You might look at simple scripts for a better understanding:

In order to build and run sample see

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