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Limit to one xgrid a time; Clean calc_dbar_c
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FinYang committed May 17, 2023
1 parent 8a5f603 commit 1824e2e
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Showing 2 changed files with 32 additions and 39 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/estimation.R
Expand Up @@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ estimate_yield <- function(data, xgrid, hx, tau, ht,

# Check inputs
stopifnot(length(xgrid) == 1)
stopifnot(length(hx) == 1)
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67 changes: 30 additions & 37 deletions src/dbar_cpp.cpp
Expand Up @@ -5,51 +5,44 @@
#include <Rcpp.h>

// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat calc_dbar_c(int nday, int ntupq, arma::mat day_idx, arma::mat tupq_idx, arma::mat mat_weights_tau, arma::mat mat_weights_qdatetime,
Rcpp::List price_slist, Rcpp::List cf_slist){
arma::mat calc_dbar_c(int nday, int ntupq, arma::mat day_idx,
arma::mat tupq_idx, arma::mat mat_weights_tau,
arma::mat mat_weights_qdatetime,
Rcpp::List price_slist, Rcpp::List cf_slist){
arma::mat dbar(nday * ntupq, 2);

// For each element in ugrid
for(int i = 0; i < nday; ++i){
arma::rowvec seq_day = day_idx.row(i);
// For each element in time grid
arma::rowvec seq_day = day_idx.row(0);

// For each element in time-to-maturity tau grid
for(int j = 0; j < ntupq; ++j){
arma::rowvec seq_tupq(2);
seq_tupq = tupq_idx.row(j);
arma::vec num(seq_day[1] - seq_day[0] + 1, arma::fill::zeros), den(seq_day[1] - seq_day[0] + 1, arma::fill::zeros);

// For each element in xgrid
for(int j = 0; j < ntupq; ++j){
arma::rowvec seq_tupq(2);
int windowOffset = 0;
if(tupq_idx.n_cols == 2){
seq_tupq = tupq_idx.row(j);
} else {
seq_tupq = tupq_idx(j, arma::span(2*i, 2*i+1));
windowOffset = i * ntupq;
arma::vec num(seq_day[1] - seq_day[0] + 1, arma::fill::zeros), den(seq_day[1] - seq_day[0] + 1, arma::fill::zeros);
// For each element in the window of the current element of time xgrid: t=1 to T in the paper
// The kernel for the rest is 0
for(int k = seq_day[0] - 1; k < seq_day[1]; ++k){
arma::sp_mat price_temp = Rcpp::as<arma::sp_mat>(price_slist[k]);
arma::sp_mat cf_temp = Rcpp::as<arma::sp_mat>(cf_slist[k]);

// For each element in the window of the current element of ugrid: t=1 to T in the paper
// The kernel for the rest is 0
for(int k = seq_day[0] - 1; k < seq_day[1]; ++k){
arma::sp_mat price_temp = Rcpp::as<arma::sp_mat>(price_slist[k]);
arma::sp_mat cf_temp = Rcpp::as<arma::sp_mat>(cf_slist[k]);
double ncols = price_temp.n_cols;
// The next two loops are to loop over elements in the cash flow and price matrix in the price_slist and cf_slist
// For each bond: i=1 to n_t in the paper
for(unsigned int m = 0; m < price_temp.n_rows; ++m){

// The next two loops are to loop over elements in the cash flow and price matrix in the price_slist and cf_slist
// For each bond: i=1 to n_t in the paper
for(unsigned int m = 0; m < price_temp.n_rows; ++m){

// For each element in the window of the current element of xgrid: j=1 to m_it in the paper
// The kernel for the rest is 0
for(int n = seq_tupq[0] - 1; n < std::min(seq_tupq[1], ncols); ++n) {
num(k - seq_day[0] + 1) += price_temp(m, n) * cf_temp(m, n) * mat_weights_tau(n, windowOffset + j) * mat_weights_qdatetime(k, i);
den(k - seq_day[0] + 1) += pow(cf_temp(m, n), 2) * mat_weights_tau(n, windowOffset + j) * mat_weights_qdatetime(k, i);
// For each element in the window of the current element of tau grid: j=1 to m_it in the paper
// The kernel for the rest is 0
for(int n = seq_tupq[0] - 1; n < seq_tupq[1]; ++n) {
num(k - seq_day[0] + 1) += price_temp(m, n) * cf_temp(m, n) * mat_weights_tau(n, j) * mat_weights_qdatetime(k, 0);
den(k - seq_day[0] + 1) += pow(cf_temp(m, n), 2) * mat_weights_tau(n, j) * mat_weights_qdatetime(k, 0);

double numer = arma::sum(num), denom = arma::sum(den);
dbar(i*ntupq + j, 0) = numer;
dbar(i*ntupq + j, 1) = denom;

double numer = arma::sum(num), denom = arma::sum(den);
dbar(j, 0) = numer;
dbar(j, 1) = denom;
return dbar;
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