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Fix estimation using tau_p; rewrite post process
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The seeming transpose problem is likely introduced in dplyr 1.0.0 when right_join no longer sorts the rows of the resulting tibble according to the order of the RHS. When tau_p == tau, transpose hh_interpol can solve the issue. When tau_p != tau, transpose can't. Now fixed.
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FinYang committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent 733be96 commit e31b0b6
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 129 deletions.
225 changes: 96 additions & 129 deletions R/estimation.R
Expand Up @@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ calc_dbar <- function(data, xgrid,
dbar <- calc_dbar_c(ntupq, day_idx, tupq_idx, mat_weights_tau, joint_window, price_slist, cf_slist)
day_grid <- day_grid[rep(1:nday, each=ntupq),]
dbar <- data.frame(ug = day_grid$ug, rg = day_grid$rg, dbar_numer = dbar[,1], dbar_denom = dbar[,2])
dbar <- tibble(ug = day_grid$ug, rg = day_grid$rg, dbar_numer = dbar[,1], dbar_denom = dbar[,2])
} else {
dbar <- calc_dbar_c(ntupq, day_idx, tupq_idx, mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_qdatetime, price_slist, cf_slist)
dbar <- data.frame(ug = rep(xgrid, rep(ntupq, nday)), dbar_numer = dbar[,1], dbar_denom = dbar[,2])
dbar <- tibble(ug = rep(xgrid, rep(ntupq, nday)), dbar_numer = dbar[,1], dbar_denom = dbar[,2])
dbar$xg <- rep(tau, nday)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,20 +196,20 @@ calc_hhat_num <- function(data, xgrid,
nday <- windows_ls$nday
day_grid <- windows_ls$day_grid
same_tau <- isTRUE(all.equal(tau, tau_p))

hhat <- calc_hhat_num_c(ntupq_tau, ntupq_tau_p, day_idx, tupq_idx_tau, tupq_idx_tau_p,
mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_tau_p, joint_window, cf_slist,
same_tau = same_tau)
if(same_tau) hhat <- hhat + `diag<-`(t(hhat), 0)
hhat_mat <- calc_hhat_num_c(ntupq_tau, ntupq_tau_p, day_idx, tupq_idx_tau, tupq_idx_tau_p,
mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_tau_p, joint_window, cf_slist,
same_tau = same_tau)
if(same_tau) hhat_mat <- hhat_mat + `diag<-`(t(hhat_mat), 0)
day_grid <- day_grid[rep(1:nday, each=ntupq_tau_p*ntupq_tau),]
hhat <- data.frame(hhat_numer = c(hhat), ug = day_grid$ug, rg = day_grid$rg)
hhat <- tibble(hhat_numer = c(hhat_mat), ug = day_grid$ug, rg = day_grid$rg)
} else {
hhat <- calc_hhat_num_c(ntupq_tau, ntupq_tau_p, day_idx, tupq_idx_tau, tupq_idx_tau_p,
mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_tau_p, mat_weights_qdatetime, cf_slist,
same_tau = same_tau)
if(same_tau) hhat <- hhat + `diag<-`(t(hhat), 0)
hhat <- data.frame(hhat_numer = c(hhat), ug = rep(xgrid, rep(ntupq_tau_p * ntupq_tau, nday)))
hhat_mat <- calc_hhat_num_c(ntupq_tau, ntupq_tau_p, day_idx, tupq_idx_tau, tupq_idx_tau_p,
mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_tau_p, mat_weights_qdatetime, cf_slist,
same_tau = same_tau)
if(same_tau) hhat <- hhat_mat + `diag<-`(t(hhat_mat), 0)
hhat <- tibble(hhat_numer = c(hhat_mat), ug = rep(xgrid, rep(ntupq_tau_p * ntupq_tau, nday)))

hhat$xg <- rep(tau, nday*ntupq_tau_p)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,6 +260,10 @@ estimate_yield <- function(data, xgrid, hx,
cfp_slist = NULL){
units <- 365

if(min(tau)>min(tau_p) || max(tau) < max(tau_p)){
stop('tau_p entries must lie inside tau')

if(!is.null(rgrid) & !is.null(hr) & !is.null(interest)){
interest_grid <- TRUE
} else {
Expand All @@ -276,6 +280,10 @@ estimate_yield <- function(data, xgrid, hx,
stopifnot(length(xgrid) == length(hx))
stopifnot(length(tau) == length(ht))
stopifnot(all(c('qdate', 'crspid', 'mid.price', 'accint', 'pdint', 'tupq') %in% colnames(data)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,135 +334,94 @@ estimate_yield <- function(data, xgrid, hx,
hx = hx,
tau = tau[!tau %in% problem_tau],
ht = ht[!tau %in% problem_tau],
tau_p = tau_p,
htp = htp,
rgrid = rgrid,
hr = hr,
loess = FALSE)

# The denominator of h-hat entries are estimated as part of dbar
dbar <- mutate(dbar, dbar = .data$dbar_numer/.data$dbar_denom)
if(any($dbar))) {
stop("Missing value in dbar")

hhat <- dbar %>%
select("ug", "xg", "rg", "dbar_denom") %>%
by = intersect(c("ug", "rg", "xg"), colnames(dbar))) %>%
mutate(hhat = .data$hhat_numer/.data$dbar_denom)

# The denominator of h-hat entries are estimated as part of dbar

hhat <- dplyr::mutate(
dplyr::select(dbar, !!sym('ug'), !!sym('xg'), !!sym('rg'), !!sym('dbar_denom')),
by = c('ug' = 'ug', 'xg' = 'xg', 'rg' = 'rg')
hhat = !!sym('hhat_numer') / !!sym('dbar_denom')

day_grid <- unique(hhat[c('ug', 'rg')])
} else {
hhat <- dplyr::mutate(
dplyr::select(dbar, !!sym('ug'), !!sym('xg'), !!sym('dbar_denom')),
by = c('ug' = 'ug', 'xg' = 'xg')
hhat =!!sym('hhat_numer') / !!sym('dbar_denom')
day_grid <- data.frame(ug = unique(hhat$ug), rg = 0)
hhat$rg <- 0
dbar$rg <- 0
# Create a matrix of interpolation weights
interpol_weights <- matrix(0,
nrow = length(tau),
ncol = length(tau_p))

# Create the dataframe that the function returns
dhat <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:nrow(day_grid)){

# Create the dbar vector and h-hat matrix for this value of ugrid
db <- dplyr::mutate(
dplyr::filter(dbar, !!sym('ug') == day_grid$ug[i], !!sym('rg') == day_grid$rg[i]),
dbar = !!sym('dbar_numer') / !!sym('dbar_denom')

hh <- matrix(dplyr::filter(hhat, !!sym('ug') == day_grid$ug[i], !!sym('rg') == day_grid$rg[i])$hhat,
nrow = length(db))
na <- which(
if(is.vector(tau) & is.vector(tau_p)){
xgr <- tau[-na]
qgr <- tau_p[tau_p <= max(xgr)]
} else if(nrow(tau) == 1 & nrow(tau_p) == 1){
xgr <- tau[-na]
qgr <- tau_p[tau_p <= max(xgr)]
} else {
xgr <- tau[i,-na]
qgr <- tau_p[i, tau_p[tau_p <= max(xgr)]]
db <- db[-na]
hh <- hh[1:length(xgr), 1:length(qgr)]
} else {
if(is.vector(tau) & is.vector(tau_p)){
xgr <- tau
qgr <- tau_p
} else if(nrow(tau) == 1 & nrow(tau_p) == 1){
xgr <- tau
qgr <- tau_p
} else {
xgr <- tau[i, ]
qgr <- tau_p[i, ]

# Extract the xgrid and qgrid for this value of u as xgr and qgr.
# The dimensions of these objects are tested earlier in the code.

# Create a matrix of interpolation weights
interpol_weights <- matrix(0, length(xgr), length(qgr))

# Iterate over the values of qgrid
for(j in 1:length(qgr)){
# If qgrid is contained in xgrid then the weight will be one
if(any(xgr == qgr[j])){
interpol_weights[which(xgr == qgr[j]), j] <- 1
} else {
# Otherwise find the xgrid immediately above and below this xgrid
lower <- max(which(xgr < qgr[j]))
upper <- min(which(xgr > qgr[j]))
# Error if qgrid is lower than the first xgrid, or greater than the last xgrid
if(upper == 1 | lower == length(xgr)){
stop('tau_p entries must lie inside tau')
# Find interpolation weights as ratio between the two xgrid values lying above and below this qgrid
dist <- xgr[upper] - xgr[lower]
interpol_weights[lower, j] <- (qgr[j] - xgr[lower]) / dist
interpol_weights[upper, j] <- (xgr[upper] - qgr[j]) / dist

# Construct the length(q) x length(x) matrix of the interpolated hhat
hh_interpol <- matrix(0, length(xgr), length(xgr))
for(j in 1:length(xgr)){
hh_interpol[,j] <- colSums(t(hh) * interpol_weights[j,])

# transpose?
X <- diag(1, length(xgr)) + t(hh_interpol)
dh <- solve(X) %*% db
dhat <- rbind(dhat, data.frame(discount = dh, ug = day_grid$ug[i], rgrid = day_grid$rg[i], qg = xgr))

# Iterate over the values of tau_p
for(j in 1:length(tau_p)){
# If tau_p is contained in tau then the weight will be one
if(any(tau == tau_p[j])){
interpol_weights[which(tau == tau_p[j]), j] <- 1
} else {
dhat <- rbind(dhat, data.frame(discount = dh, ug = day_grid$ug[i], qg = xgr))
# Otherwise find the tau immediately above and below this tau
lower <- max(which(tau < tau_p[j]))
upper <- min(which(tau > tau_p[j]))
# Find interpolation weights as ratio between the two tau values lying above and below this tau_p
dist <- tau[upper] - tau[lower]
interpol_weights[lower, j] <- (tau_p[j] - tau[lower]) / dist
interpol_weights[upper, j] <- (tau[upper] - tau_p[j]) / dist


db <- dbar %>%
select(any_of(c("ug", "rg", "dbar", "xg"))) %>%
group_by(across(any_of(c("ug", "rg")))) %>%
nest(.key = "db") %>%

hh <- hhat %>%
select(any_of(c("ug", "rg", "hhat", "qg", "xg"))) %>%
group_by(across(any_of(c("ug", "rg")))) %>%
nest(.key = "hh") %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(hh = lapply(hh, function(x) {
x %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = qg, values_from = hhat) %>%
select(-"xg") %>%
as.matrix() %>%

dhat <- left_join(db, hh, by = intersect(c("ug", "rg"), colnames(db))) %>%
mutate(discount = mapply(function(hh, db) {
# Construct the length(tau) x length(tau) matrix of the interpolated hhat
hh_interpol <- hh %*% t(interpol_weights)
X <- diag(1, length(tau)) + hh_interpol
transmute(db, xg, discount = as.vector(solve(X) %*% dbar))
}, hh = hh, db = db, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) %>%
select(any_of(c("ug", "rg", "discount"))) %>%

# loess smoothing
loess_model <- lapply(
function(ugg) stats::loess(discount~qg,
data = filter(dhat, .data$ug == ugg),
control = loess.control(surface = "direct")))
loess_model <- lapply(
function(ugg) stats::loess(discount~xg,
data = filter(dhat, .data$ug == ugg),
control = loess.control(surface = "direct")))
dhat$discount <-, lapply(loess_model, stats::predict))
dhat$yield <- -log(dhat$discount) / dhat$qg
dhat <- dplyr::rename(dhat,
xgrid = "ug",
tau = "qg"
dhat <- dhat %>%
mutate(yield = -log(.data$discount) / .data$xg) %>%
rename(xgrid = "ug",
tau = "xg")
attr(dhat, "loess") <- loess_model


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