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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 9, 2020. It is now read-only.


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I'm afraid we no longer support this gem - but if you'd like to be the new maintainer, please feel free to reach out and we can transfer ownership.

Freshworks Gem

A Ruby interface for the Freshworks Public API. Formerly known as Natero.


gem install freshworks


Significant functionality is covered with this gem, but some basic functionality is covered below. If you're interested in learning more, it's probably easiest to explore the specs in /spec/freshworks.

Set up your keys:

Freshworks.configure do |c|
  c.account_api_key = 'ACCOUNT_API_KEY'
  c.event_api_key   = 'EVENT_API_KEY'
  c.event_auth_key  = 'EVENT_AUTH_KEY'

Retrieve all accounts:


Retrieve a specific account:


Modify an account:

account = Freshworks::Account.retrieve('ACCOUNT_ID') = 'TEST'

Freshworks::Account.modify('ACCOUNT_ID', account)

Create an event:

event   = { id: 'test', name: 'Testing the API.'}
details = 'These details should be associated with the event in Freshworks'

Freshworks::Event.create(event, details)


In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are some ways you can contribute:

  • Report bugs.
  • Suggest new features.
  • Write or edit documentation.
  • Write specifications.
  • Write code (no patch is too small: fix typos, add comments, clean up inconsistent whitespace).
  • Refactor code.
  • Fix issues.

Submitting an issue:

We use the GitHub issue tracker to track bugs and features. Before submitting a bug report or feature request, check to make sure it hasn't already been submitted. When submitting a bug report, please include a stack trace and any details that may be necessary to reproduce the bug, including your gem version, Ruby version, and operating system. Ideally, a bug report should include a pull request with failing specs.

Submitting a Pull Request

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a topic branch.
  3. Add specs for your unimplemented feature or bug fix.
  4. Run bundle exec rake spec. If your specs pass, return to step 3.
  5. Implement your feature or bug fix.
  6. Run bundle exec rake spec. If your specs fail, return to step 5.
  7. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
  8. Commit and push your changes.
  9. Submit a pull request.

(Shamelessly based on the Twitter Gem)

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Bonusly is the fun and easy way to engage all of your employees and improve retention and productivity at every level of your organization.

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Wrapper for Freshworks API. Formerly known as Natero.



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