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BOSH Generators

Generators for creating BOSH releases.


This application requires Ruby 1.9 or 2.0 and is installed via RubyGems:

$ gem install bosh-gen


$ bosh-gen new my-new-project --s3
$ bosh-gen new my-new-project --atmos
$ bosh-gen new my-new-project --swift
$ bosh-gen new my-new-project # local blobstore with a warning

$ cd my-new-project

NEXT: Edit config/final.yml with your S3, ATMOS or Swift credentials

$ bosh create release

$ wget -P /tmp 
$ bosh-gen package ruby -f /tmp/ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.gz

$ bosh-gen job some-ruby-job -d ruby

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "added a job + 3 packages"

$ bosh create release

It is not ideal to include large source files, such as the 10Mb ruby tarball, in your git repository. Rather, use the blobstore for those:

$ rm -rf src/ruby/ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.gz
$ bosh add blob /tmp/ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.gz ruby
$ bosh upload blobs

$ bosh create release

Your job may need additional configuration files or executables installed.

$ bosh-gen template some-ruby-job config/some-config.ini
    create  jobs/some-ruby-job/templates/some-config.ini.erb
     force  jobs/some-ruby-job/spec

Quickly creating packages

There is a slow way to create a package, and there are three faster ways. Slow vs fast is not a debated about best vs worse. But sometimes you're in a hurry.

Slow way

$ bosh-gen package apache2

The slowest way to create a package is to run the command above, then get the source, read the "install from source" instructions, and create a package.

Slightly faster way

$ bosh-gen package redis -f ~/Downloads/redis-2.8.3.tar.gz

If you download the source files first, and reference them with the bosh-gen package generator, then it will attempt to guess how to install the package. The generated packaging script will include some starting commands that might work.

The command above will also copy the target file into the blobs/redis/ folder. One less thing for you to do.

Fastest way - reuse existing packages

$ bosh-gen extract-pkg ../cf-release/packages/postgres

The fastest way is to reuse an existing, working package from another BOSH release that you have on your local machine.

This command will copy across the packages/postgres/spec & packages/postgres/packaging files, as well as any blobs or src files that are referenced in the original BOSH release.

This is a great command to use. There are a growing number of BOSH releases on GitHub from which to steal, err, extract packages into your own BOSH releases.

Remember, first run bosh sync blobs in the target BOSH release project. Otherwise it will not be able to copy over the blobs.

Fast way - reuse Aptitude/Debian packages

$ bosh-gen package apache2 --apt
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh -c '/vagrant/src/apt/ apache2'
$ vagrant destroy

You can add/change the Debian packages to install by editing src/apt/apache2/aptfile and re-running the command above. You might want to delete blobs/apt/apache2 first to ensure that only the fetched .deb files are subsequently included during package compilation.

It is possible now to download one or more .deb files into the blobs/apt/ folder, and have them installed during package compilation time.

The installed .deb packages will be available at /var/vcap/packages/apache2/apt; rather than within the root folder system.

Your job monit control scripts can source a provided to setup environment variables:

source /var/vcap/packages/apache2/

This is the last option, and it is not the best option. Many Debian packages will also start processes that have default configuration that is not correct for your use case. It may be fast to get the Debian packages; but additional work may be required by your jobs to stop and unhook the processes that are automatically started upon installation.


To see how the various commands work together, let's create a new bosh release for Cassandra.

$ bosh-gen new cassandra --s3
$ cd cassandra
$ bosh-gen extract-pkg ../cf-release/packages/dea_jvm7
      create  packages/dea_jvm7
      create  packages/dea_jvm7/packaging
      create  packages/dea_jvm7/spec
      create  blobs/java/jre-7u4-linux-i586.tar.gz
      create  blobs/java/jre-7u4-linux-x64.tar.gz
      readme  Upload blobs with 'bosh upload blobs'
$ mv packages/dea_jvm7 packages/java7

In packages/java7/spec, rename it to java7.

$ bosh-gen package cassandra -d java7 -f ~/Downloads/apache-cassandra-1.0.11-bin.tar.gz
      create  packages/cassandra/packaging
      create  blobs/cassandra/apache-cassandra-1.0.11-bin.tar.gz
      create  packages/cassandra/spec

Change packages/cassandra/packaging to:

tar xfv cassandra/apache-cassandra-1.0.11-bin.tar.gz
cp -a apache-cassandra-1.0.11/* $BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET

Now create a stub for running cassandra as a job:

$ bosh-gen job cassandra -d java7 cassandra
      create  jobs/cassandra
      create  jobs/cassandra/monit
      create  jobs/cassandra/templates/bin/cassandra_ctl
      create  jobs/cassandra/templates/bin/monit_debugger
      create  jobs/cassandra/templates/data/
      create  jobs/cassandra/templates/helpers/
      create  jobs/cassandra/templates/helpers/
      create  jobs/cassandra/spec

Look at all that goodness!

A quick summary of these files:

  • The monit script uses bin/monit_debugger to help you debug any glitches in starting/stopping processes.
  • setups up lots of common folders and env vars.
  • comes from cf-release's common/ with some extra helper functions
  • data/ is where you extract any <%= properties.cassandra... %> values from the deployment manifest.
  • bin/cassandra_ctl no longer needs to be an unreadable ERb template! Use the env variables you create in data/ and normal bash if statements instead of ERb <% if ... %> templates.
  • examples/... is a folder for documenting example, valid deployment manifest properties for the release.

In bin/cassandra_ctl you now change "TODO" to cassandra and the rest of the tutorial is left to you, dear cassandra lover.

Your release is now ready to build, test and deploy:

bosh create release --force
bosh upload release

When you create a final release, you will first need to setup your AWS credentials in config/final.yml


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Generators for BOSH releases







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