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yarn add -D @boon-tv/eslint-plugin


npm i --dev @boon-tv/eslint-plugin


Add the plugin and preset to your eslint config (parserOptions.project is also required):

    "plugins": ["@boon-tv"],
    "extends": ["plugin:@boon-tv/recommended"],
    "parserOptions": {
        "project": "./tsconfig.json"



Provides more strict rules to short circuit expressions. This is particularly useful when working with react and even more so with react-native where leaking unwanted variables into JSX can lead to crashes.

The rule only triggers in inline conditional statements while special statements such as if, while and for are ignored.

Here are some examples of statements that will trigger and error and their allowed alternative:

// String & nullish string variables
variable && result  // ❌
!!variable && result // ✅

// Number & nulish number variables
variable && result  // ❌
arrayVaraible.length && result // ❌
!!variable && result // ✅
!!arrayVariable.length && result // ✅
arrayVariable.length > 0 && result // ✅

// Object & nulish object variables
variable && result  // ❌
!!variable && result // ✅

// "any" variables
variable && result  // ❌
!!variable && result // ✅