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r-a-y edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 8 revisions

Known Issues

(1) bbPress doesn't record its forum posts into the group activity stream. Why?

If you have the "Search Engine Visibility" option disabled under Settings > Reading in the WP admin dashboard, due to a quirk with bbPress, no forum activity will be recorded into the BuddyPress activity stream.

Since GES relies on the activity stream, your users will never receive any group forum posts by email.

To solve this, either re-enable "Search Engine Visibility" by unchecking the option under Settings > Reading in the WP admin dashboard.

Or, use the following code snippet in wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php to force (fool) bbPress into thinking that search engine visibility is on:

add_filter( 'bbp_is_site_public', '__return_true' );

Since bbPress 2.6.0, you also need to ensure that "Allow topic and reply revision logging" is checked under Settings > Forums in the WP admin dashboard.

Or, you can use the following code snippet in wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php:

add_filter( 'bbp_allow_revisions', '__return_true' );


(2) I upgraded to v3.7.0 and foreign characters look incorrect in my email. Why?

v3.7.0 was released with BuddyPress native HTML email support in mind. This changed the way the plain-text email content is rendered, which affects 3rd-party email plugins like WP Better Emails.

To fix compatibility with WP Better Emails and similar plugins, use the following code snippet in your theme's functions.php or in wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php:

// Remove plain-text conversion for usage with WP Better Emails and similar plugins.
add_action( 'bp_ges_before_bp_send_email', function() {
    remove_filter( 'bp_email_get_property', 'ass_email_convert_html_to_plaintext', 20, 3 );
} );

This will fix the HTML email generated by WP Better Emails, but chances are the plain-text version of the email will not be correct because it will now use HTML.

To fix this in WP Better Emails, add the following code snippet:

add_filter( 'wpbe_plaintext_body', 'strip_tags' );
