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V1.63 boost::python::numpy ndarray from_data method 'own' parameter usage #97

abemammen opened this issue Jan 4, 2017 · 10 comments


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Not sure how to use the 'own' parameter.
End result is that on the python side when the ndarray 'flags' are printed, I see:
The returned array on python side is garbled (though works sometimes!).
Data on the C++ side of the ndarray (that is being returned to Python) is correct always.
Is this related to the 'own' parameter. Or some other scope issue?
Currently I have 'own' set to: py::object()

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If you mean the owner parameter, please see the docs in
If you suspect an issue please provide a self-contained & minimal test case (including detailed instructions on how you built it and what you observed) that allows others to reproduce your findings.

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abemammen commented Jan 4, 2017

I've read that documentation but it isn't very clear what own should be or the side effects if 'ownership' is messed up. So I thought I would ask a high level question to see if the flag OWNDATA: False on the Python side would contribute to corrupt data.
I realize that is somewhat vague but figured I would ask a high level question before creating a test case that can be shared etc.

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In case some one is interested...
It appears that the issue is with boost::python::bumpy::from_data().
I changed it using: boost::python::bumpy::empty() and then a std::copy from a vector<> and that fixed the problem with respect to Python being able to interpret the ndarray correctly.
Interestingly, for what it's worth:
for the from_data() case, on the Python side, Numpy reports OWNDATA: False while it is OWNDATE: True for the empty() case so perhaps data ownership has something to do with it.

I'll have to strip out a test case that's small enough (it will take a bit of time that I don't currently have) but if this is useful for someone, I'm attaching some of the relevant methods:

struct record {
char id[32];
double score;

BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(_distancerank) {
using namespace boost::python;


class_<CdistanceRank>("CdistanceRank", init<bool>())
	.def("ndistancerank", &CdistanceRank::NCosineRank)

void CdistanceRank::VectorToNDArray(vector& vec) {
py::tuple str1dtype = py::make_tuple("id", "S32");
py::tuple dbldtype = py::make_tuple("score", "f8");
py::list list_dtype;
npy::dtype dtype = npy::dtype(list_dtype);

     // Failing case
this->mArray = npy::from_data(data,


    // This works
this->mArray = npy::empty(py::make_tuple(vec.size()), dtype);
std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), reinterpret_cast<record*>(this->mArray.get_data()));


npy::ndarray CdistanceRank::NCosineRank(npy::ndarray& pyfeaturematrix, py::list& pyidvector, npy::ndarray& pyrefvector) {
py::list slist;
vector scoreVector;

this->NPyMatrixToDistanceVector(pyfeaturematrix, pyidvector, pyrefvector, scoreVector);
sort(scoreVector.begin(), scoreVector.end(), greaterthan());

return this->mArray;


Using Python 3.4
On Mac OS 10.11
Using Boost::Python v1.63.0

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Thanks ! I'll likewise try to look into this. If you pass object() as owner argument the array should definitely own its data (and thus report OWNDATA=True), so something isn't quite right...

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I am experiencing the exact same issue. Is there already a fix for this? Or does someone know a workaround for it?

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I wonder what it means for the array to own its own data. Does it mean that if the array is passed to python, then I do not need to manage the data associated with the array in C++, and the array and the associated data will be correctly deleted without memory leaks when it goes out of scope in python?

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PhilippeCarphin commented Aug 8, 2019

I have the cure for what ails you!

I will make a post on stack overflow asking the question and then answering it, but for now, here is a straightforward way to return an ndarray to python whose data has been allocated in C++, and it will own it's data (in the sense that it will be deallocated when nothing references the python object). And furthermore, it doesn't use the numpy C api, only Boost.Numpy.

This is pretty much exactly the same as the basic example usage of boost::python::numpy::ndarray::from_data() except for the capsule thing which was taken directly from 7starsea (whom I refer to as The Messiah). ndarray/Boost.NumPy#28 (comment)

typedef long int my_data_type;
inline void destroyManagerCObject(PyObject* self) {
    auto * b = reinterpret_cast<my_data_type*>( PyCapsule_GetPointer(self, NULL) );
    std::cout << "C++      : " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " delete [] " << b << std::endl;
    delete [] b;

boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_capsule()
    // Change this to see how the adresses change.
    unsigned int last_dim = 6000;
    boost::python::object shape = boost::python::make_tuple(4, 5, last_dim);

    boost::python::numpy::dtype dt = boost::python::numpy::dtype::get_builtin<my_data_type>();

    auto * const data_ptr = new my_data_type[4*5*last_dim];

    const size_t s = sizeof(my_data_type);
    boost::python::object strides = boost::python::make_tuple(5*last_dim*s, last_dim*s, s);

    for(int i = 1; i <= 4*5*last_dim; ++i){ data_ptr[i-1] = i; }

    // This sets up a python object whose destruction will free data_ptr
    PyObject *capsule = ::PyCapsule_New((void *)data_ptr, NULL, (PyCapsule_Destructor)&destroyManagerCObject);
    boost::python::handle<> h_capsule{capsule};
    boost::python::object owner_capsule{h_capsule};

    std::cout << "C++      : " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "data_ptr = " << data_ptr << std::endl;

    return boost::python::numpy::from_data( data_ptr, dt, shape, strides, owner_capsule);

Export the function with boost and use it like this:

i = 0
while i < 4:
    print("PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- ({})".format(i))
    print("PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()")
    arr = interface.get_array_that_owns_through_capsule()
    print("PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()")
    i += 1
    if i % 1000 == 0:
        print("PYTHON   : Nb arrays created and destroyed : {}".format(i))

    print("PYTHON   : ----------- End while iteration")
print("PYTHON   : SCRIPT END")

And it will produce the following output

PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- (0)
PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()
C++      : boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_capsule()data_ptr = 0x7fb7c9831010
PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()
PYTHON   : ----------- End while iteration
PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- (1)
PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()
C++      : boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_capsule()data_ptr = 0x7fb7c9746010
C++      : void destroyManagerCObject(PyObject*) free(0x7fb7c9831010)
PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()
PYTHON   : ----------- End while iteration
PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- (2)
PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()
C++      : boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_capsule()data_ptr = 0x14c9f20
C++      : void destroyManagerCObject(PyObject*) free(0x7fb7c9746010)
PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()
PYTHON   : ----------- End while iteration
PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- (3)
PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()
C++      : boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_capsule()data_ptr = 0x15b4530
C++      : void destroyManagerCObject(PyObject*) free(0x14c9f20)
PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()
PYTHON   : ----------- End while iteration
C++      : void destroyManagerCObject(PyObject*) free(0x15b4530)

Notice that during the first iteration, the PyCapsule_Destructor is not called, it's when the second iteration happens, when we assign a new thing to the variable arr that the destructor is called, and notice that it frees the memory that was allocated for the previous array.

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PhilippeCarphin commented Aug 11, 2019

If take the exact same code but we don't do the capsule thing and pass boost::python::object(), then doing the python code above with True instead of 4 in the while will cause the process to take up more and more memory until you C-c it.

Put the capsule back in and then we're back to having the data owned by the array.

Also this works but I wanted to interact only through the boost.Numpy objects if possible

boost::python::object get_numpy_array_owning_data()
    std::cout << "C++      : " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    int nd = 4;
    npy_intp npy_dims[] = {20,30,40,50};

    int * data_ptr = (int*)(malloc(20 * 30 * 40 * 50 * sizeof(int)));
    for(int i = 0; i < 20*30*40*50; ++i){
        data_ptr[i] = i;

    std::cout << "C++      : " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "   Calling PyArray_SimpleNewFromData()" << std::endl;
    PyObject *array = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(nd, npy_dims, NPY_INT32, (void*)(data_ptr));
    PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject *)array, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);

    return boost::python::object(boost::python::handle<>(array));

int import_array_wrapper(){
    return 0;

using namespace boost::python;
    def("get_numpy_array_owning_data", get_numpy_array_owning_data);

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PhilippeCarphin commented Aug 12, 2019

This is a demonstration that passing boost::python::object() as the owner parameter (not own) of the from_data() function doesn't cause the array to own the data given to the function (in the sense that when the array is no longer referenced, nothing is freed.

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/python/numpy.hpp>

typedef long int my_data_type;
boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_default_object()
    // Change this to see how the adresses change.
    unsigned int last_dim = 6000;
    boost::python::object shape = boost::python::make_tuple(4, 5, last_dim);

    boost::python::numpy::dtype dt = boost::python::numpy::dtype::get_builtin<my_data_type>();

    auto * const data_ptr = new my_data_type[4*5*last_dim];

    const size_t s = sizeof(my_data_type);
    boost::python::object strides = boost::python::make_tuple(5*last_dim*s, last_dim*s, s);

    for(int i = 1; i <= 4*5*last_dim; ++i){ data_ptr[i-1] = i; }

    std::cout << "C++      : " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "data_ptr = " << data_ptr << std::endl;

    return boost::python::numpy::from_data( data_ptr, dt, shape, strides, boost::python::object());

using namespace boost::python;
    def("get_array_that_owns_through_default_object", get_array_that_owns_through_default_object);
import numpy_default_object_way as interface
import os
import psutil

def get_process_memory_usage():
    process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
    return process.memory_info().rss

one_mb = 1000000

MEMORY_MAX = 100 * one_mb
i = 0
while True:
    j = 4
    print("PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- ({})".format(i))
    print("PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()")
    arr = interface.get_array_that_owns_through_default_object()
    print("PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()")
    i += 1
    if i % 1000 == 0:
        mem = get_process_memory_usage()
        if mem > MEMORY_MAX:
            print("PYTHON   : Bro chill with the memory, you're using {}MB over here!".format(mem/one_mb))
        print("PYTHON   : Nb arrays created (and pretty sure not destroyed) : {}".format(i))

    print("PYTHON   : ----------- End while iteration\n")

print("PYTHON   : SCRIPT END")

And corresponding output from running the python script

PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- (998)
PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()
C++      : boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_default_object()data_ptr = 0x7f4a5dba3010
PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()
PYTHON   : ----------- End while iteration

PYTHON   : ---------------- While iteration ------------------- (999)
PYTHON   : BEFORE calling test_capsule_way()
C++      : boost::python::numpy::ndarray get_array_that_owns_through_default_object()data_ptr = 0x7f4a5dab8010
PYTHON   : AFTER calling test_capsule_way()
PYTHON   : Bro chill with the memory, you're using 993.378304MB over here!

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PastelDew commented Jun 29, 2021

@PhilippeCarphin Thank you so much!! I solved my problem thanks to you!
Actually, I faced to the problem converting Mat of OpenCV to numpy of boost.
If somebody has same problem with me, the following codes will help you.

namespace py = boost::python;
namespace np = boost::python::numpy;

template<typename T>
inline void destroyManagerCObject(PyObject* self) {
	auto * b = reinterpret_cast<T*>( PyCapsule_GetPointer(self, NULL) );
	delete [] b;
np::ndarray ConvertMatToNDArray(const cv::Mat& mat) {
	py::tuple shape = py::make_tuple(mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.channels());
	py::make_tuple(mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.channels());
	np::dtype dt = np::dtype::get_builtin<uchar>();
	size_t depth = sizeof(uchar);
	PyObject *capsule = nullptr;
		case CV_8U:
			capsule = ::PyCapsule_New((void *), NULL, (PyCapsule_Destructor)&destroyManagerCObject<uchar>);
		case CV_8S:
			dt = np::dtype::get_builtin<char>();
			depth = sizeof(char);
			capsule = ::PyCapsule_New((void *), NULL, (PyCapsule_Destructor)&destroyManagerCObject<char>);
		case CV_16U:
			dt = np::dtype::get_builtin<uint16_t>();
			depth = sizeof(uint16_t);
			capsule = ::PyCapsule_New((void *), NULL, (PyCapsule_Destructor)&destroyManagerCObject<uint16_t>);
		case CV_16S:
			dt = np::dtype::get_builtin<int16_t>();
			depth = sizeof(int16_t);
			capsule = ::PyCapsule_New((void *), NULL, (PyCapsule_Destructor)&destroyManagerCObject<int16_t>);
		default: std::cout << "wrong dtype error" << std::endl; break;
	py::handle<> h_capsule{capsule};
	py::object owner_capsule{h_capsule};
	py::tuple stride = py::make_tuple(mat.channels() * mat.cols * depth, mat.channels() * depth, depth);
	np::ndarray ndImg = np::from_data(, dt, shape, stride, owner_capsule);
	return ndImg;

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