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File metadata and controls

executable file
165 lines (132 loc) · 6.94 KB

Form group

The <b-form-group> component is the easiest way to add some structure to forms. Its purpose is to provide a pairing between controls and a label, help text and feedback text, as well as contextual state visual feedback.

      description="Let us know your name."
      label="Enter your name"
      valid-feedback="Thank you"
    <b-form-input id="input1" :state="state" v-model.trim="name"></b-form-input>

export default {
  computed: {
    feedback () {
      return > 0 ? 'Enter at least 4 characters' : 'Please enter something'
    state () {
      return > 4 ? 'valid' : 'invalid'
  data () {
    return {
      name: ''

<!-- form-group-1.vue -->


Use the prop label to set the content of the <fieldset> generated <legend> element (html supported), or by using the named slot label, You may optionally visually hide the label text by setting the prop label-sr-only.

By default, the label appears above the input element(s), but you may optionally set the prop horizontal to place the label on the same line, and control the width of the label by setting label-cols to the number of columns (default of 3, valid range of 1 through 11). label-cols has no effect if the layout is not horizontal. For viewports below size sm, the label will revert to being displayed above the input control. You can control the breakpoint for this by setting the breakpoint prop (default is sm).

The label text may also optionally be aligned left, center or right by setting the respective value via the prop label-text-align. Alignment has no effect if label-sr-only is set.

You can also apply additional classes to the label via the label-class prop, such as responsive padding or alignment utility classes. The label-class prop accepts either a string or array of strings.

Example: Horizontal laout

  <b-form-group id="fieldsetHorizontal"
                description="Let us know your name."
                label="Enter your name">
    <b-form-input id="inputHorizontal"></b-form-input>

<!-- form-group-horizontal.vue -->


Optional descriptive text which is always shown with the .text-muted class (html supported) by setting the description prop or using the named slot description. The description text is rendered using the <b-form-text> component.

Validation feedback

Contextual validation visual state

Bootstrap includes validation styles for valid and invalid states on most form controls.

Generally speaking, you’ll want to use a particular state for specific types of feedback:

  • 'invalid' is great for when there’s a blocking or required field. A user must fill in this field properly to submit the form.
  • 'valid' is ideal for situations when you have per-field validation throughout a form and want to encourage a user through the rest of the fields.
  • null Displays no validation state

To apply one of the contextual state icons on <b-form-group>, set the state prop to 'invalid' (or false), 'valid' (or true), or null.

You should always provide content via the invalid-feedback prop (or slot) to aid users using assistive technologies when setting a contextual invalid state.

Invalid feedback

Show optional invalid state feedback text to provide textual state feedback (html supported) by setting the prop invalid-feedback or using the named slot invalid-feedback.

Note that the invalid feedback will not be shown unless the invalid state is set on the <b-form-group> and it's child(ren) input(s) or just on the input (<b-form-input>, <b-form-textarea>, <b-form-select>, <b-form-checkbox>, <b-form-radio>, or <b-form-file>).

Also feedback will be shown if the parent <b-form> component does not have the novalidate prop set (or set to false) along with vadidated prop set (and the input fails browser native validation constraintes such as required).

Refer to Bootstrap V4's Form component documentation for details on validation methods.


  • The prop feedback has been deprecated in favor of the invalid-feedback prop.
  • Invalid feedback is rendered using the <b-form-invalid-feedback> componment.

Valid feedback

Show optional valid state feedback text to provide textual state feedback (html supported) by setting the prop valid-feedback or using the named slot valid-feedback.

Note that the valid feedback will not be shown unless the valid state is set on the <b-form-group> and it's child(ren) input(s) or just on the input (<b-form-input>, <b-form-textarea>, <b-form-select>, <b-form-checkbox>, <b-form-radio>, or <b-form-file>).

Also feedback will be shown if the parent <b-form> component does not have the novalidate prop set (or set to false) along with vadidated prop set (and the input pases browser native validation constraintes such as required).

Refer to Bootstrap V4's Form component documentation for details on validation methods.

Valid feedback is rendered using the <b-form-valid-feedback> componment.

Feeback limitations

Note: When using <b-input-group>, <b-form-file>, <b-form-radio-group>, <b-form-radio>, <b-form-checkbox-group> or <b-form-checkbox> inside a <b-form-group>, setting an invalid (or valid) state on the input alone will not trigger the invalid (or valid) feeback to show (due to limitations with the new Bootsrap V4 validation CSS). To get around this, you must also set the invalid/valid state on <b-form-group>. Native browser validation will not trigger the invalid feedback to show when using one of the above mentiond form controls.


To enable auto-generation of aria-* attributes, you should supply a unique id prop to <b-form-group>. This will associate the help text and feeback text to the <b-form-group> and its input control(s).

<b-form-group> renders the input control(s) inside a an HTML <fieldset> element with the label content placed inside the fieldset's <legend> element. By nature of this markup, the legend content is automatically associated the the input control(s).

When placing multiple form controls inside a fieldset, it is recommended to give each control an associated <label> (which may be visually hidden using the .sr-only class) and set the label's for attribute to the id of the associated input control. Alternatively, you can set the aria-label attribute on each input control instead of using a <label>.

It is highly recommended that you provide a unique id prop on your input element(s).

Component alias

<b-form-group> can also be used via the legacy alias of <b-form-fieldset>.

Component Reference