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Elements Live v1.1

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@boourns boourns released this 23 Dec 02:16
· 2 commits to master since this release

Elements Live v1.1

This is a minor edit to Elements v1.1 firmware that makes it much faster to switch between resonator modes and the easter egg "ominous voice".

Once the firmware is installed, hold the GATE button and rotate the Resonator "Geometry" knob all the way from low to high (or from high to low, the important thing is that the knob touches both extremes). Keep holding GATE, and now the position of "Geometry" selects between the 3 resonator modes and the "Easter Egg" mode. Let go of GATE to keep the setting. Repeat the entire procedure to change modes.

To install, follow the "Firmware update procedure" section here:

DO NOT CONTACT MUTABLE INSTRUMENTS FOR SUPPORT. If you have issues please open an issue on this github repository or email me. This is released without warranty and, while it has been tested and deemed safe, any firmware update procedure could result in a bricked module.