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@ewilkins-csi ewilkins-csi released this 12 Jun 02:56
· 82 commits to dev since this release

Major Additions

OpenLineage Namespace Conventions

Conventions for setting namespaces when leveraging Data Lineage has been updated to better follow OpenLineage's guidelines. Moving forward, namespaces should be defined in the file, such that Jobs are tied to pipelines and Datasets are tied to data sources. This is a departure from the old pattern of one single namespace property (data.lineage.namespace) being leveraged for an entire project. Refer to the GitHub docs for updated guidance. Usage of the data.lineage.namespace property in a project's file will be supported as a fallback but should not be used in practice.

Maven Build Cache

The Maven Build Cache is now enabled by default for new projects. Existing projects can reference the generation template to enable this functionality in their own projects.

Kafka Docker Image

The baseline Kafka Docker image has moved away from using the wurstmeister/kafka image (which was outdated and is no longer available) to using Bitnami's Kafka image as its base. If you are using the v2 Kafka chart managed by aiSSEMBLE, it will now pull the baseline Kafka image instead of directly using the Bitnami image. If you are still on the older v1 chart, it is already using the baseline image and will be the Bitnami flavor in 1.7.0. Kafka Connect support is still included in the baseline image.

Package Renaming

  • Python modules were renamed to reflect aiSSEMBLE. These include the following.
Old Python Module New Python Module
foundation-core-python aissemble-core-python
foundation-model-training-api aissemble-foundation-model-training-api
foundation-versioning-service aissemble-foundation-versioning-service
foundation-drift-detection-client aissemble-foundation-drift-detection-client
foundation-encryption-policy-python aissemble-foundation-encryption-policy-python
foundation-model-lineage aissemble-foundation-model-lineage
foundation-data-lineage-python aissemble-foundation-data-lineage-python
foundation-messaging-python-client aissemble-foundation-messaging-python-client
foundation-pdp-client-python aissemble-foundation-pdp-client-python
foundation-transform-core-python aissemble-Foundation-transform-core-python
extensions-model-training-api-sagemaker aissemble-extensions-model-training-api-sagemaker
extensions-data-delivery-spark-py aissemble-extensions-data-delivery-spark-py
extensions-encryption-vault-python aissemble-extensions-encryption-vault-python
extensions-transform-spark-python aissemble-extensions-transform-spark-python
test-data-delivery-pyspark-model aissemble-test-data-delivery-pyspark-model
test-data-delivery-pyspark-model-basic aissemble-test-data-delivery-pyspark-model-basic
machine-learning-inference aissemble-machine-learning-inference
machine-learning-training aissemble-machine-learning-training
machine-learning-training-base aissemble-machine-learning-training-base
machine-learning-sagemaker-training aissemble-machine-learning-sagemaker-training
  • Helm Charts and their relevant modules have been renamed to the following:
Old Module Name New Helm Chart and Module Name
extensions-helm-airflow aissemble-airflow-chart
extensions-helm-data-access aissemble-data-access-chart
extensions-helm-elasticsearch aissemble-elasticsearch-chart
extensions-helm-elasticsearch-operator aissemble-elasticsearch-operator-chart
extensions-helm-fastapi aissemble-fastapi-chart
extensions-helm-hive-metastore-db aissemble-hive-metastore-db-chart
extensions-helm-hive-metastore-service aissemble-hive-metastore-service-chart
extensions-helm-inference aissemble-inference-chart
extensions-helm-jenkins aissemble-jenkins-chart
extensions-helm-kafka aissemble-kafka-chart
extensions-helm-keycloak aissemble-keycloak-chart
extensions-helm-lineage-http-consumer aissemble-lineage-http-consumer-chart
extensions-helm-localstack aissemble-localstack-chart
extensions-helm-metadata aissemble-metadata-chart
extensions-helm-mlflow aissemble-mlflow-chart
extensions-helm-pipeline-invocation aissemble-pipeline-invocation-chart
extensions-helm-pipeline-invocation-lib aissemble-pipeline-invocation-lib-chart
extensions-helm-policy-decision-point aissemble-policy-decision-point-chart
extensions-helm-quarkus aissemble-quarkus-chart
extensions-helm-sealed-secrets aissemble-sealed-secrets-chart
extensions-helm-spark-application aissemble-spark-application-chart
extensions-helm-spark-operator aissemble-spark-operator-chart
extensions-helm-vault aissemble-vault-chart
extensions-helm-versioning aissemble-versioning-chart

Breaking Changes

Note instructions for adapting to these changes are outlined in the upgrade instructions below.

  • The maven property version.clean.plugin was changed to version.maven.clean.plugin causing the *-deploy/pom.xml to be invalid.
  • The specification of private maven repositories has been changed from prior releases.
  • The specification of private PyPI repositories has been changed from prior releases.
  • The specification of private docker repository has been changed from prior releases.
  • The specification of Helm publishing repositories has been changed from prior releases.
  • The Kafka home directory in the aissemble-kafka image has changed from /opt/kafka to /opt/bitnami/kafka

Known Issues

There are no known issues with the 1.7.0 release.

Known Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability Severity Package Affected
CVE Fixed

How to Upgrade

The following steps will upgrade your project to 1.7. These instructions consist of multiple phases:

  • Automatic Upgrades - no manual action required
  • Precondition Steps - needed in all situations
  • Conditional Steps (e.g., Python steps, Java steps, if you use Metadata, etc)
  • Final Steps - needed in all situations

Automatic Upgrades

To reduce burden of upgrading aiSSEMBLE, the Baton project is used to automate the migration of some files to the new version. These migrations run automatically when you build your project, and are included by default when you update the build-parent version in your root POM. Below is a description of all of the Baton migrations that are included with this version of aiSSEMBLE.

Migration Name Description
upgrade-tiltfile-aissemble-version-migration Updates the aiSSEMBLE version within your project's Tiltfile
upgrade-v2-chart-files-aissemble-version-migration Updates the helm chart dependencies within your project's deployment resources (<YOUR_PROJECT>-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/) to use the latest version of the aiSSEMBLE
upgrade-v1-chart-files-aissemble-version-migration Updates the docker image tags within your project's deployment resources (<YOUR_PROJECT>-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/) to use the latest version of the aiSSEMBLE
upgrade-mlflow-v2-external-s3-migration Update the mlflow V2 deployment (if present) in your project to utilize Localstack for local development and SealedSecrets for remote deployments
upgrade-spark-application-s3-migration Update the pipeline SparkApplication(s) (if present) in your project to utilize Localstack for local development and SealedSecrets for remote deployments
upgrade-foundation-extension-python-package-migration Updates the pyproject.toml files within your projects pipelines folder (<YOUR_PROJECT>-pipelines) to use the updated aiSSEMBLE foundation and extension Python packages with the latest naming convention
upgrade-helm-chart-names-migration Updates the Chart.yaml and values*.yaml files within your project's deploy folder (<YOUR_PROJECT>-deploy) to use the new Helm chart naming convention (aissemble-<chart-name>-chart).
upgrade-helm-module-names-migration Updates the Chart.yaml and values*.yaml files within your project's deploy folder (<YOUR_PROJECT>-deploy) to use the new Helm module naming convention (aissemble-<chart-name>-chart)
upgrade-helm-chart-repository-url-migration Updates the Helm repository URL within your project's deploy Chart.yaml file to point to Only runs if the previous Helm chart repository URL is passed in through the oldHelmRepositoryUrl system property (using -DoldHelmRepositoryUrl)
upgrade-dockerfile-pip-install-migration Updates dockerfiles such that python dependency installations fail during the build, rather than at runtime
enable-habushu-build-cache-migration Updates the pom.xml file for any Habushu-managed modules to ensure that the build directory is specified.
data-lineage-package-import-migration Updates the package imports for all java files that are referencing
upgrade-spark-application-exec-migration. Fixes the exec-maven-plugin executions in pipeline POMs to use the new aissemble-spark-application-chart package
upgrade-project-specific-image-naming-convention-migration Updates the project specific aiSSEMBLE generated image names by removing the boozallen/ prefix

To deactivate any of these migrations, add the following configuration to the baton-maven-plugin within your root pom.xml:

+        <configuration>
+             <deactivateMigrations>
+                 <deactivateMigration>NAME_OF_MIGRATION</deactivateMigration>
+                 <deactivateMigration>NAME_OF_MIGRATION</deactivateMigration>
+             </deactivateMigrations>
+        </configuration>

Precondition Steps - Required for All Projects

Beginning the Upgrade

To start your aiSSEMBLE upgrade, update your project's pom.xml to use the 1.7.0 version of the build-parent:


Delete the Old maven-clean-plugin Version

In order to follow the standard naming conventions for maven properties, the original property used for the
maven-clean-plugin version no longer exists. To resolve the Maven failure this causes, delete the version from the
plugin in *-deploy/pom.xml. This can be achieved with:

sed -i'' -e '/version.clean.plugin/d' *-deploy/pom.xml

Update Maven Repository Configuration

Update the following properties in your project's root pom.xml file with the appropriate Maven repository IDs and URLs
for publishing and retrieving releases and snapshots. Adjust for your project as appropriate:


Update Habushu to Point to Your Private PyPI Repository

Add the following property and plugin into your project's root pom.xml file with the appropriate PyPI repository URL (Nexus is used
in this example - adjust for your project, as appropriate):

              Ensure you have configured credentials for this repo, as explained in the following link:

Add the Helm Publishing Repository Configuration

Add the following property into your project's root pom.xml file with the appropriate Helm repository URL and name you wish to publish your charts to (Nexus is used in this example - adjust for your project, as appropriate):


Update the following plugin within your project's -deploy/pom.xml file. Adjust for your project as appropriate:


For further configurations that can be set for your specific Helm repository needs, please see the helm-maven-plugin documentation

Update Docker Repository Configuration

Update the docker repository in your project's root pom.xml file with the appropriate docker repository URL
for publishing and retrieving docker images. Adjust for your project as appropriate:


Additionally, add the docker repoId in the orphedomos-maven-plugin configuration in the project's -docker/pom.xml file.

Update Tiltfile with New Docker Repository

Update the build_args defined in your Tiltfile to point DOCKER_BASELINE_REPO_ID to the docker repository

+ build_args = { 'DOCKER_BASELINE_REPO_ID': '',
               'VERSION_AISSEMBLE': aissemble_version}

Update v1 Helm Charts with New Docker Repository

Update the values.yaml file for any v1 helm charts in your -deploy/apps directory to point to the correct repository.

Github Container Registry Images

If you have a v1 chart that is included in this list

  • hive-metastore-db
  • hive-metastore-service
  • jenkins
  • kafka
  • metadata
  • spark-infrastructure

Then you will need to update the dockerRepo value in the corresponding values.yaml file to point to "":

+   dockerRepo: ""

Model Training

If you leverage model-training-api and/or model-training-api-sagemaker, update the image name to point to like so:

+  name:

for sagemaker:

+  name:

Conditional Steps

Upgrade Steps for Projects Leveraging the aiSSEMBLE Kafka Image

If you are leveraging the aissemble-kafka image and are adding custom files to the Kafka home directory either through a Docker build or a Helm configuration, you will need to change the location of these files from /opt/kafka/ to /opt/bitnami/kafka/.

Upgrade Steps for Projects Leveraging Data Lineage

DataLineage and ModelLineage Event Customization

We have made adjustments regarding customizing the lineage event so that we can customize the lineage event based on the event type. If you have overridden any of the functions in the table below, they will need to be updated to their type-specific variants that are outlined in the What Gets Generated section of the Lineage documentation.

Python Method Signature Java Method Signature
create_run(self) → Run Run createRun()
create_job(self) → Job Job createJob()
create_run_event(self, run: Run, job: Job, status: str) → RunEvent RunEvent createRunEvent(Run run, Job job, String status)

Updated Namespace Conventions with Data Lineage

In order to follow standards for defining namespaces for OpenLineage Jobs and Datasets, the default behavior around namespace values has been changed. The namespace values should be configured in the file. If your project does not already have this file, it will be automatically generated the next time you build. The following namespace configuration changes should be made.

If your pipeline leverages any lineage Datasets, you must define a namespace for each dataset, per the configuration guidance in the Lineage documentation:


If you are already setting the data.lineage.namespace value in your <project-name>-docker/<project-name>-spark-worker-docker/src/main/resources/krausening/base/ file, it is recommended that you follow the configuration documentation and set data.lineage.<pipeline>.namespace and data.lineage.<pipeline>.<step>.namespace instead.

Associate Step Lineage Events to Pipeline

The data lineage now supports pipeline level lineage run event, which provides the parent run facet for all the step level lineage events, and helps to preserve pipeline-step job hierarchy and to tie all the step level lineage events' job together. To leverage this functionality, modify the driver class of your pipeline to import PipelineBase and using this, record the start and end lineage events of the pipeline execution.

pyspark pipeline driver class
  from krausening.logging import LogManager
+ from <pipeline_name>.generated.pipeline.pipeline_base import PipelineBase

  if __name__ == "__main__":"STARTED: FirstProcess driver")
+     PipelineBase().record_pipeline_lineage_start_event()
+     PipelineBase().record_pipeline_lineage_complete_event()
spark pipeline driver class
+ import <base.package>.pipeline.PipelineBase;
  import org.slf4j.Logger;

  public static void main(String[] args) {"STARTED: {} driver", "SparkPipeline");

+   PipelineBase.getInstance().recordPipelineLineageStartEvent();
    final Step2 step2 = CDI.current().select(Step2.class, new Any.Literal()).get();
    CompletionStage<Void> step2Result = step2.executeStep();
+   PipelineBase.getInstance().recordPipelineLineageCompleteEvent();

Final Steps - Required for All Projects

Finalizing the Upgrade

  1. Run mvn org.technologybrewery.baton:baton-maven-plugin:baton-migrate -DoldHelmRepositoryUrl=<old-helm-repo> to apply the automatic migrations
  2. Run mvn clean install and resolve any manual actions that are suggested
    • NOTE: This will update any aiSSEMBLE dependencies in 'pyproject.toml' files automatically
  3. Repeat the previous step until all manual actions are resolved

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: