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This is a frontend for Aurorae Biolabs, an online e-commerce site for selling customized cells, based in San Diego. Our goals were to make a secure, intuitive and good looking site that would be fitting for an actual company rather than as a student project.

Framework and Software

The framework this project is using is svelte-kit. It allows for faster and more efficient coding than a regular static project. On top of that we use tailwind CSS and Dasiy UI for CSS and making the whole site look better. We also use Firebase which is google's authentication service that provides websites with free industry level security and verification. While Firebase does allow coded api's we decided to use a java backend which can be found at this link: Finally, the whole site is deployed with vercel which is a free deployment company for private projects.


  • Product Page, for viewing products and adding them to the cart.
  • Cart Page, for changing quantites, removing products from the cart, seeing the price of what you're buying and eventually leading to a checkout.
  • Contact Page, send a specific message to the admins of the site with details about who you are and who you work for.
  • Admin Page, for specified admin roles only being able to access for adding products to the product page and viewing the sent messages from the contact page.
  • Sign Up Page, for creating a user account.
  • Login Page, for sigining into a created account to access parts of the site that require it.
  • Settings Page, for changing email, changing password or deleting your account (Security features for inputing password for each element).
  • Home Page, for a general explanation of the company with links and buttons to other parts of the site.
  • Services Page, a more detailed overview about what the company can do for their customers.
  • About Us Page, who the company is, where they reside, and what they do and strive for.