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E2ENet: Dynamic Sparse Feature Fusion for Accurate and Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation

The framework of E2ENet

E2ENet: Dynamic Sparse Feature Fusion for Accurate and Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation. Boqian Wu, Qiao Xiao, Shiwei Liu, Lu Yin, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Decebal Constantin Mocanu, Maurice Van Keulen, Elena Mocanu

Deep neural networks have evolved as the leading approach in 3D medical image segmentation due to their outstanding performance. However, the ever-increasing model size and computation cost of deep neural networks have become the primary barrier to deploying them on real-world resource-limited hardware. In pursuit of improving performance and efficiency, we propose a 3D medical image segmentation model, named Efficient to Efficient Network (E2ENet), incorporating two parametrically and computationally efficient designs. i. Dynamic sparse feature fusion (DSFF) mechanism: it adaptively learns to fuse informative multi-scale features while reducing redundancy. ii. Restricted depth-shift in 3D convolution: it leverages the 3D spatial information while keeping the model and computational complexity as 2D-based methods. We conduct extensive experiments on BTCV, AMOS-CT and Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge, demonstrating that E2ENet consistently achieves a superior trade-off between accuracy and efficiency than prior arts across various resource constraints. In particular, with a single model and single scale, E2ENet achieves comparable accuracy on the large-scale challenge AMOS-CT, while saving over 68% parameter count and 29% FLOPs in the inference phase, compared with the previous best-performing method.

Link to paper 🍺


For a full list of software packages and version numbers, see the file requirement.txt.


STEP 1: Experiment planning and preprocessing

Put your raw dataset in the correct folder (nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/TaskXXX_MYTASK

python -u e2enet/experiment_planning/ -t xxx 

XXX is the integer identifier associated with your Task name TaskXXX_MYTASK.

STEP 2: Model training

We trains E2ENet in a 5-fold cross-validation, as nnUNet.

python -u --task XXX --network 3d_fullres --Tconv shiftConvPP --fold $fold --max_num_epochs 1000 
--num_batches_per_epoch 250 --sparse True --sparse_init uniform --growth random --density $density
--fix False --update_frequency 1200 --death-rate 0.5 

$fold specifies which fold of the 5-fold-cross-validaton is trained. $density is the density of E2ENet (e.g., 0.2)

Notice: please assign the path for 'network_training_output_dir_base' in before training.

STEP 3: Segemtation results predicting

  • Segemtation results predicting for specific fold
python -u -f $fold -o $OUTPUT_FOLDER/fold_$fold -m 3d_fullres -t XXX --Tconv shiftConvPP
  • Segmentation results predicted based on the ensembling of 5 folds
python -u -o $OUTPUT_FOLDER -m 3d_fullres -t XXX --Tconv shiftConvPP

STEP 4: Results evaluating on the provided metrics

python -u -ref nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/TaskXXX/labelsVa -pred $OUTPUT_FOLDER


Our code is based on the nnUNetV1 framework.


Offical code for "E2ENet: Dynamic Sparse Feature Fusion for Accurate and Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation"






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