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A WordPress plugin that allows you to put reusable content wherever you want.


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This WordPress plugin will enable content distribution across your site in a post-like way with the power of a flexible set of rules and an expandable set of places which tell WordPress where to show the Wherever Content.


WordPress’s native solution for static and/or reusable contents are – beside the specific theme-options – sidebars and widgets. Managing them is very different to post and pages. Not only the interface is completely different, the users actually need to know and understand the current theme’s internal structure: when and where it uses it’s sidebars, footers, navigations, etc. Changing a theme means mostly to learn and rebuild it’s widgets and widget areas. Not to mention repeating same widgets across different sidebars.

Wherever Content on the other hand is simple to understand: manage content in a post-like way with a configuration that relates each of them to your site’s contents and places.

Changing a banner spread across the blog, header images on a category archive page, footer logos, etc. is much easier in a searchable Wherever Content post-list than in the usual multiple sidebar widget-hell.

More specifically, useful and tested – and the why everything started – it enables the use of siteorigin’s page builder inside a Wherever Content post and to display it wherever you want. This means f.e. no more duplicated layouts and site-wide page-builder built footers.


  1. Add a new Wherever Content from the left admin menu (under Posts). Edit it like a normal post.
  2. Edit it’s rules and places in the configuration panel below WP’s richtext/block editor.
  3. Publish!

Custom Wherever Places

By default you can decide Wherever Contents to show in 3 places:

  • before, instead and after the content of other post and pages (see the the_content() function in your theme).
  • before the footer (see the get_footer() function in your theme).
  • before the sidebar (see the get_sidebar() function in your theme).

But you can add custom places to your theme wherever you want by registering new places in your themes function.php (like registering menus or sidebars) and declaring in your theme files where the custom places should display Wherever Content.

Registering Custom Places for your theme

  1. Open your themes functions.php
  2. On an 'init' action register as many places you want with register_wherever_places( $arguments ) being $arguments an array of arrays, each with the name and a slug for the custom place:
function my_custom_wherever_places() {
	 * Check if Wherever plugin is activated 
	 * and register_wherever_places() function exists
	if ( !function_exists( 'register_wherever_places' ) )
	// Register Custom Wherever Places for this theme
	register_wherever_places( array(
			'name' => 'Your Place Name',
			'slug' => 'your-place-slug'
			'name' => 'Your second Place Name',
			'slug' => 'your-second-place-slug'
	) );

add_action( 'init', 'my_custom_wherever_places' );

Specifying the place of the custom place in your theme

  1. Open the theme file you want to place Wherever Contents.
  2. Use <?php do_action('wherever_place', '{slug}' ); ?> to print out the Wherever content(s) at that place.


A common and useful example would be to build a multi-column footer section as a Wherever Content and to display it after the content (or in the footer) of all pages but not on that nice splash screen type front page!


  • The theme must contain the wp_head() function.


  1. Download and unzip
  2. Upload the “wherever-content” folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress



  • Fix Polylang plugin compatibility when taxonomy sync is enabled
  • Improved handling of DB options interaction


  • Fix carbon fields initialization errors


  • Filter based rules setup in admin and public
  • New template type location rules with check for 404, authors and search
  • Fix Blog (is_home()) template type


  • UI guidance editing rules (switch to JS based)


  • UI guidance editing places


  • code refactoring
  • place select options based on current registered places


  • code refactoring
  • localisation update for spanish


  • Gutenberg compatible
  • New settings page with options for disabling Gutenberg and SiteOrigin page builder optimization


  • Distribution now includes Carbon fields framework (v2.2.0). If you depend on Carbon Fields 1.6 download the 1.0.12 version.
  • Improved default setup of rules and places with guidance


  • execution optimization


  • various query optimizations


  • localisation of default place terms
  • new menu icon


  • Fix Wherever Content CSS classes on wrapper tags
  • Added filter hooks for CSS classes on the wrapper tag:
    • 'wherever_content_wrapper_classes' applies to all wrapper tags,
    • 'wherever_content_wrapper_classes_place_[place]' applies only to containers of specified place (f.e. content)
    • 'wherever_content_wrapper_classes_placement_[placement]' applies only to containers of specified placement (before, instead or after)
    • 'wherever_content_wrapper_classes_id_' applies only to containers of specified Wherever post id
  • Contents are now processed on the wp_head hook which trades dependency on site-origin pane’s script and styles for the theme-dependent but usually available wp_head() theme function.
  • Update spanish translation


  • Fix carbon field hooks (carbon fields 1.5 won’t initiate on init any more)
  • Add spanish translation



  • New archive page_type rule


  • fixes cases where same content in different places is injected multiple times
  • fixes loading of siteorigin styles and scripts in admin and frontend


  • New page parent rule
  • Hierachical indeted page selectors


  • Fixes for contents injected into footer, sidebar and custom places
  • Conditional logic for places showing placements only for Content
  • Drop support for Title as default place. Too many calls (in meta-tags, wp_nav_menu() and the_title()).
  • Code cleanup
  • Added Github Updater plugin compatibility

1.0.2 Does not include Carbon Fields plugin. Admin notice for the user to install and activate.

1.0.1 Initial published version


A WordPress plugin that allows you to put reusable content wherever you want.







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