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In this repo, you'll find the source code for the Border0 Terraform Provider. With this provider, you can provision and manage Border0 resources, such as sockets, policies, and connectors, using Terraform.


Copy the following code to your terraform config and run terraform init:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    border0 = {
      source  = "borderzero/border0"

provider "border0" {
  // Border0 access token. Required.
  // If not set explicitly, the provider will use the env var BORDER0_TOKEN.
  // You can generate a Border0 access token one by going to:
  // -> Organization Settings -> Access Tokens
  // and then create a token in Member permission groups.
  token = "_my_access_token_"

And explore the examples folder for additional use cases and examples. For a comprehensive step-by-step guide, check out our Quickstart Guide on

Terraform docs generation

To (re)generate docs, install tfplugindocs first:

go install

And then run:

make docs

Local development

Make the changes you'd like!

Then, navigate to the examples/development directory:

cd examples/development

Install a border0 terraform provider (which includes your local changes):

make init

Log in to border0

make token

Apply the development setup:

make apply

Destroy the development setup:

make destroy

Local release build

Install goreleaser:

brew install goreleaser

Run local release command and build terraform provider binaries

make release

You will find the releases in the /dist directory. You will need to rename the provider binary to terraform-provider-border0 and move the binary into the appropriate subdirectory within the user plugins directory.

Test configuration examples

Configuration examples can be tested with a local build of this terraform provider.

First, build and install the provider.

make install

Then, navigate to the examples directory.

cd examples

Run the following command to initialize the workspace and apply the sample configuration.

terraform init && terraform apply

Some different variations:

# run against prod api
BORDER0_TOKEN=_border0_auth_token_ terraform apply

# run with a local dev api that's listening to localhost:8080
BORDER0_TOKEN=_border0_auth_token_ BORDER0_API=http://localhost:8080/api/v1 terraform apply

Tag a new release

Create a new tag. Assuming the next release is v1.1.1.

git tag v1.1.1

Push the tag to GitHub.

git push origin v1.1.1

It will trigger the GitHub Actions release workflow.