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A public service that aggregates multiple social network feeds into one.

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Setting Up For Development

This guide assumes some familiarity with Rails. If you would like some more basic info see the Ruby on Rails Getting Started Guide or this tutorial.


In order to run the code in development you will need to install a Ruby interpretter (MRI Ruby 1.9.3 recommended) and Sqlite. On Mac and Window these dependencies can be installed through the Rails Installer Project.


Like most rails apps, the gem dependencies for RSSS are manage by bundler. To install them simply cd into the root folder of the app and run $ bundle install.

API Keys

RSSS needs API keys for Twitter integration. These are not checked into source controll for security reasons so in order to run the app you need header over to and create your own. Once you have done so create a copy of config/application.yml.example called config/application.yml and fill it in with your API credentials.

Create the Database

To create the database and setup the database run these two commands:

$ rake db:create:all
$ rake db:migrate

Start the Server

To start a development server running on your machine use the command: $ rails server. If you have followed the above steps correctly you should be able to visit the app at http://localhost:3000.


Really Simple Social Syndication






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