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Default methods for toJSON and parseJSON using the new DefaultSignatu…
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…res extension

The methods default to the generic implementations.
I had to move the generic implementations into the Types module
and define and export genericToJSON and genericFromJSON.
Other arrangements exists but this was the quickest to implement.
Note that the default methods are only enabled when the extension is available.
Currently this is the case for ghc >= 7.2.1.
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basvandijk committed Aug 15, 2011
1 parent a05e544 commit abf41d1
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Showing 3 changed files with 325 additions and 311 deletions.
312 changes: 5 additions & 307 deletions Data/Aeson/Generic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,313 +20,11 @@ module Data.Aeson.Generic
, toJSON
) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Aeson.Functions
import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), fromJSON)
import Data.Attoparsec.Number (Number)
import Data.Generics
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as DT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V

type T a = a -> Value

toJSON :: (Data a) => a -> Value
toJSON = toJSON_generic
`ext1Q` list
`ext1Q` vector
`ext1Q` set
`ext2Q'` mapAny
`ext2Q'` hashMapAny
-- Use the standard encoding for all base types.
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Integer)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int8)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int16)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int32)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int64)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word8)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word16)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word32)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word64)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Double)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Number)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Float)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Rational)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Char)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Text)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T LT.Text)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T String)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T B.ByteString)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T L.ByteString)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T T.Value)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T DotNetTime)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T UTCTime)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T IntSet)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Bool)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T ())
--`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Ordering)
list xs = Array . V.fromList . map toJSON $ xs
vector v = Array . toJSON $ v
set s = Array . V.fromList . map toJSON . Set.toList $ s

mapAny m
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = remap id
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = remap LT.toStrict
| tyrep == typeOf "" = remap pack
| tyrep == typeOf B.empty = remap decode
| tyrep == typeOf L.empty = remap strict
| otherwise = modError "toJSON" $
"cannot convert map keyed by type " ++ show tyrep
where tyrep = typeOf . head . Map.keys $ m
remap f = Object . transformMap (f . fromJust . cast) toJSON $ m

hashMapAny m
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = remap id
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = remap LT.toStrict
| tyrep == typeOf "" = remap pack
| tyrep == typeOf B.empty = remap decode
| tyrep == typeOf L.empty = remap strict
| otherwise = modError "toJSON" $
"cannot convert map keyed by type " ++ show tyrep
where tyrep = typeOf . head . H.keys $ m
remap f = Object . hashMap (f . fromJust . cast) toJSON $ m

toJSON_generic :: (Data a) => a -> Value
toJSON_generic = generic
-- Generic encoding of an algebraic data type.
generic a =
case dataTypeRep (dataTypeOf a) of
-- No constructor, so it must be an error value. Code
-- it anyway as Null.
AlgRep [] -> Null
-- Elide a single constructor and just code the arguments.
AlgRep [c] -> encodeArgs c (gmapQ toJSON a)
-- For multiple constructors, make an object with a
-- field name that is the constructor (except lower
-- case) and the data is the arguments encoded.
AlgRep _ -> encodeConstr (toConstr a) (gmapQ toJSON a)
rep -> err (dataTypeOf a) rep
err dt r = modError "toJSON" $ "not AlgRep " ++
show r ++ "(" ++ show dt ++ ")"
-- Encode nullary constructor as a string.
-- Encode non-nullary constructors as an object with the constructor
-- name as the single field and the arguments as the value.
-- Use an array if the are no field names, but elide singleton arrays,
-- and use an object if there are field names.
encodeConstr c [] = String . constrString $ c
encodeConstr c as = object [(constrString c, encodeArgs c as)]

constrString = pack . showConstr

encodeArgs c = encodeArgs' (constrFields c)
encodeArgs' [] [j] = j
encodeArgs' [] js = Array . V.fromList $ js
encodeArgs' ns js = object $ zip (map mungeField ns) js

-- Skip leading '_' in field name so we can use keywords
-- etc. as field names.
mungeField ('_':cs) = pack cs
mungeField cs = pack cs
import Data.Aeson.Types (Value, Result, genericFromJSON, genericToJSON)
import Data.Data (Data)

fromJSON :: (Data a) => Value -> Result a
fromJSON = parse parseJSON

type F a = Parser a

parseJSON :: (Data a) => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON j = parseJSON_generic j
`ext1R` list
`ext1R` vector
`ext2R'` mapAny
`ext2R'` hashMapAny
-- Use the standard encoding for all base types.
`extR` (value :: F Integer)
`extR` (value :: F Int)
`extR` (value :: F Int8)
`extR` (value :: F Int16)
`extR` (value :: F Int32)
`extR` (value :: F Int64)
`extR` (value :: F Word)
`extR` (value :: F Word8)
`extR` (value :: F Word16)
`extR` (value :: F Word32)
`extR` (value :: F Word64)
`extR` (value :: F Double)
`extR` (value :: F Number)
`extR` (value :: F Float)
`extR` (value :: F Rational)
`extR` (value :: F Char)
`extR` (value :: F Text)
`extR` (value :: F LT.Text)
`extR` (value :: F String)
`extR` (value :: F B.ByteString)
`extR` (value :: F L.ByteString)
`extR` (value :: F T.Value)
`extR` (value :: F DotNetTime)
`extR` (value :: F UTCTime)
`extR` (value :: F IntSet)
`extR` (value :: F Bool)
`extR` (value :: F ())
value :: (T.FromJSON a) => Parser a
value = T.parseJSON j
list :: (Data a) => Parser [a]
list = V.toList <$> parseJSON j
vector :: (Data a) => Parser (V.Vector a)
vector = case j of
Array js -> V.mapM parseJSON js
_ -> myFail
mapAny :: forall e f. (Data e, Data f) => Parser (Map.Map f e)
| tyrep `elem` stringyTypes = res
| otherwise = myFail
where res = case j of
Object js -> Map.mapKeysMonotonic trans <$> T.mapM parseJSON js
_ -> myFail
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = remap id
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = remap LT.fromStrict
| tyrep == typeOf "" = remap DT.unpack
| tyrep == typeOf B.empty = remap encodeUtf8
| tyrep == typeOf L.empty = remap lazy
| otherwise = modError "parseJSON"
"mapAny -- should never happen"
tyrep = typeOf (undefined :: f)
remap f = fromJust . cast . f
hashMapAny :: forall e f. (Data e, Data f) => Parser (H.HashMap f e)
| tyrep == typeOf "" = process DT.unpack
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = process LT.fromStrict
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = process id
| otherwise = myFail
process f = maybe myFail return . cast =<< parseWith f
parseWith :: (Eq c, Hashable c) => (Text -> c) -> Parser (H.HashMap c e)
parseWith f = case j of
Object js -> H.fromList . map (first f) . Map.toList <$>
T.mapM parseJSON js
_ -> myFail
tyrep = typeOf (undefined :: f)
myFail = modFail "parseJSON" $ "bad data: " ++ show j
stringyTypes = [typeOf LT.empty, typeOf DT.empty, typeOf B.empty,
typeOf L.empty, typeOf ""]

parseJSON_generic :: (Data a) => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON_generic j = generic
typ = dataTypeOf $ resType generic
generic = case dataTypeRep typ of
AlgRep [] -> case j of
Null -> return (modError "parseJSON" "empty type")
_ -> modFail "parseJSON" "no-constr bad data"
AlgRep [_] -> decodeArgs (indexConstr typ 1) j
AlgRep _ -> do (c, j') <- getConstr typ j; decodeArgs c j'
rep -> modFail "parseJSON" $
show rep ++ "(" ++ show typ ++ ")"
getConstr t (Object o) | [(s, j')] <- fromJSObject o = do
c <- readConstr' t s
return (c, j')
getConstr t (String js) = do c <- readConstr' t (unpack js)
return (c, Null) -- handle nullary ctor
getConstr _ _ = modFail "parseJSON" "bad constructor encoding"
readConstr' t s =
maybe (modFail "parseJSON" $ "unknown constructor: " ++ s ++ " " ++
show t)
return $ readConstr t s

decodeArgs c0 = go (numConstrArgs (resType generic) c0) c0
(constrFields c0)
go 0 c _ Null = construct c [] -- nullary constructor
go 1 c [] jd = construct c [jd] -- unary constructor
go n c [] (Array js)
| n > 1 = construct c (V.toList js) -- no field names
-- FIXME? We could allow reading an array into a constructor
-- with field names.
go _ c fs@(_:_) (Object o) = selectFields o fs >>=
construct c -- field names
go _ c _ jd = modFail "parseJSON" $
"bad decodeArgs data " ++ show (c, jd)
fromJSON = genericFromJSON

fromJSObject = map (first unpack) . Map.toList

-- Build the value by stepping through the list of subparts.
construct c = evalStateT $ fromConstrM f c
where f :: (Data a) => StateT [Value] Parser a
f = do js <- get
case js of
[] -> lift $ modFail "construct" "empty list"
(j':js') -> do put js'; lift $ parseJSON j'

-- Select the named fields from a JSON object.
selectFields fjs = mapM sel
where sel f = maybe (modFail "parseJSON" $ "field does not exist " ++
f) return $ Map.lookup (pack f) fjs

-- Count how many arguments a constructor has. The value x is
-- used to determine what type the constructor returns.
numConstrArgs :: (Data a) => a -> Constr -> Int
numConstrArgs x c = execState (fromConstrM f c `asTypeOf` return x) 0
where f = do modify (+1); return undefined

resType :: MonadPlus m => m a -> a
resType _ = modError "parseJSON" "resType"

modFail :: (Monad m) => String -> String -> m a
modFail func err = fail $ "Data.Aeson.Generic." ++ func ++ ": " ++ err

modError :: String -> String -> a
modError func err = error $ "Data.Aeson.Generic." ++ func ++ ": " ++ err

-- Type extension for binary type constructors.

-- | Flexible type extension
ext2' :: (Data a, Typeable2 t)
=> c a
-> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => c (t d1 d2))
-> c a
ext2' def ext = maybe def id (dataCast2 ext)

-- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
ext2Q' :: (Data d, Typeable2 t)
=> (d -> q)
-> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> q)
-> d -> q
ext2Q' def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext2'` (Q ext))

-- | Type extension of readers for type constructors
ext2R' :: (Monad m, Data d, Typeable2 t)
=> m d
-> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => m (t d1 d2))
-> m d
ext2R' def ext = unR ((R def) `ext2'` (R ext))

-- | The type constructor for queries
newtype Q q x = Q { unQ :: x -> q }

-- | The type constructor for readers
newtype R m x = R { unR :: m x }
toJSON :: (Data a) => a -> Value
toJSON = genericToJSON

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