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Introduce a Number type, when both speed and accuracy count
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bos committed Feb 16, 2011
1 parent c5f04af commit 658091d
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Showing 3 changed files with 142 additions and 5 deletions.
30 changes: 25 additions & 5 deletions Data/Attoparsec/Char8.hs
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ module Data.Attoparsec.Char8
, hexadecimal
, signed
, double
, Number(..)
, number
, rational

-- * State observation and manipulation functions
Expand All @@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ((*>), (<$>), (<|>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
import Data.Attoparsec.FastSet (charClass, memberChar)
import Data.Attoparsec.Internal (Parser, (<?>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Number (Number(..))
import Data.Bits (Bits, (.|.), shiftL)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,7 +389,7 @@ data T = T !Integer !Int
-- >rational "" == Done 3.0 ".foo"
-- >rational "3e" == Done 3.0 "e"
rational :: RealFloat a => Parser a
rational :: Fractional a => Parser a
{-# SPECIALIZE rational :: Parser Double #-}
rational = floaty $ \real frac fracDenom -> fromRational $
real % 1 + frac % fracDenom
Expand All @@ -404,11 +407,28 @@ rational = floaty $ \real frac fracDenom -> fromRational $
-- around the 15th decimal place. For 0.001% of numbers, this
-- function will lose precision at the 13th or 14th decimal place.
double :: Parser Double
double = floaty $ \real frac fracDenom ->
fromIntegral real +
fromIntegral frac / fromIntegral fracDenom
double = floaty asDouble

floaty :: RealFloat a => (Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> a) -> Parser a
asDouble :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Double
asDouble real frac fracDenom =
fromIntegral real + fromIntegral frac / fromIntegral fracDenom
{-# INLINE asDouble #-}

-- | Parse a number, attempting to preserve both speed and precision.
-- The syntax accepted by this parser is the same as for 'rational'.
-- /Note/: This function is almost ten times faster than 'rational'.
-- On integral inputs, it gives perfectly accurate answers, and on
-- floating point inputs, it is slightly less accurate than
-- 'rational'.
number :: Parser Number
number = floaty $ \real frac fracDenom ->
if frac == 0 && fracDenom == 0
then I real
else D (asDouble real frac fracDenom)

floaty :: Fractional a => (Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> a) -> Parser a
{-# INLINE floaty #-}
floaty f = do
let minus = 45
Expand Down
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions Data/Attoparsec/Number.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Attoparsec.Number
-- Copyright : Bryan O'Sullivan 2011
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- A simple number type, useful for parsing both exact and inexact
-- quantities without losing much precision.
-- The constructors are non-strict, but numeric operations are strict
-- just in case you go nuts and try to use this type for actual
-- arithmetic.
module Data.Attoparsec.Number
) where

import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

-- | A numeric type that can represent integers accurately, and
-- floating point numbers to the precision of a 'Double'.
data Number = I Integer
| D Double
deriving (Typeable, Data)

instance Show Number where
show (I a) = show a
show (D a) = show a

binop :: (Integer -> Integer -> a) -> (Double -> Double -> a)
-> Number -> Number -> a
binop i _ (I a) (I b) = i a b
binop _ d (D a) (D b) = d a b
binop _ d (D a) (I b) = d a (fromIntegral b)
binop _ d (I a) (D b) = d (fromIntegral a) b
{-# INLINE binop #-}

instance Eq Number where
(==) = binop (==) (==)
{-# INLINE (==) #-}

(/=) = binop (/=) (/=)
{-# INLINE (/=) #-}

instance Ord Number where
(<) = binop (<) (<)
{-# INLINE (<) #-}

(>) = binop (>) (>)
{-# INLINE (>) #-}

instance Num Number where
(+) = binop (((I$!).) . (+)) (((D$!).) . (+))
{-# INLINE (+) #-}

(-) = binop (((I$!).) . (-)) (((D$!).) . (-))
{-# INLINE (-) #-}

(*) = binop (((I$!).) . (+)) (((D$!).) . (+))
{-# INLINE (*) #-}

abs (I a) = I $! abs a
abs (D a) = D $! abs a
{-# INLINE abs #-}

negate (I a) = I $! negate a
negate (D a) = D $! negate a
{-# INLINE negate #-}

signum (I a) = I $! signum a
signum (D a) = D $! signum a
{-# INLINE signum #-}

fromInteger = (I$!) . fromInteger
{-# INLINE fromInteger #-}

instance Real Number where
toRational (I a) = fromIntegral a
toRational (D a) = toRational a
{-# INLINE toRational #-}

instance Fractional Number where
fromRational = (D$!) . fromRational
{-# INLINE fromRational #-}

(/) = binop (((D$!).) . (/) `on` fromIntegral)
(((D$!).) . (/))
{-# INLINE (/) #-}

recip (I a) = D $! recip (fromIntegral a)
recip (D a) = D $! recip a
{-# INLINE recip #-}

instance RealFrac Number where
properFraction (I a) = (fromIntegral a,0)
properFraction (D a) = case properFraction a of
(i,d) -> (i,D d)
{-# INLINE properFraction #-}
truncate (I a) = fromIntegral a
truncate (D a) = truncate a
{-# INLINE truncate #-}
round (I a) = fromIntegral a
round (D a) = round a
{-# INLINE round #-}
ceiling (I a) = fromIntegral a
ceiling (D a) = ceiling a
{-# INLINE ceiling #-}
floor (I a) = fromIntegral a
floor (D a) = floor a
{-# INLINE floor #-}
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions attoparsec.cabal
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ library
other-modules: Data.Attoparsec.Internal
ghc-options: -Wall

if flag(developer)
Expand Down

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