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This module provides a set of functions to calculate various readability scores for a given text. These scores can be used to estimate the reading difficulty level of the text include TypeScript.

The rewrite of the original text-readability module in JavaScript.


npm install text-readability-ts


yarn add text-readability-ts


import readability from 'text-readability-ts';

const text = 'This is a sample text.';
const score = readability.fleschKincaidReadingEase(text);

const grade = readability.textStandard(text);

Available Functions

  • getGradeSuffix(grade: number): Returns the grade suffix of the given grade.
  • charCount(text: string, ignoreSpaces: boolean = true): Returns the character count of the given text.
  • letterCount(text: string, ignoreSpaces: boolean = true): Returns the letter count of the given text.
  • removePunctuation(text: string): Removes punctuation from the given text.
  • split(text: string): Splits the given text into an array of strings.
  • lexiconCount(text: string, removePunctuation: boolean = true): Calculates the number of words present in the text.
  • syllableCount(text: string, lang: string = 'en-US'): Returns the number of syllables present in the given text.
  • sentenceCount(text: string): Returns the number of sentences present in the given text.
  • averageSentenceLength(text: string): Returns the average sentence length of the given text.
  • averageSyllablePerWord(text: string): Returns the average syllable per word of the given text.
  • averageCharacterPerWord(text: string): Returns the average character per word of the given text.
  • averageLetterPerWord(text: string): Returns the average letter per word of the given text.
  • averageSentencePerWord(text: string): Returns the average sentence per word of the given text.
  • fleschReadingEase(text: string): Returns the Flesch Reading Ease Score.
  • fleschReadingEaseToGrade(score: number): Returns the grade level of the text using the Flesch Reading Ease Score.
  • fleschKincaidGrade(text: string): Returns the Flesch-Kincaid Grade of the given text.
  • polySyllableCount(text: string): Returns the polysyllable count of the given text.
  • smogIndex(text: string): Returns the SMOG index of the given text.
  • colemanLiauIndex(text: string): Returns the grade level of the text using the Coleman-Liau Formula.
  • automatedReadabilityIndex(text: string): Returns the ARI (Automated Readability Index) of the given text.
  • linsearWriteFormula(text: string): Returns the grade level using the Linsear Write Formula.
  • presentTense(word: string): Returns the present tense of the given word.
  • difficultWords(text: string, syllableThreshold: number = 2): Returns the number of difficult words in the given text.
  • daleChallReadabilityScore(text: string): Returns the New Dale-Chall Formula score of the given text.
  • daleChallToGrade(score: number): Returns the grade level using the New Dale-Chall Formula.
  • gunningFog(text: string): Returns the FOG index of the given text.
  • lix(text: string): Returns the LIX of the given text.
  • rix(text: string): Returns the RIX of the given text.
  • textStandard(text: string, floatOutput: boolean | null = null): Based upon all the above tests, returns the estimated school grade level required to understand the text.
  • textMedian(text: string): Returns the median grade level of the given text.


npm package includes TypeScript and is designed to calculate various statistics from text in order to determine the readability, complexity, and grade level of a given corpus.








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